Page Four THE COLLEGE NEWS . What For Next Year: The Journal of Accountancy, New York. Editorial Assistant. Typing essential, shorthand desir- able. Some proof reading, writ- ing, research, editing, etc. “A little economics or business knowledge wouldn’t do any harm; a little ac- quaintance with accounting term- inology would be a great help, but unlikely.” $50 a week for secre- tarial competence.” * * * For the Summer and Next Year: The Republican National Com- mittee has written asking for vol- unteers. The Committee is anxibus to enlist as many young women as possible, especially those who have “shown capacity for leadership in non-partisan groups.” Although the Republican Com-| mittee is the only one which has made an actual request so far, vol- unteers will undoubtedly be equal- ly welcome at Democratic and Progressive Headquarters. See your local committees. MAYO and PAYNE Cards’ = Gifts RADIO Parts Repairs 821 LANCASTER AVE. BRYN MAWR To Do- The Washington Public Library may have some summer jobs. See Miss Bates for details. Mr. Macdonald of the Pennsyl- vania State Employment Service will come to the college to register students for summer jobs any- where in the country. He will be in Room H, Taylor Hall, from 2 to 5: Thursday, April 29th Tuesday, May 4th Thursday, May 6th A schedule of appointments is posted outside of Room H. —". “Most Likely to Succeed” SEAM-FREE NYLONS WITH PATENTED HEEL First choice in nylons among smart college girls is the seam-free hosiery that bears the Seal of the Dancinc Twins. Exclusive, patented heel* gives snug fit at ankle, heel and instep; the famous Gussetoe assures comfort! No twisting seams to worry about. Look for them under leading brand names at your favorite college shop or store. #U. 8. Pat. No. 2888649 6 P ow TW, by eareetio wtte college training FALL PEIRCE A GREAT CATALYSER Specialized preparation accelerates the practical application of Administrative positions of challenge and reward beckon the college graduate possessing sure skills in modern secretarial techniques. SUMMER TERM —9 WEEKS, BEGINNING JUNE 14 RM — DAY, SEPT. 7— EVENING, SEPT. 20 Early Enrollment Advisable SCHOOL of Business Administration Peirce School Building, Pine St. West of Broad, Philadelphia 2, Pa. Call, write or ‘phone PE 5-2100 for catalog and detailed information Get Refreshed Before Maypole Dancing at the COLLEGE INN to hide her ans “Oy gyyy BO “No, she’s not crazy... ‘she simply refuses ats ——--—§ee" Them in Philadelphia at LIT BROS. @ OPPENHEIM-COLLINS | Free booklet: “WARDROBE TRICKS”. Write Jedy Bond, tac., Dept. B, 1375 Broadway, New York 18 aunt CVERvy, gto grte® Wey Continued from Page 1 man. Next game will be at Drexel on Thursday, April 29. Lacrosse, News Saturday, April 24th, was La- crosse Play Day at Swarthmore, with Beaver, Bryn Mawr, Penn, Swarthmore and Temple partici- pating. Bryn Mawr lost to Beav- er, Swarthmore and Penn by scores of 2-0, 2-1, 5-0, but did very well considering that many of its mem- bers started lacrosse this spring. Cards must be filled out before interviews. Get them from Miss Bates. y Athletic Assoc. Award Night Gives Honors To 51 Participants in Various Sports , ,Credit goes to ‘Coach Sue Cross, Captain Libby Grey and Manager Bunny McClenahan. The team was as follows (star- red members have never played be- fore this year): Goalie, Grey; point, Spayde*; cover point, Sav- age*; third man, Turner*; left de- fense wing, Goss*; right defense WHITE DRESSES FOR MAY DAY Tennis and Golf Dresses Cotton and Sharkskin ee wing, Marshall; center, Abernethy; left attack wing, Howells*; right attack wing, P. McClenahan; third home, Parker; second home, Stone; first home, B. McClenahan. Fill Your May Day Baskets With Flowers from JEANNETT’S BRYN MAWR CURRENTLY STARRING IN “THE BIG CLOCK” A PARAMOUNT PICTURE | No OTHER CIGARETTE CAN TAKE CHESTERFIELD'S PLACE WITH ME. THEY SATISFY.” Ray (Wildand tobacco flavor. WHY... smoke Chesterfield (FROM A SERIES OF STATEMENTS BY PROMINENT TOBACCO FARMERS ) Liggett & Myers buy top quality cigarette tobacco and pay top prices forit... nobody will average paying more than they do year in and year out. I’ve been smoking Chesterfields ever since I’ve been smoking. I just like them... they have real Ylllaem FARMER=DANVILLE, VA. i So ee SET See eee ee eee f* Pan