THE COLLEGE NEWS. , : ad —% Page Three “Top Secret’ Discloses* Faculty Stamina; Lyrics and. Ballet Contribute Variety Continued from Page 2 had . The hell you say it is The quartet was visibly affected, by the. pathetic sentiment of the | final song: “I wanna kiss papa goodnight”. The academic atmosphere was restored by the “Great Flexible Lecture.” In spite of competition from the snores of the slide man, (strangely enough his former col- league, Mr. Soper) “Herr Schloane”’ offered some worthy comments on art (“for heaven’s sake”) which’ were reminiscent of remarks made in Library 1. Mr. Soper’s choice of slides showed a total lack of discrimination and appreciation of the aims of the distingished lec- turer. With mounting wrath, mark- | ed by his “This is not Venus; this is not even Elsie” in a heavy Teu- tonic accent, the herr lecturer fought on to the end and asserted his ‘triumph with the aid of a pop gun. Mr. Frank’s score, now 75%, was recorded on the thermometer by Miss Lograsso’s wicked carpen- ter’s rule, as two able vocalists stamped onto the stage. Mrs. Man- ning and Mr. Crenshaw achieved true barroom drama in “The Bag: | THE ARDMORE BOOKSHOP, Inc. Ardmore, Pa. BOOKS STATIONERY gage Coach Ahead”. Baby’s cries might not “waken the dead in the car ahead”, but the former queen bee’s certainly could, though she modestly said to her partner, “you made me what I am”. The already famous “Spring in a Roman Garden” was followed by “A Primitive Seed Planting Tran- scribed into a Modern Mode”. Three faculty-members, most masculine in their: long underwear, thumped on their chests above cowed women but in the end were subjected to female domination. Mrs. Landes’s green watering can was replaced by a flit gun for an appropriate touch. The dance was made ef- ments and skillful choreography. Semester Grades Students are reminded that only the members of the grad- uating class receive their course cards, with grades for the sec- ond semester, through campus mail before Commencement. The course cards of all other students will be mailed to their home addresses, as given in the Finding List. Students wishing their course cards sent to some other addresses should leave the information with the Record: er’s Office. The grades should not be expected before the end « of June. 4 Professors Discuss Philos. of History Continued from Page 2 history but by what they are; what a society will be is determined by fective by its clearly defined move-| what ngen will do with the fruits from the past. Since determinism The finale, “A Local Variant of; tries to make ideas forces, histor- *by screeching bagpipes from the Continued on Page 4 LONG - AWAITED JUST ARRIVED! i a Espadrilles Huraches MEXICAN SHOP Suburban Square Ardmore * back of Goodhart. The splendid | | Spring Ceremonies Not Studied by|jcal decision must also be consid- Sir James Frazer”, was heralded! eyed, » HUBBS STORE COMPLETE FOOD MARKET : “QUALITY, SERVICE ECONOMY | ' ’ E for more than ; 30 Years”’ 4 I. 850 Lancaster Ave. . Bryn Mawr , B.M. Exhibits Fi rst Rate Playing In Athletic Events of the Week by Gwynne Williams ’50 The tennis matches against the Merion ‘Cricket Club, May 9, were the best of the season. They could not have been surpassed for steadi- ness and expertness of rallies and games, and the opponents were well matched. Soa Gwen Groves defeated” Mrs. Ho- mer of Merion, who is the Penn- sylvania and Delaware champion, ! 6-4, 6-3. The power and well-judg- ed placement of Gwen’s shots were outstanding. The other _ single matches were well played, but Bryn Mawr’s opponents were more experienced, and Merion won. In For a Relief — From Exam Pressure STROLL OVER TO THE BLU COMET FOR A HEARTY SNACK MAYO and PAYNE Card: Gifts RADIO Parts Repairs 821 LANCASTER AVE. BRYN MAWR © From colleges coast to coast busi- ness-minded young women come to Katharine Gibbs for secretarial training. Career opportunities listed in booklet, GrsBS GIRLS AT WORK, show why Gibbs is “tops” with college women. Write College Course Dean. KATHARINE GIBBS NEW YORK 17 230 Park Ave. BOSTON 16......-.0e0+: 90 Marlborough St. CHICAGO f1.........6.. 51 East Superior St. PROVIDENCE 6 155 Angell St. » A DIVING LESSON FROM (ON. 43 I CAN'T GET THAT JACKKNIFE RIGHT, MISS O'DONNELL— WHAT'S WRONG? 4 CHAMPION Start Planning Now - Before Exam Rush ORDER FLOWERS FOR YOUR FAVORITE SENIORS JEANNETT’S Great Music! CONTI CASTILE SHAMPOO presents THE TREASURE HOUR OF SONG Leading Stars of the Metropolitan Opera Licia Albanese * Jan Peerce + Francesco Valentine Dorothy Kirsten + Rise Stevens PLUS Exciting Contest Feature! Win 3 Days in New York ALL EXPENSES PAID Every Thursday Night WIP * 9:36 PM, the doubles .Nancy Bierwirth and Gwen Groves were defeated 6-4, 6-4, by Mrs. Homer and Mrs. Vorys. In this match every play- er was at her best, resulting in long and hard “deuce” games. Helen Poland and Priscilla John- son were defeated by Miss Town- send and Mrs. McKay 6-4, 8-6. In an excellent game against Continued on Page 4 We Want to Feed You Through Exams HAMBURG HEARTH +/ THEY SAY... Lester Lanin’s music is superb for debutante parties and college dances Lester Lanin Orchestras 1776 Broadway New York City — 1 noe YOUR APPROACH IS OFF, BETTY — I'LL SKOW YOU AND A STRONG HURDLE JUMP TO THE END OF THE ~ LEFT-RIGHT-LEFT— HIGH OVERHEAD...” REACH... “JUST IMAGINE YOU'RE REACHING FOR A CROSSBAR J SEE HOW SHE “<* WHIPS HERSELF INTO \ THE AIR—ALMOST LAECUTION... "YOUR REACH SHOULD BE HIGH ENOUGH TO ALLOW COMPLETE EXECUTION OF THE DIVE ABOVE THE LEVEL JUST LIKE A KNIFE...NO WONDER SHE'S A CHAMPION! / AFTER ALLTHE BRANDS I SMOKED NO OTHER CIGARETTE LIKE OURING bye WARTIME \ THERE'S JUST Z ITs THE EXPERIENCE IS -»e AND IN SMOKING TOO. THE CIGARETTE FOR ME TRUE IN DIVING... BEST TEACHER!