“Page Six 29. URE RCA NNN ne recat I thet < ha COLLEGE NEWS Adams Play Proves Entertaining, Skillful Continued from Page 4 extensive, being restricted within the limitations of one act, for Hat- tie Arlington as a character and as an actress had definite possi- \bilities, © That Christine and Bruno shoula go off for a drive at that moment seemed to this reviewer primarily intended to ‘clear. the stage for the subsequent episode between Hattie and Carl. Nor was the conclusion up. to the expectations of the earl- ier parts of the play. However, Adams saved it from degenerating into the trite “kiss-and-make-up” solution by a sprinkling of amus- ing lines and the whirlwind exit of the Drakes with Lorelei’s query flung after them —-WHERE? ?! TReGUBNONT the Play, “Dosh the | che is alao Secretary of the Chorus part and the acting of Christine dominated the stage with consider- able subtlety until her final “I want to go and I’ve made up our mind” was altogether convincing. Although the lines of Faithfully Yours were no more unusual than was the idea behind it, both the playwright and the actors achieved something beyond the ordinary in their treatment of it. Their suc- cess is to be attributed to the pres- ervation of a light touch through- out, essential when working with such material. NOTICES Language Houses Students who are interested in applying for rooms in the French House, German House, or Spanish House next year should make ap- pointments with Miss Gilman, Miss Cohn or Miss Nepper as soon as possible, and not later than Friday, March 21, the day on which spring vacation begins. r Connelly’s Flower Shop 1226 cee Avenue Bryn Mawr 1515 Self-Gov. V.-Pres. Nominees Named The Junior Class has nominated the following candidates for Vice- President of the Self-Government Association: Nelly Keffer Nelly is First Junior Member of Self-Gov. and was also First Soph- omore member. She is Secretary of the Science Club and a member of the Central Committee of the Alumnae Drive. She is a _ non- resident. Betty Coleman Betty was the Second Sophomore Member to Undergrad. She is Song Mistress of the Junior Class. Kathy Landreth Kathy is Secretary of Self-Gov. and was Freshman Song Mistress. Betty Hamilton Betty is First Junior Member of Undergrad. She was head of the Activities Drive this year and was one of her. class Chairmen fresh- man year. ——— REMEMBER FLOWERS FOR Birthdays AND Anniversaries JEANNETT’S ELECTIONS The following elections for the coming year have been an- nounced: Page Hart—President of the Self-Government Association. Helen Burch—President of the Undergraduate Association. Rosamond Kane—President of the League. The Memoirs of Doctor Felix Kersten Boston, Cradle of Liberty John Jennings Not So Wild a Dream Eric Sevareid Country Book Shop Bryn Mawr MAYO and PAYNE Cards Gifts RADIO YOUR WEEK-END DATE WILL BE ENTRANCED BY BREAKFAST AT THE BLU COMET Parts 821-LANCASTER AVE. BRYN MAWR Repairs Great Music! CONTI CASTILE SHAMPOO presents THE TREASURE HOUR OF SONG Leading Stars of the Metropolitan Opera Licia Albanese * Jan Peerce * Francesco Valentino Dorothy Kirsten + Rise Stevens - PLUS Exciting Contest Feature! Win 3 Days in New York ALL EXPENSES PAID Every Thursday Night WEP *-9:30- P.M. Pope to Examine Span. Cancionero Miss Isabel Pope of Radcliffe College will speak on Thursday evening, March 13, in the Spanish House. Subject of her talk will be “The Spanish Cancionero,” sance period. Miss Pope is the translator of one of the most authoritative books Her on modern Spanish music. talk will be illustrated by records a col- lection of, songs from the renais- Arts Night Dancing Appears Stiff, Tight Continued from Page 1 because she did not space its in- — tensity. Thalia Arfyropoulo, ’50, execut- ed an exciting piece, in which each movement of her body was inte- grated with the rest. Her fluidity and unrestrained grace made her the best performer of the evening. made by members of the Harvard Glee Club and the Radcliffe Choral Society. tiie. aii ths 2 aS OR : Knit Something : We Have Tweed Yarns , and ‘ , Argyle Paks ' For Sweaters and Socks DINAH FROST’S Eaneaster Avenue, Bryn Mawr "TV." CT VT ve TT VT YT for Your Man! at You Can’t Study All Day! Come and Relax. With a Cup of Tea ue COLLEGE INN the Topcoats, too Lancaster Avenue ™ Are You Sick of Your Clothes? Are You in a Rut? 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