BIO REREY. egg he Be em ping sia Page Four teresa mt eerie er ee NN n aN THE COLLEGE NEWS poe ge Saturday, October 1, 1949 ~ | panes Reveals Way o Hidden Hangouts Continued from Page 2 gray object looming up _ beyond the hockey field. A Water Cooler may be found up the hall from the Reference Room in the Library. A splendid meeting place and thirst quencher. Poison Ivy located close to the | brook and any place else you’re not looking. For Budding Explorers we sug: | gest. the Taylor Tower and Base- | | ment, the Low Buildings basement, | the Library basement, and a mys- terious something called the Pa- 4 Incidentally There is at least one freshman | who still has a great deal to learn about Bryn Mawr. This innocent was saying how hungry she got between meals, particularly be- tween lunch and dinner. ‘When re- minded that she could always go to tea, she said “Oh,” (long pause then) “What’s that?” * % * Someone has been playing tricks with the NEWS’ telephone list! |\When one poor editor tried to call ihe number listed for Pem West, a male voice answered a request to speak with Miss Price with the question “Do you know the roorn goda. number?” When the answer was “ =,| “No,” a long.wait ensued. Then GREETINGS CLASS OF 753 || the voice came back. .. “Do you fears mean Grant, G-R-A-N-T?” “No |{ mean P-R-I-C-E, Miss Mary Lou | joyce lewis | Price!” Then de got .the wrong “Her brother goes to Haverford.” | eS | number, lady.. We’ve only got~men | BRYN MAWR | here! 6 Rotinsen “GA — niece | cote First Japanese Scholar | spirit exhibited by all foreign stu- . | SE as oe a To S es Meudish Fi dents attending an American col- Greetings 1: Your photographic needs Oo Stuay Englis u. lege: “Everything is so wonderful | at the ~. Continued from Page 1 that I must write very long letters to the pie, | age. As Michiko graphically ex-|every day.” ‘ | PHOTO CENTER., ad pressed it, '“Nonody went to the) 205 20 io Class of 53 e FILMS ree? 2) 7. -¢ 5 hd : ee eee | WELCOME FRESHMEN ! hie @ CAMERAS is) pe ee wear at ey te e FINISHING % school and college in Japan an SUBURBAN HARDWARE plans to major in English at Bryn pense Country Book Shop 810 Lancaster Ave. : . .s || Lamps, Room Furnishings, etc. Mawr. When asked her opinion > Bryn Mawr Ave. Bryn Mawr of Bryn Mawr on the first rainy 886 Lancaster Ave day,, she exclaimed, “It’s simply marvellous, especially the library,” but commented wryly that she had to take the’ required biology and English Composition. When she graduates from Bryn Mawr, Mich- iko intends to return to Japan and take graduate courses in the Ro- mantic period at Tsuda College. Michiko’s opinion of the United States is indicative of the fine THE POST ON BRYN MAWR Watch for “Station Wagon College,” the article about Bryn Mawr, Swarthmore, and Haver- ford due to appear in the Oc- tober 8th Saturday Evening Post, on sale October 5th. Wrii- ten by Robert M. Yoder, for- merly Associate Editor of the Saturday Evening Post, the ar- ticle traces the development of these colleges, stressing the joint action which has aided all three in enlarging their scope. The photographs, some of them taken on the Bryn Mawr camp- us last spring, are reportedly very good. 150 copies will be on sale in the Bookshop. Old Bryn Mawr Rules Insisted On Chaperons Continued from Page 1 sociation (Self-Gov) does not al- low its members to use wine ir any form in entertaining, -and stu- dents may not drink wine togethe: except in the single case of two roommates.” This seems a little rough on the poor souls in singles. But how nice a wee nip would ba the night before and/or after 4 mid-semester. The final blow must have been Resolution XI, “That students shall’ make no social engagements with the men of the Faculty.” Whether this might be demoraliz- ing to the student or the. profes- sor was not’ explained—Self-Gov ‘was impervious to broken hearts, ‘and even Platonic friendships were impossible. FRENCH HAIRDRESSERS “RENE MARCEL’’ specializing in — Shorter Haircuts (opposite the 5 & 10 in Bryn, Mawr) FOR APPOINTMENTS Est a | GREETINGS |