ft P a be THE COLLEGE NEWS VOL. XLI, NO.7 ARDMORE and BRYN MAWR, PA., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1944 Copyright, Trustees of Bryn Mawr College, 1944 PRICE 10 CENTS Burns Examines Health Services Of Post-War Era ter ent United States Neglects To Pass Legislation For Health Goodhart, November 6. In the fourth of the Anna Howard Shaw series on Social Security in an Expanding Economy, Dr. Eveline M. Burns expanded her lecture of last week on Social Security in the Post-war World and began the top- ic of Planning for Health Services. Recapitulating the argument of last week, Mrs. Burns used the ideal situation of a rational and in- telligent Congress asking a social economist to devise a social sys- tem which has real security for alt, which does not interfere to the least possible extent with other individual freedoms and which will’ include as many desirable ec- onomic by-products as possible. The social economist would have the tax paid by “earmarked tax,” @nd would have a progressive sys- Continued on Page 3 ; Granger Illustrates fundamental Nature Of Racial Obsessions Goodhart, November 2. ‘Democ- racy is a matter of personality and environment, not a matter of birthplace,” declared Mr. Lester Granger, executive secretary of thé Urban League, in a talk on Racial Hazards to Domestic Peace, at this year’s fourth war assem- bly. ~~ * ss. “, Democrats ‘ Stressing the fact that not all f Americans are wholehearted Dem- ; ocrats, Mr. Granger pointed out