on ~ Page Four THE COLLEGE NEWS Wednesday, October 31, 1951 U. of Pennsylvania Hockey Players Succumb To Skillful Stickwork of Three BMC Teams Continued from Page 3 L.F.—D. Waltin G.—B. Borneman Subs: E. Kemp, B, Bradley, T. Osma. The First Team game was very exciting to watch, and the spec- tators were almost as exhausted as the players—from cheering. It was a fast-moving game, and the ball went from one end of the field to the other, and was not in any gne circle predominately. The defense played an exceptionally good match, not only when the Bryn Mawr goal was being at- tacked, but backed up the forward line in the Penn circle. There was a great deal of interaction be- tween the defense and the for- wards, which made for much. bet- ter hockey. The rushing in the circle was also greatly improved since last week, but there is still room for more. The two Bryn Mawr goals were scored by D. Hanna and L. Kimball, making the final score 2-1 in Bryn Mawr’s favor. The Second Team game started out with Penn in the lead by two goals, although the Bryn Mawr team had many corners and were in the Penn circle numerous times. Then Bryn Mawr seemed to wake up, and with three goals made by J. Thompson and another WANT MORE MONEY for College “extras” ? Woman’s Home Companion offers you an opportunity to make extra spending money in spare time. Take care of new and renewal sub- scriptions for WOMAN’S HOME COMPANION and all leading magazines. Write for Woman’s Home Compan- ion’s SPECIAL PRICE OFFER for students. Mail penny postal or send by E. Cadwalader, they swept on to victory. After the first few minutes there were many good passes, and the defense played their usual strong game. The rushing in the circle was a revela- tion, and there were a number of near-?goals that either just miss- ed or hit the goal posts. The Third team played one of the best games that a Bryn Mawr third team has played for a long time. There were quite a num- ber of excellent centering passes from the wings, and a great deal of hard fighting in the circle. Bryn Mawr started right off with a goal by J. Davis, followed by another made by G. Vare. Then three more were scored later in the game by M.. G. Warren, two of which were scored from cor- ners, Corner goals are something that Bryn Mawr should work on, because a great many were miss- ed in all three games. All in all, though, Bryn Mawr should be proud of the performance put on by her hockey players this last week, Hytier Exposes Hatred Of Balzac, Sainte-Beuve Continued from Page 3 the course of Sainte-Beuve’s at- tacks, declared, “He is running his pen through my heart!” In the end, Balzac decided to write a novel using the theme of Sainte- Beuve’s Volupte, a book which had made a_ strong impression on him. ‘Sainte-'Beuve’s opinion of this work showed that he did not completely understand the dif- ference between the methods. of the biographer and the novelist. In a review which Balzac edited himself he at length replied to the attacks of Sainte-Beuve. He exclaimed, “When you read him, boredom > AN AS —7 ‘ i Ora Sp os and sametimes when oy: eee no occasion Cervantes’ Don Quixote A fair enough statement and truly fitting to Coca-Cola. It’s not only the answer to thirst, but a refreshing pleasure any time. Have a Coke! yy)" és | / ROTTED UNDER AITHORTY OF THE COCACOLA COMPANY BY IA COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY © 1951, THE COCA-COLA COMPANY Our “mad-money” skirt is in for a whirl! Its pocket is its fortune. ..this wide circling skirt that points up our ingenious way of interpreting a Paris design to fit the American bill! In gold, melon or grey narrow wale earduroy, sizes 10 to 16, 25.95 23 Parking Plaza, Ardmore