se (2OT BT sxeht ote gy ia Sw Seapets Wedmesday,-March-14,1951. ac eneeeennstnonnervnnmerT HE COLLEGE NEWS. _ StF a REAR ee eters Page Five’ L-Sec, State Seen; McCulloch Missing L-R: Lewis, Letker Cheston Nominees Listed By Chapel Comm. (. The following are the candi- dates for chairman of Chapel Com- mittee, in preferential order: Helen Woodward has been on the Chapel Committee for three years, and is at present its vice- chairman. She was freshman hall representative to the Alliance, and a past Secretary. Also, she was a member of the U.W.F. in her sophomore and junior years, on the N.S.A. her freshman and sopho- more years, and she is at present the secretary of the Junior class. Jane Martin was in Chorus, the Freshman Show cast, and did pub- licity during her freshman year. She is a permission giver and has served on Freshman Week Com- mittee, and as co-chairman of Rad- nor Open House. She is now on the Usher Committee, Head Usher of Chapel Committee, and Co-chair- man of the Poster Committee. Jane is also hall announcer. Mary Lee Culver was in her freshman hall play, on the lyric and dance committees of Fresh- man Show, and Second Rotating aie - Faculty Show song sheets will be on sale in the Taylor Book- shop for $.25. Member to Undergrad. She was in the Debate Club, Chorus, the double octet, the Dance Club, and she has given a student chapel service. In her sophomore year, she heads the Debate Club, she is in Chorus and double octet, and works at the Soda Fountain. She is also a WBMC announcer, and has worked on posters for Under- grad. Sally Shoemaker was the direc- tor of her freshman hall play, and is president of the Russian Club. She has worked at the Soda Fountain, was in Chorus, the Bryn Mawr College Theatre, the Bryn Mawr Summer Theatre, the Fresh man Show cast and script commit- tee, and she did stage work for Maids’ and Porters’ Show. During her sophomore year, she is on the Chapel Committee, second basket- | /i/ ball team, and is again in Chorus and B.M. College theatre. She was also assistant director of fresh- man hall play, and chairman of the Rock Hall Dance. Sophs Nominate For UG Member For First Junior Member of Un- dergrad, preferentially: Harriet Cooper’s activities fresh- man year were: Rotating Member of Self-Gov, campus guide, fresh- man hall play, Freshman Show, Soda Fountain, and tennis varsity. Sophomore year: campus guide, Soda Fountain, and JV badminton. Lee Sedgwick’s freshman activi- ties were: freshman hall play, pub- licity committee, Freshman Show, Chorus, hall representative to A.A., and badminton J.V. Sophomore year: permission giver, Nominat- ing Committee, Chorus. Marilyn Reigle, in her freshman year: publicity manager and cast member of Freshman Show. Soph- omore year: vice-president of sophomore class, permanent mem- ber of A.A., secretary of chapel committee, chairman of Denbigh hall dance, publicity manage or of Maids’ and Porters’ Show. Mary Lee Culver, her freshman year: hall play, lyric and dance committees and cast of Freshman Show, Second Rotating Member of Undergrad, student chapel service, Chorus, double octet, Debate and Dance Clubs. Sophomore year: head. of Debate Club, Chorus, dou- ble octet, WBMC, Soda Fountain, Undergrad posters, and Tom Thumb cast. "54 Nominates Four For UG Member Nominations for. First Soph- omore Member of Undergrad, list- ed preferentially, are: Mary Kennedy’s freshman activ- ities: Rotating Member of Self- resses Anonymous, Classics Club, freshman hall play, French Club play, and Freshman Show. Elizabeth Davis’ activities: a Rotating Member of Self-Gov, hall representative, NEWS, Freshman Show, badminton varsity, and manager of third and fourth hockey. teams. Barbara Floyd’s activities: does Undergrad publicity in Rhoads, freshman hall play, costumes for Deirdre; Freshman Show ,and head of the poster committee for the Show. Susan_Webb’s freshman activit- jes: secretary of her class, hall representative to A. A., Freshman Show, and fourth basketball and hockey teams. Evelyn Jones, alternate, activ- ities: hall representative to Under- grad, Rotating Freshman Member of Undergrad, and Freshman Show. FOR JUNIOR PROM Get Your Spring Formal at i JOYCE LEWIS TIT IIIT IIL IIIT III III III III III III Gov, Nominating Committee, Act- NeraInnes 09: EA The freshman class has nom- inated the following, listed in pref- erential order, for First Soph- omore Member of Self-Gov: Anne Eristoff is president of the freshman class. She has worked on WBMC and the weekend work camps, and has done reading at Overbrook School for the Blind. Nano was in the freshman hall play and Freshman Show and is on stage crew for Tom Thumb; she has played on the basketball var- sity and the third hockey team. Mary Kennedy has been Fresh- man Rotating Member of Self- Gov. Maisie is a member of the Nominating Committee, Actresses Anonymous, and the Classics Club; she was in the freshman hall play, the French Club play, and Fresh- man Show. Beatrice Merrick is vice pres- ident of the freshman class. Bea has been freshman hall represen- tative to A.A., and is a member of Chorus and Actresses Anony- mous; she was in the freshman hall play and Freshman Show, and has played on the basketball varsity and the second hockey team. Susan Webb is secretary of the freshman class. Suki has been freshman hall representative to A.A., and is a member of Actresses Anonymous; she was in the fresh- man hall play and Freshman Show, and has played on the fourth bas- ketball and fourth hockey teams. Varsity Swimmers Lose To Temple; Jayvee Wins Continued from Page 3 varsity by a score of 80 to 24. I say repeat, for in the recent Inter- collegiate. Meet at the Pennsyl- 'vania Pool, Swarthmore placed first, Temple second, and Bryn third. The Bryn Mawr junior var- sity saved the day by outswimming the Temple junior varsity with a score of 29 to 25. Cheered on by the spectators, the Bryn Mawr swimmers who placed first were: Ellen Bacon, free- style, and P. Laidlaw, backcrawl; the varsity also won the freestyle relay. The JV members winning honors were: Bunny Dean, free- style, and Phoebe Harvey, breast- stroke. The squad wound up the meet by giving the Bryn Mawr College cheer for Temple. Con- gratulations were in order for the squad’s swimming, and for the spirit they displayed. Millcitadis bitin Se Manning Questions Bryn Mabrons’ Wit & Woo; ’ Kind Martinets Pirouette In. A Roman Garden Sredit to Wilbur Boone Mrs. Manning Marshalls Monster Rally Continued from Page 1 changes. The “Faculty Table Song”, set to the music of “Brush Up Your Shakespeare”, gave valu- able pointers on faculty-student relations; and the kick chorus pre- sented a beautifully-executed par- ody on all the kick choruses which have ever appeared in class shows. “English Literature in Trans- mission: or Lady Be Good”, writ- ten by Miss Leighton and Miss Stapleton, proved an effective par- ody of giveaway shows, Edith Sit- well, Emily Kimbrough, the cow- boy fad, and almost anything else that in this.modern age is subject to satire. Miss Gardiner as Lady Satgood, clad in an exotic turban and shawl, delivered a moving reading of “Bryn Mawr Facade”, in which were captured many of the characteristics of the Bryn Mawr campus and undergraduate. Mr. Berry was a handsome Hopa- long, Mr. Sloane an equally at- tractive announcer, and Miss Leighton, as Emily Wench, person- ified all the endearing traits of the female author-lecturer. Between acts the wardens sang and danced in a sprightly fashion “The Warden’s Lament”, dressed in various stages of pajamas, nightgowns, and bathrobes. “The Theory. and Practice of Art... a tragedy in five continu- ous acts”, exhibited Miss Lograsso portraying Miss Lograsso with an enormous paintbrush, Mr. Morris as Mr. Janschka, and Mr. Jans- chka as Mr. Morris. The scenery and special effects for this scene were magnificent. The scene told the sad story of two young men who perished in Higgins Ink and of Miss Lograsso, who lamented, but went on painting. The Course in Anthropology 101: “Tribal Rites”, proved one of the most outstanding scenes on the program, from the standpoints of both art and entertainment. Mr. Adams and Miss Kilby as the Sha- mans, inspired by King Solomon’s Mines, danced and beat time skill- fully and expressively in two of the best individual performances in the show; and the brutal Braves, Mr. Burton, Mr. Parker, Mr. Polit- zer, and Mr. Soper, were lively Indians, each with a personality of his own. Miss deLaguna, Miss Howe, Mrs. Lattimore, and Miss Nelidow scurried ‘around submis- sively as Squaws, until the ultim- ate feminine triumph. (Before the curtain opened on Semester II, no one imagined that the Typical American Family, written by Mrs. Dryden, would come to life from an amalgamation of Charles Addams cartoons. Mr. Leblanc and Mrs. Berliner were perfect as the husband and wife, Mr. (Morris properly monstrous as the hungry butler. One could vis- ualize Miss Northrop as the gran- ny “borrowing’a cup of cyanide”. A high point of the show was the hand-in-hand dance of Miss Fales and Mr. Nahm as the ghoulish girl and boy, and their song end- ing: “Teacher’s gone and we are glad. We have drove her simply mad... “Teacher’s in the loony bin. Now our holidays begin”. Mrs. Marshall, as the typical Bryn Mawr student doomed for the deep freeze, captured our char- acteristics with an acuteness that made us all squirm: “This paper has to be typed to morrow morn- ing... ”; “I guess I’ll hit the high spots and hope for the best... "3 and the embarrassed, wide-eyed Continued on Page 6, Col. 1 (¢ ~ Summer Courses University of Madrid sdb godd fit 7 to enj A rare oppo: joy mem- orable experiences in learning and living! For students, teachers, others yet to discover fascinating, historical Spain. Courses include Spanish language, art and culture. Interesting recreational program included. : For details, write now to SPANISH STUDENT TOURS. 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