See vs » dor. > ~s..planned: meals. ATER Country ooKshop $500 worth of cleaning will be JE in ae sent. I Don’t Miss a Clearance Sale : COME ALL } ; of Purses, Flowers, : Eat - - at the Aprons and Jewelry ; L A . T This Week! i i) a e sOLD STRAW |i - 3 eg , DINAH FROST’S itil re Haverford — Pa. ‘. Laneaster Avenue, Bryn Mawr : Free booklet: ‘WARDROBE TRICKS ’’. Write Judy Bond, Inc., Dept. H, 1375 Broadway, New York 18 =F tse POPE A TT TT GE ET TE a ST READ HOW THE GLAMOROUS FAYE - BLESING, NOTED =F TRICK-RIDING STAR. OF THE RODEO, ROPED AND RODE HER WAY TO FAME LOORPPAYE ROPED THE WILD PALOMINO | ———_ eT FAYE'S PRACTICALLY LIVED Y MIGHT MAKE A G000 COW. 1 P| WITH THAT CRITTER THESE \ PONY, BUT SHE'LL NEVER = 1) LAST WEEKS—HE'S A BEAUTY! /CALM HiM DOWN ENOUGH was FOR TRICK RIDING q me , a. SEVERAL MONTHS LATER—THE EL PASO RODEO INTRODUCING A NEWCOMER 70 THE se RODEO CURCUT—GLAMOROUS FAYE BLESSING — EVERY COWHANO IN THE RIDING HER WILD PALOMINO — FLASH VALLEY HAS BEEN TRYING TO CATCH THAT FLASH OF LIGHTNIN’ Y STEADY, FLASH! DONT Wa BE FRIGHTENED— ame THE STORY BEGINS SEVERAL YEARS AGO ON THE COLORADO RANCH/s OF FAYE BLESING'S FATHER DURING A WILD-HORSE ROUNDUP... / IMAGINE DOING THE RUSSIAN DRAG ONA / { IS AWFUL SLICK— | ~ WILD HORSE HEY, WATCH IT! / WHATTA SPILL! : A ‘iy ( 7 ) fn NO A CAMEL NUP, (Veer oe. <> =, gE <<< F’ FAYE BLESING has been YY EXPERIENCE IS THE "a star of the rodeo for 5 9 ee 3 Ef years. Her experience with BEST TEACHER IN RIDING . ~*~ actous brands of cigarettes ——~- \ dates back to the war a «IN CIGARETTES TOO! I’VE destenne “Eine shies aims TRIED THEM ALE=CAMe > S smoked. a." << asi > eae : every day,”” she fecalls, . ar i ~~ SUIF-ME-BEST I “Pat's when I — . .) 4 . appreciate Camels.” ~ ; Pete, AHES ML ENE TRO RAMETERS oe) Page Four THE COLLEGE NEWS Harvard, Bryn Mawr Concert Is Varied, Rich in ‘Timbre Continued from Page 1 the carol, “Awake thou wintry earth” and a duet from Bach’s Christ Lag in Todesbanden, were remarkable for the energetic yet sensitive mood which they evoked. The double octet sang two rounds, both extremely difficult and therefore not quite smooth enough. The Mozart sounded almost pro- hibitively. delicate and complicated. Bryn Mawr’s last two composi- tions, Robert Delaney’s version of “My Soul there is a Country” and Irving Fine’s Alleluia, were not on gram, The work of the combined chor- uses was the most striking part of this program. A brass ensemble from the Philadelphia Orchestra played with them in Gabrieli’s In Ecclesiis Benedicite Domine and in the final selection from Bach. The horns had some trouble during the Gabrieli, but during the Bach they added considerably to the complex, massive summation of the second chorus. Stravinsky’s Psaumes seemed to the most diffiicult, of the combined pieces. Mr. Woodworth directed. Stravinsky’s strange intervals and syncopated rhythms contrasted with the more conventional idiom of the other music, broadening » what might otherwise have been a limited mood. The program as a whole, thanks to the taste and in- spiration of Mrs. deVaron and Mr. Woodworth and the calibre of their singers, was extraordinarily fine. . 2 all Has Spring Fever Got You Down? A Tea at the COLLEGE INN Great Music! CONTI CASTILE SHAMPOO presents THE TREASURE HOUR OF SONG Leading Stars of the Metropolitan Opera Licia Albanese » Jan Peerce » Francesco Valentina "Dorothy Kirsten « Rise Stevens PLUS Exciting Contest Feature! Win 3 Days in New York ALL EXPENSES PAID Every Thursday Night be the most successful, as well as Will be Sure to Pep You up! a level with the rest of the pro- WIP.®* 9:30 P. M. ane aj SALE 20% off on Suits 10% off on Coats Connelly’s Flower Shop 1226 Lancaster Avenue Bryn. Mawr 1515 Bright and Appealing Colorful and Gay * We Have Dresses For Every Day $5.95 and up ~TRES CHIC SHOPPE Bryn Mawr University of Georgia's great All-America back Lancaster Avenue by Elizabeth Woodward America’s foremost authority on young people’s problems So nobody loves you, eh? Dates are scarce. The girls forget to include you when they’re cooking up excitement. You're left out... strictly alone and lonely? Whose fault is that? If you’re so much dead weight, even a wrestling champ would give you up as a heavy drag. If there’s no sparkle or laughter in you...if you're afraid to speak out your ideas or opinions...if you don’t warm up to people... nobody’s going to know you're around...or care either. There are two kinds of people, as I see it...the givers and the takers. There are leaders and followers. There are shy violets...and the brave who bother to dig into them. There are live rockets who think up the fun...and everybody who goes along for the ride. If you keep quiet, hanging back waiting to see what’s going to happen ...if you never start anything going on your own... you're being a sponge. You’re just taking in everybody else’s vitality, warmth, pep and enthusiasm. You’re not giving out a thing. Give out a little interest in what other people think and do, and you'll find yourself doing it with them. Go out of your way to be attractive, friendly and warm, and people will want .to be where you are. Be good-humored, and you'll cheer up somebody else’s grumps. Do something for somebody...and your favors will be returned. Turn your nearsighted eyes out of the narrow confines of your own alone-ness. Look out...and give people you'd like for friends. Then you'll find yourself right in the middle of the goings on... not plunked on the gidelines...the innocent bystander. : VOTED TOPS CHESTERFIELD LARGEST SELLING CIGARETTE COLLEGES THE » - If you would really cast a spell, surround yourself with an Eau de Cologne fragrance typically... irresistibly Roger &. Gallet. Lux- uriant splasHings preserve after- { ae bath daintiness, give you that a fresh-as-a-garden-party glow! : — ROGER & GALLET EAU de COLOGNE | 7 AMER FIELD IS Perfume ° Dry Perfume « Lipstick ¢ Compacts teen 7 corn.asez--~ ees By shiners 3 - Copyright 1947,.Liccerr & Myers Tosacco.