THE COLLEGE NEWS Page Three Corkran, Christ, Nelidow, and Greeley Nominated for Self-Gov. é ¥ = Self-Gov: left to right: Greeley, Corkran, Nelidow, Christ. Nancy Corkran; in her first year, was Freshman Hall Representa- tive. This year, she is President of her hall, Rhoads, and first Junior member of Undergrad. Manon Lu Christ is the current head of the Bryn Mawr Summer Camp, at which she served as counsellor in the summer of ’48. In her freshman and sophomore years, she was a member of chorus and the Stage Guild. Irina Nelidow was _ Business Manager of the Freshman Show, and in her sophomore year, head of the Blind School and Repre- sentative for the Community Chest. This year she is Common Treas- urer of the college. Dixie Greeley, in her freshman and sophomore years, was an ac- tive Student Federalist, and parti- cipant in the Haverford Commun- ity Center, of which she is now head. Her offices this year are: Assistant Manager of the Swim- ming Team; Vice-President of her hall, Pembroke West; and Presi- dent of the Junior Class. In ad- dition, she worked on the Fresh- man Handbook. Johnson, Harrington, Shaw, Wahl Nom. for Alliance Pres. Alliance: front row: Johnson, Back row: Shaw, Wahl. Absent: Harrington. Pam Davis, although in the photograph above, is no longer running; Betty Mutch and Irina Nelidow are alternates. For their pictures and records, see Undergrad and_Self-Gov. respectively. From a list of eight candidates selected by the Alliance Board, the Junior Class has chosen the fol- lowing slate of four candidates for the office of President of the Bryn Mawr Alliance for Political Af- fairs. Priscilla Johnson—Priscilla, who is either a Russian or Politics major, was co-founder and cc- chairman of the United World Fed- eralists chapter in her Freshman year, when she also served as class representative to Undergrad; as 2 sophomore, she was Chairman of the UWF chapter; from April to October, 1948, she was co-chair- man of the Alliance Publicity. Priscilla has attended many UWF assemblies and institutes. Katherine Harrington—Kathy is currently spending her Junior year in Geneva. As a freshman, she serv- ed as representative to the Alli- ance, and was Secretary ofthe Sophomore Class, From April to i June of her Sophomore year, Kathy was head of the Federalists on campus. She is majoring in History. Marjorie Shaw—Margie is at present the Secretary of the Alli- ance, and the President of the col- lege chapter of the United World Federalists. She is also Secretary of the UN Review Conference to be held in Haverford in March. Margie attended the UWF national convention in November. She is a Politics and Economics major. Pam Wahl—History major Pam has been an Alliance Board mem- ber since the first two weeks of her Freshman year. Co-founder and co-chairman of the UWF in 1946, Pam has also been Chairman of IRC. Presently she is serving as co-director of Alliance publicity. As a member of the Alliance Board, Pam has attended four po- litical conferences. Journal Questionnaire Confounds Bryn Mawr Continued from page 1 What is the Biggest event of the Year? May Day. Describe. A kind of fertility rite. You get up in the morning and... Has there been a controversy recently ? Oh, yes. Describe. There -I was, and the She sald to me; .. Lo sports play a big part in campus life? They try. Describe a typical rally, typi- cal college reaction to defeat and victory. A. There are usually two people or less present. Sometimes they look sad, sometimes they are hungry, sometimes... Dean Q.- What do you like most about college professors? Ay Hal Q. Least? A. Some of these-professors seem to have the idea... Q. What is the big ambition of you and your friends? A. Oh, you kid! Q. How do you think college could be more fun than it is now? A. There’s a new book out by a man named Kin... Drexel’s first team defeated Bryn Mawr in basketball, 31 to 18, and the Bryn Mawr Junior Varsity beat the Drexel Junior Varsity, 27 to 20. In their game with the Graduate Students, the Freshmen came out on top, 27 to 21. Both Bryn “Mawr swimming teams ‘were victorious in_ their meet with Penn. The first team won 40 to 17; the Junior Varsity, 383 to 24, The Varsity and Junior Varsity badminton suqads won all their games against Chestnut Hill. There will be a volleyball game with Swarthmore this Saturday. Mock Security Council Holds Debate on Spain Continued from page -1 When voted upon, the resolution was defeated. The Ukraine then introduced a resolution providing for the ex- clusion of Spain from all agencies of the UN. This, too, was defeated. A compromise resolution was next introduced by Canada, pro- viding for the immediate establish- ment of a Board of Governors, headed by the Regent, which would hold democratic elections when Franco died or “retired.” If Spain would comply with this it would be admitted to special agencies, and eventually to full membership. With the technical wrangling over the legality of the resolution that ensued, the meeting, for the first time} seemed like a true rep- lica of the Security Council. The resolution was finally declared out of order because it would interfere in the internal affairs of a nation. At this point, various delegations started sending out frantic notes— “Would you support a resolution to... 2?” “Will you go along with us on... ?” but, even before all their data was in, it was voted to adjourn the meeting and the dele- gates rushed off to drink punch, catch trains, have their pictures taken, and tell each other that Franco should be shot. NSA Plans for Summer Include Tours, Camps Continued from page 1 land, Britain, Germany, and Fin- land are also proposed, where for the most part harvesting would be done. row: Rock, Lovejoy, Greeley. The following people have been nominated for President of Under- grad; Dixie Greeley, Betty Mutch, Cynthia Lovejoy, A. J. Rock, and Jane Wickham. Greeley: This year Dixie is pres- ident of the Junior class, assistant manager of the swimming team, and the vice president of Pembroke West. Dixie was an active mem- ber of the UWF her freshman and sophomore years, as well as of the Haverford Community Center, of which she is now the head. She worked on the Freshman Hand- book last year. Mutch: Betty is head of the Chapel Committee: this year. She was editor of the Freshman Hand- book last yéar, and has been on the Business Board of the NEWS. She is also on the Cut Committee, the Vocational Committee, and is hall representative for Pembroke Undergrad: front row: Mutch, Wickham (alternate). Greeley, Mutch, Lovejoy, Rock Nominated for Undergrad Pres. Back East. Lovejoy: Cynnie was hall repre- sentative from Denbigh her Fresh- man year. Last year she was on the Chapel Q@pmmittee, head of the Library Committee, and work- ed on the Freshman Handbook. This year, she was business man- ager of the Junior Show, and is co-chairman of the Junior Prom. Rock: A. J. directed 1950’s Freshman Show, the Maids and Porters Show last year, and the Junior Show this year. She was Sophomore Song-Mistress, and is now president of the Drama Guild. Wickham (alternate): Janey was, in her Sophomore year, hall representative from Pembroke East, and on the class nominating committee. This year she is vice- president of the Spanish Club, sec- retary of the Stage Guild, and president of the Radio Club. Li, Maconi, Newbold, and Mutch Nominated for Pres. of League af The four juniors and alternate nominated for the presidency of the League are Suetse Li, Lois Ma- coni, Anne Newbold, Betty Mutch, and Priscilla Johnson. Suetse Li, who was head of the United Nations Student Council (International Students club) is a member of IRC and has worked at the Bryn Mawr summer camp, the Haverford Community Center, and was freshman representative to Alliance from Rockefeller. Lois Maconi, head of Maids and Porters this year, has been a mem- ‘ber of the Chapel Committee and ‘Chorus for her sophomore and jun- ior years. She was League repre- League: front row: Mutch, Newbold. Back June, and return to New York the | first week of September. Many students will sail on the Dutch | ship Volendam. All the programs | 3 : ‘ / oe row: Maconi, Li. ‘ sentative her sophomore year, jun- ior varsity swimming her fresh- man year. Majoring in sociology, Lois professes to liking sports, so- cial work, and music. Anne Newbold, captain of the varsity hockey team, was vice- president of her Freshman class, freshman member to Chorus coun- cil, “assistantlibrarian--of—chorus, second freshman member to Self- Gov, and second sophomore mem- ber to Self-Gov. This year, as sec- retary of Self-Gov, she also partic- ipates on the varsity badminton squad. Anne is a History major. Betty Mutch, head of the Chapel Committee this year, was editor of the Freshman handbook last year. Betty is a member of the Vocation- al Committe and the Curriculum Committee, was on the business board of the NEWS her freshman include free periods for independ- | and sophomore years. She is also ent travel in Europe. | active Applications must be sent to the SWimming team, NSA International Commission, 18 Politics. in Stage Guild and the Her major is _.All__summer—students—depart| Brattle —Street,_Cambridge—38,,-Priscilla— Johnson,-alternate. See — from Quebec on the 15th or 30th of Massachusetts, Alliance,