THE COLLEGE NEWS~ VOL. XEH, NO. 18 ARDMORE and BRYN MAWR, PA., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 1948 Copyright, Trustees of Bryn Mawr College,1945 PRICE 10 CENTS Summer Theater Culls Figures Of Renown As Lecturers Here Brown, Helburn, Limon, Markle, McCandless, Macy and Oenslager Head List Of Guest The list of guest lecturers for this summer’s Summer Theatre has been announced. Seven of the fore- most representatives of the Amer- ican theatre will conduct informal lecture-conferences with students. They include John Mason Brown, Theresa Helburn, Jose Limon, Ger- trude Macy, Fletcher Markle, Stan- ley McCandless and Donald Oen- slager, in the fields of criticism, di- rection, dancing, production, radio, lighting and sets, respectively. Miss Helburn, director of the Theatre Guild, will officiate at the formal opening of the. Summer Theatre, if theatre commitments permit. Her most recent produc- tion here has been Shaw’s comedy You Never Can Tell. Mr. Brown, theatre critic for the Saturday Re- view of Literature and author of several critical volumes on the drama, is one of the foremost American critics. Jose Limon has toured widely with his own troupe and maintains his own professional studio in New York; he also has participated in the Summer Dance Festival at Bennington. In his demonstration here he will stress dance technique in its relation to and influence upon the elements of body work in act- ing. Cornell’s Production Manager Gertrude Macy is Production Manager for Katherine Cornell and Guthrie McClintic, whose Antony and Cleopatra will open soon in Philadelphia. Fletcher Markle is one of CBS’s top-flight producers, directors and actors. He has re- cently produced an hour-long se- ries of weekly radio dramas, latest of which starred Michael Redgrave in Uncle Harry. At Bryn Mawr he N.S. A. Sponsors Tri-Nation Tour The tour of England, France and the Netherlands, announced in the NSA _ Booklet, “Study, Travel, Work . .. Abroad,” is definitely going to be run this summer. It has been organized for the USNSA by the National Unions of Students of England and the Netherlands, and the Office of University Travel in France. Cost of the tour will be $550, in- cluding transportation. The tour will leave Montreal on June 18th and return to Montreal or New York about September 15th. The tour is plannedA SUMMER EDUCATION FINE ARTS, HISTORY, SCIENCE 3 Weeks’ Rest in the Alps (Mountaineering, Skiing, Swimming, Golfing) Hannes Schmid (Swiss) Former U. S. Leave Action Guide (European Theater) “ae Assisted by Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Van Saun Address Correspondence to: Box 83, Turin, New York IMMEDIATE RESPONSE IMPERATIVE! More than successful, the Rhoads auction net- ted $98.35 for the Alumnae Drive and plenty of laughs for the bid- ders! Perhaps some explanation is due about a “Dutch” auction. Hence: a bidder bids a certain amount, e. g. 10 cents. The second bidder may bid 20 cents. The first bidder pays his 10 cents, the second bid- der, however, pays the difference between the preceding bid and his bid, namely 10 cents. A third bid- der may bid 50 cents but would only pay 30 cents (the difference between 50 and 20), etc., By this time you consult the Dept. of High- er Mathematics ... but keep in mind that it’s all for the DRIVE! look at them.” Pollock Clarifies Sturzo’s Philos. Continued from Page 2 must widen our notion of person- ality, according to Sturzo, to em- brace the fact that “society is the organ by which man actualizes his personality”’. Christianity and this humanism are not, as so many anti-religious humanists say, incompatible, but essential; ‘There can be rip morality except as dis- played inj society. Life, Sturzo as- serts, must be individual-social, a Christian humanism, lived in the rich-context of its social and his- torical backgrounds. Notices Coptinued from Page 3 Sunday in Atlantic City The Junior Prom Committee will sponsor a bus trip to Atlantic City on the Sunday of Junior Prom weekend (April 18). Price will -be four dollars per couple. The trip will leave in the morning™and re- turn around seven. Reservations will be taken after vacation—pay- able at that time! Chorus Elections «The Chorus takes pleasure in announcing the election of the fol lowing officers: Kathy Geib, pres ident; Sally Loomis, vice-presi- dent; Nancy Greenewalt, secretary; Edie Rotch, head librarian; Pam Field. and Eleanor Gunderson, as- sistant librarians. CHAMPION N. Y. YANKEE’S VOTED MOST VALUABLE PLAYER IN THE AMERICAN LEAGUE JOE DiMAGGIO ' % Wren you change to Chesterfield THE FIRST THING YOU WILL NOTICE IS THEIR MILDNESS thats because of their Right Combination Worlds Best Tobaccos —— A\uways MILDER ETTER TASTING LER SMOKING Z BOSTON BRAVE'S BOB ELLIOTT VOTED MOST VALUABLE PLAYER IN THE NATIONAL LEAGUE FLELD Copyright 1948, Licoerr & Mvers Tosacco Co.