Page Four THE COLLEGE NEWS Wednesday, May 16, 195T SPORTS —— (May 14-18, physical education class tournaments in archery and beginning and intermediate ten- nis. 814 Lancaster Avenue May 16, tennis vs. Swarthmore BRYN MAWR JEWELERS Gifts for Every Occasion “FINE” WATCH, CLOCK, AND JEWELRY REPAIRED Bryn Mawr 4597 aeRe , at Swarthmore, 4:36. (May 17, golf round robin at the Philadelphia Cricket Club. W onderful E very one _ R ight always S o welcome. JEAN ETTE’S Lancaster Avenue Join the student group this summer co Rotterdam on the S. S. VOLEN- DAM, host to over 4000 students on three annual sailings since 1948. Re- turn sailing September 5 from ss. VOLENDAM “Thrifty” Co-ed Student Sailing Staff of 20 distinguished Europeas and American lecturers, under the joint direction of Netherlands Office for Foreign Student Relations and U. S. National Student Association ~ Rotterdam. ~ offer a comprebensive Orientation ; ; Dormi edad Program enroute. Newton needed a knock on the noodle to latch onto gravity. i | | C : Plenty of deck space. Large, public $ Ms dy Fat But smart chicks know that lovely Judy Bond blouses make 4 empliments of rooms. Good and plentiful menu. Uptecberth ce soeine 9 for mak sae ; | i yo a" High standards of Dutch seaman- them the center of attraction always. Try one an rove it! hie, cleanliness, and traditional Applications stay bona fide college Y Y P the friendliness. students only are being accepted by rr. HAVERFORD NETHERLANDS OFFICE FOR FOREIGN STUDENT RELATIONS s sktrek stokes Evenvwoere PHARMACY ; : Abad -Lbnevca Line See them in Philadelphia at LIT BROS. @ WANAMAKER’S | ’ Haverford, Pa. 29 Broadway, New York 6, N. Y. Judy Bond, Inc., Dept: C, 1375 Broadway, New York 18, N. Y- : Agents for the Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstant irectorate-General of The Netherlands } (Di Shipping) Hague. 2 PHOTOS TAKEN ON CAMPUS LIKE THOUSANDS OF AMERICA'S STUDENTS— MAKE THIS MILDNESS TEST YOURSELF AND GET WHAT EVERY SMOKER WANTS a SYLVIA REAMES ONGWOOD LO] G8 se): GARTH BOYER INDIANA STATE for Yo - Manes cage 1500 PROMINENT TOBACCO GROWERS SAY: “When | apply the Standard Tobacco Growers’ : Test to cigarettes | find Chesterfield is the one that ‘ smells Milder and smokes Milder.” . A WELL-KNOWN INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH . 3 . ORGANIZATION REPORTS: “Of all brands tested, ; Chesterfield is the only cigarette in which. members : of our taste panel found no unpleasant after-taste.” LEADING IN AMER _SORLEGES BBO SELLER ICA’S —