Page Six THE COLLEGE NEWS Wednesday, March 18, 1953.’ Plato’s Confusion Stems From Cultural Sources Continued from Page 1 But later in the tenth book, Plato stops treating “mimetic” in the epistemological sense and re- verts to its psychological defini- tion. He gives a sermon against what he regards as the excesses of poetry, stating that it is incom- patible with education, instruction, and morality of men. That Plato does not see the psychological and epistemological aspects of the word “‘mimetic” as separate, is the result of the stresses of cultural change. The shift from oral to written com- munication was at its height in Plato’s day; widespread literacy was just being reached as Plato was growing up, and the acoustic technology was still being exploit- ed. Plato, therefore, was attack- ing the acoustic state of mind, seeking to supplant it by the new visual state. The acoustic poet had to worry about attracting and holding an audience to make his works live; his fundamental-sefv- ice to society was often neglected. The Republic was designed as an epic after the new fashion, to re- place all poetry in so far as: it had built up a body of moralizing Calendar (Cont'd) Continued from Page 1 Monday, March 23 College elects the Secretary to Undergrad and the Viee-president of the Alliance. 7:15 p. m. Current speaker to be announced. mon Room, Tuesday, March 24 College elects Secretary of the League and first Sophomore mem- ber to. Self-Gov. 8:30 p. m. I.R.C. presents Eliz- abeth Gray Vining, speaking on Japan Today, Ely Room, Wynd- ham. Wednesday, March 25 College elects the first Sopho- more member to Undergrad, and the first Junior member to Under- grad. 4 _ Thursday, March 26 College elects the Secretary to the Alliance. Friday, March 27 Spring Vacation begins, after last class. Tuesday, April 7. 9:00 a. m. Spring Vacation ends. 8:30 p. m. Sigma Xi lecture. Dr. O. Theodor Benfey, Chemistry de- partment, Haverford College, will speak on The Path of Science and Events, Com- sentiment. the Path of Religion. Park Hall. Prepare (for an Executive Career in RETAILING—in just One Year! From New York to New Zealand, college graduates converge on “The Retailing Center” to train for an exciting, rewarding career—in just one year! Retailers need you—and look to our graduate school—for future advertising managers, buyers, merchandise managers, fashion administrators, researchers. executives, store managers, personnel Prominent retailers send their sons and daughters to the N.Y.U. School of Retailing to help carry on the family business successfully. Our one-year Master’s Degree program ec courses in all branches of retail- store management, under well-known specialists, plus 10 full weeks of super- vised executive training, with pay, in le store and market contacts. For details, write NEW YORK UNIVERSITY 100 Washington Square East ing New York stores, plus valuable for BULLETIN CJ SCHOOL OF RETAILING New York 3, New York Senator Saltonstall Outlines Problems Facing the New Administration, Analyzes Sources of Tension Existing for America and for the World Continued from Page 5 Eisenhower, were Korea, Commun- ism, corruption, and change, the Senator outlined the steps the ad- ministration is taking to accom- plish its program on these points. It has recognized that the United States must build up its own se- curity adequately and efficiently. This need is vitally connected with efficiency and economy within the government, for armament costs are unbelievably high compared with World War II costs, and the tax rate is already the highest in U.S. history. Defense Secretary ilson and his department are able and efficient, well-qualified to effect economies, The second step pertains to our responsibility for leadership in foreign relations, for every nation outside the Communist sphere looks to the United States for guidance. Secretary of State Dulles’ more aggressive policy to- wards Russia is a step towards taking over leadership in psycho- logical advancement, and Lodge is providing positive leadership in the U.N. The first step towards the solu- tion of our internal problems has been taken in the change of lead- ership, and, given cohdence, the e Senator stated, the Y Admin- istration can use its leader- ship to bring new efficiency and elimination of corruption and Communism. The Administration’s eval is peace and security, but it must not try to go forward too rapidly. Once the goal is obtained, each of us will have the right to go ahead and live our lives in the way .we think best. With this thought, said Senator Saltonstall, the ma- jority of the people in Congress and President Eisenhower are working. With the backing of the people of the United States, and the young people in particular, the goal can be reached. Campus capers call for Coke Win the race, bag the trophy, and dunk the coxswain... then ease up and enjoy the pause that refreshes with delicious, ice-cold Coca-Cola. BOTTLED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA-COLA COMPANY BY THE PHILADELPHIA COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY "Coke" is a registered trade-mark. © 1953, THE COCA-COLA COMPANY e ~ Butonly RECORDER DURING PLAYBACKS! time will tell... _ T'LL RUN THIS SOUND LECTURES...AND CHARGE A BUCK A THROW FOR YOURE A GENIUS! NOW A GUY CAN SLEEP OR. CUT AND STILL GET TOP GRADES! YoulLL MAKE A FORTUNE! fF - DOYOU NEED \ HOW CAN A PARTNER ?/ THEY TELL SO SOON? WAIT ‘TIL THEY GET THEIR MARKS! hen (je|ys Only time will tell about an idea! Arid only time will tell abouta cigarette ! 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