Page Four THE COLLEGE NEWS Wednesday; March. 11,1953" President Uses Grant Continued from Page 1 abling students to study anywhere in the United States or abroad. Yirka has chosen to go to Colum- bia where she will take up Politi- cal Science with special emphasis on International Relations. Explaining the Fellowship, Yir- ka said one must be nominated by faculty and then proceed to sub- mit a one thousand word intellec- tual biography. This means “You first have to find out whether you have an intellect and then find out if it has developed since you were five!” Then this procedure is fol- lowed by “gruelling, gruesome” in- terviews at the regional office (which for Yirka was Princeton). There you may be asked on the theory of the co-ordinates or to comment on Cannon’s latest book (fortunately Yirka had read it), then whether Mr. Cannon dis- agreed with Morganthaul’s theory, and “such like things”. Yirka plans to get her Ph. D. probably at Columbia (her main ~~ €alendar € Cont'd) For International Study | Alwwyne Concert Includes' | Liszt, Debussy and Ravel Continued from Page 1 .,,Continned from. Page 1. for‘ secretary of Undérgrad. Freshmen select candidates for first Sophomore member to Self- Govweiin sks oie College elects the’ president’ of the Alliance. * — Coie 7:15 p. m. Current Events speaker to’ be’ announced. Com- mand, Etude in E flat by Pagnini- Liszt, the calm Lachen und Weinen by Schubert-Zadora, and the start- ‘lingly quick’ and shortPolichinelle by Villa-Lobos. There is no doubt of Mr. Al- ‘wyne’s mastery of the piano. Be- cause of this it is difficult to the point of impossibility to criticize his performance. It is only pos- mon Room. 8:15 p. m. Eric A. Havelock will | deliver the White Memorial lec-| ture: ‘The Quarrel Between Poe- try ‘and Philosophy.” Goodhart. Tuesday, March 17: Sophomores | select’ candidates for the first Junior member to Undergrad. Freshmen meet candidates for vice - president of Self -Gov.; Chapel head; secretary to Self ay: 3 | ; Halls elect Hall Presidents. choice was Columbia or Harvafd) and then go into the diplomatic service; The Wilson Fellowship puts an emphasis on teaching, and Yirka plans to combine govern- ment work with teaching. Key to the future— - Gibbs Training Gibbs secretarial training opens doors for college women to career opportunities in their chosen field. Special Course rsonal placement service. . TRLS AT Work.” KATHARINE GIBBS NEW YORK 17, 230 Park Avenue 6, 155 Angell Street for College Women. Five-school Write College Dean for ‘‘Grass BOSTON 16, 90 Marlborough Street CHICAGO 1i, 51 E. ceceter Street PROVIDENCE INTCLAIR, N. J., 33 Plymouth Str sible to write of the musical en-_ Committee Meeting Airs Orals Problem Have you passed all your orals? Would you like to quiz the faculty oral committee on any and all phases of the language examina- tions? If so, come to the Com- mon Room next Tuesday night, March 17, at 8:30 to a panel dis- cussion and question period with members of the various language committees. The meeting is spon- sored by the Curriculum Commit- joyment shared by hearing his tee. You can learn how the orals recital. ‘are graded, how you should write ‘an oral, and the problems of orals College elects Common Treas- in general from the other side of urer. Wednesday, March 18: Sophomores select candidates for secretary of League. Freshmen meet candidates for , vice-president of Undergrad; sée- retary to Undergrad; vice-pres} ident of Alliance. A College elects vice-president of |' Self-Gov. and head of Chapel. Compliments of the HAVERFORD PHARMACY Haverford, Pa. After your work or after a show, The HAMBURG HEARTH is the place to go. Come for a snack or a regular meal, Our food and service are both most ideal. _ THE “SPORTS CENTER 346 West Lancaster Ave. Haverford, Pa. — MI 2-2527 FLORENCE WALSH .. Shorts. “Slacks: Skirts | _. Tennis. Dresses , Blouses—Sweaters—Belts—Long Hose s the fence. Everyone is welcome! And you don’t need to bring your dictionaries! B.M.C. Summer Camp States Different Policy Continued from Page 2 cial worker with us! Young put capable, she’ll be there to’ confer with us on those perplexing prob- lems that do come up, and to’-ex- plain the reasons behind.and meth- ods for handling childrén more suc- cessfully. We are very excited about these plans and will be very glad to talk further to you who are interested in counselling, or helping in other ways. Please do drop in to see us, and do plan to spend part of your summer sharing in the the work and fun at Bryn Mawr Summer Camp! / n Winstead, Denbigh ancy Tepper, Rhoads South "a brunch Our delicious coffee.and our sticky buns In fact all our food pleases everyone. Sunday if you’re hungry before lunch The COLLEGE INN’S the place for a 7 s One-year Course leads to Master's Degree The young executive MAKES HER MARK IN RETAILING THROUGH SPECIALIZED TRAINING Specialized training speeds college grads to top jobs in retailing—where women executives are not the exception. Interesting positions open in buying, advertising, fashion, per- sonnel, management and teaching. Realistic classroom approach. Supervised store experi- ence with pay. Coeducational. placed. Scholarships available. SCHOOL OF RETAILING University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh 13, Pa. { Graduates Send for Bulletin C pays wi Only Lime will Zell... eae On tine will tel about-an old house! And only tine wil tell about-a ‘Test CAMELS for 30 days for MILDNESS and THERE MUST BE A REASON WHY Camel is America’s most popular cigarette—leading all other brands by billions! Camels have the two things smokers want most—rich, full flavor and cool, cool mildness...pack after pack! Try Camels for 30 days and see how mild, how flavorful, how thoroughly enjoyable they are as your steady smoke! iw WITH A HOUSE. HOW CAN THEY, 2 THE LIKE THIS...ALL | TELLSOSOON? 17 THIS 4, agp pale { \ OUR LIVING 'T TAKES A HEAP yy cigarette! Toke your time... HOUSE’LL WORKS \ 7” TROUBLES O! LIVIN’ TO MAKE HARDLY COST | PERFECTLY? 3 WILL BE, A HOUSE A HOME! A CENT ON pith ENDED! | 7 UPKEEP! Y}\ Yt Ut Yh Yj / % i 3 == -¥=~ FLAVOR! = = =] SS 3 ae —— — SE | ==! 4 Z >) AAs = (es: = po dfs \ee0 ae 7 2) EEX vi a= PAA, “AKA BETTA PI” =F HOUSE WILL BE. - THE CLASSIEST ON THE CAMPUS]..)..\