Page Four - THE COLLEGE NEWS ci ° a ° ° e is *still not formed; the future is a| man, they have Ruben Dario. intimate and profound than the Racial Diser umination Ba Mr. Gillet Discusses dream, It is a magnificent project,|. It is possible, Mr. Gillet con-| political relationship we now have. Condemned by IL R. C. Good Neighbor P olicy while North America is a grown|cluded? that the two continents : Continued from Page 1 Continued from Page 1 giant. will arrive at a collaboration more ing much unrest among American| will confront the Good Neighbor} That South America is in a chao- negroes, Policy. Ruben Dario in his “Poema/| tic, formative state, said Mr. Gill- | (=== === == SSSSSS SSS aERSSE SESS SESSA MEET AT THE GREEK’S Tasty Sandwiches Refreshments Lunches- Dinner To better the position of the|a Roosevelt” noted the problems of | et, does not mean that it is infer- Negro soldier, Leila suggested a| language, religion and race. The|jor to us. From many points of langer number of Negro M P’s to| Poet brought out that South Amer-| view, they are our equals; they protect Negroes away from camp.|ica regards the United States as/have Pablo Neruda, “who may per- A Negro MP, she feels, will be its potential invader, while here|haps be one of the world’s great much more sympathetic toward a| W®& think of South America as| poets.” While we have Walt Whit Nt li founded on Indian blood. The ag ine ‘believes there should be a larger| United States is considered com- percentage of Negro officers and|monplace in culture, and confused Charm the stag line with fra- mixed units of white and Negro|in politics. wats a ta — . . Drop a dash of dry soldiers. Keysetting, Waldo Frank, Liegfu perfume in the hem of your : Fe og Syren ho ge gain SPEND SPARE TIME | heen i ea ae Following the two opening P q P way to make your favorite per- stom, gettem Sot eae cas | : . TO ADV ANT AGE == fume go farther. Select your Negro soldier in trouble, Also she Haverford’s’ military and civilian EVEN SANTA ua serge Serb dF pie students discussed the problem of WOULD BE SURPRISED Earning opportunities for salespersons are at athlete AS the se se in industry, |} AT THE WIDE their best now. captured’s Roger & in agriculture, and in society. i Gallet dry perfume. a | sor tpegepagytnele You can use your free hours in employment bd » : ener eee which will help you buy War Bonds, your Christ- - ies one New blouses have just come in IN mas gifts or pay college expenses. -- Fleurs d’Amour.. White tailored blouses—$3.95§ || RICHARD STOCKTON’S Lagan eT fi lh a other blouses to $7.95 CHRISTMAS SHOP If you are selected you will enjoy working and Violette, priced at $.75 and $1.25 in this pleasant atmosphere. NANCY BROWN 831 LANCASTER AVENUE AT BRYN MAWR STATION BRYN MAWR, PA. Apply STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER THE MAIN LINE STORE MEZZANINE SUBURBAN SQUARE . ARDMORE Follow custom, and after classes Do not apply if you are Come to the INN, and meet the masses qualified for a war production factory job. ROGER & GALLET wcathilics ee e ye ume that spins a momeut into a memory 1.75* 3,50* 6.75+* *plus tax . 0 Spccrnenae eperm f- aaa ca {© MAIL OR PHONE YOUR ORDERS TO DEWEES, PHIL Ap DAY ERS SPE ee es St EC aera a a abi . a 1122-24 Chestnut Street pat Pennypacker