wate Six THE COLLEGE NEWS oe oJ “Third Teain Routs Rosemont’s Second November third team 6.—The_ Bryn Mawr remained undefeated when it swamped Rosemont Col- lege second team 6-0. The Bryn Mawrters showed even more fight than in previous games, perhaps bocause of the prevailing low tem- perature. The team play was ex- cellent, the backfield conspicious in feeding the ball up to the for- wards, who then shared the goals between them. Strauss, °43, ac- counted fgfMehree, while Martin, ’43, Hardenberg, ’43, and Fulton, 43, each scored one. Although the forwards, ‘collectively, showed up well in the offensive, Harden- berg seemed to carry the ball most ‘often into the opponent’s striking ‘circle. The team’s. excellent play raises the ‘question. ‘whether an official Bryn Mawr third team ver- sus Second team game should not be played! BRYN nen. ROSEMONT SATS ivcce ac aves Rec Nera s ». Donnelly POMPOM 60 vee eves ih. ee Vea Seen ee es ear ec Masterson Hardenberg ..... Eg sree ay: Downing COD os ha Cio 8 Ta canta dere Nebel Alexander/ ..... Rei: PEs ce sain’ Impink Simsohn : TOGO. 6s ka e's GME | OI ORT Gillen WIM. a ods oe vs Se Wee Morse | Rae ee aia k, Drueding ei OY Ere RS eae cee Ure MEGHE Sc keceetere accra tein Hansel B. M. Seconds Down Rosemont’s Varsity With Score of 2-1 Bryn Mawr, November 6.—The Bryn Mawr secgnd team, facing both the cold and the fast- approach- ing darkness, staved off additional scoring by Rosemont College’s Var- sity, t) win at 2-1. The first half was marked by long hard drives, intercepted passes and golden op- portunities to score. Hollis, 42, de- fended the goal against many at- tacks with a certainty that was re- assuring to the rest of the backfield. The store at tre half-time was still 0-0. The-tone-of_ the playing changed radically in the following half. Drives found their mark, dodges were executed with success, and th’ ball stayed in the opponent’s half ef the field for longer pericds. Captain Woolsey. flicked in the first . score after a general skirmish in front of the goa’. She was fol- lowed a few minutes later by Bechtold, ’42, whose beautiful wing- shot flew past the goalie. Although descending darkness made the play a bit wild, in other respects the geme was one of the best and fast- est seen this year. BRYN MAWR ROSEMONT Beontoe ...iss ROW cok Reilly SOME ba. 6 ccs ced Bs hea soe 6 ake Giltnan WEOOINAS | 05 cobs BER pe Burlington Martinicvys-dere da Dy ees Jimker Hutchins. . >... 1 PRR, SRE Schreider Gillespie/ ...... Wi den och .. King Alexander MEO os ee tc oe hee > aR Rear arir Harken WHEIHOON .. 565s (Cie & Pee eae Daley Matteson. ...... TH oPucrusw cerns Ives BIGeITIS kg aces PR Pena wen Nettleship, PEGS <6 ccs cial = nen Bonney The Underprivileged | At, the University Club in ' Philadelphia women are thrown out if they attempt to come in the front door. The correct entrance/ is around one side, \obscurely marked “Yale Club.” - MAHAN’S DININt and MANNA BAR Quality Food Excéllent Service Luncheons Dinners } ROOM FOR A 718 LANCASTER AVE. WHEN PL NNING A DATE OOTBALL GAME OR A WEEK-END come to COLONY HOUSE for ‘that ee new ek to make it perfect V. arsity Conquers Visiting Merioners Who Rent: Players| The game between the Bryn Mawr. Varsity and the Merion Cricket Club was practically a family affair, as the Merionites arrived with seven players instead of the usual eleven. The Bryn Mawrters loaned to fill the gaps were forceful. Denny, ’48, as Merion goal, repeatedly staved off the forwards’ attacks, allowing a small percentage only to pass her. The impressive number of goals was due to unprecedented push on the part of the forwards, to their recovering, of the ball after an un- suctéessful attempt and ultimately ucceeding. Rambo, ’43, was out- standing in this respect and led the scoring with fouk tallies. Mat- thai, ’43; and Howard, ’40, each were responsible for three, making a total score of 10-0 in favor of Bryn Mawr. MERION C. C, BRYN MAWR Weadock ...... ha, Wi Harding TPO cca b es R. I... Martin (B.'M.) W OOINGS ee ccceeens ies civiaees Wilbur MGtthal foci: LON e) PRrarar anyones Tuttle HOWATE 6 sxe Towers aces ‘Vaughn TNO bi ch Oe as R. H.;. Wells (B. M.) WEDION ieics res Gy Gs Vives as Wood THMON: * sicktes tances ‘ H. Reggio. (B. M.) MOONE veesaccsus aged 88 'e8 Carr IORI 4s 555 0he 84 8 Weegee pie e ys Coxe MOCK Seer eens G5 Denny (B: Mo Panel of Students To Probe Threats To Our Democracy (Contributed in News Tryouts.) Next Monday, November 13, the International Relations hold the first of a series of meetin for organized discussion of mone ganda analysis. The subject this week will be: “Menaces to Ameri- can Democracy.” “The speakeys will be Louise Morley, ’40, Bess Lomax, ’41, and Emily Cheney, ’40 Louise Morley will emphasize the menace in oversimplifications of the ‘ssues of the war and the deception in slogans. As remedies to these dangers-she-suggests that stress be laid on the future gf education in democracy. Bess Lomax will speak on wartime curtailment of civil}, liberties in the United States and on the intervention of “the Dies Committee in /the work of Labor Unions. Emily Cheney will discuss economic democr acy as it is affected. by inequalities in the. distribution of wealth and by centralized plan- ning of production. [ / ice FLOWERS / for ref THE BOYS FROM ' SYRACUSE _ JEANETTE’S Flowers for every occasion RICHARD STOCKTON Gifts Christmas Cards ea a lt alle a ale aan | Club will! tanieennhinshlonbidlgaisanssiiaienaieaipracteian ES ST sieeve Tess ae —_ ts ac ti Bryn Mawr Battles Required Kultur, Not | Entertainment, To Tie With Shipley; Blights Lives of Early Bryn Mawrters October 24.—The 4 Shipley Schoal came near to defeat-|mocracy in the /home, bringing’ a ing the Bryn Mawr third team in a|™ore popular Aeries, but still at ONLY 121 STUDENTS “HAVE SERIES TICKETS / Last year there were 224 for a series without Menuhin Bryn Mawr, Continued from Page One the low price madé possible by a flat rate. Actual result: spirit and offensive push. The Shipley forward line was able to keep the ball in Bryn Mawr’s half of the field for much of the game, but the Yellow and White forwards made many excursions deep into Shipley’s territority. On two of these trips, Martin, ’43, drove the / ball to tally. While the score re/ mained 2-1 in Bryn Mawr’s favor for a large part of the game, Fern- ley of Shipley pushed past/ the goalie with a hard shot, to tie the score in the last few minut¢s. . THE SALE OF SERIES BRYN MAWR SHIPLEY . eas Bu SONGS sie ci Bee Waive ngstreble = Pi MBLC 66s. cke i ee a) /Humphrey ‘ dhe pal weve Sie are yoy eer /... Fernley MOPTIONORIE pisadds decke shiva Dixon . Te ie he AY Rn Allen / Prices $5.50 to $9.00 PEIIBORIE 5.55 coe 8 R. H../.... Slaymaker é RUGMIO 6 bar sees C, Hf Ses ey Shaw is MIGRANGCr .o555 5 De hi eee Thayer DEAUTOBON | oes .03 1S ie re sri Clothier Sd i) Sa aa rie Ties ivi iest Brown ’ FROUIS 2 pee eeeeees TRE eo era Fa Booth TO ALLOW THE REST OF THE STUDENTS -TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS BARGAIN GET A SERIES TICKET — New Book Room Plays The committee to choose plays fot the New Book. Room i ourpauea of Olivia -Kahn, 741, Fifi Garbat, ’41, and Pennell Crosby, ’41. Anyéne who has suggestions for/plays, please see a mem- bet of the committee. am Assure. Yourself a Good Seat Save Money on Six Big Events SATE AMER ARRAS SRL? ROUEN / : THE PPCK OF THEM ALL FOR and Deller Suse is Chesterfield because of its right combination | \. of the best American and Turkish tobaccos Miss PHIL OFFER was this year’s pick of them-all_for-“Cotton Queen’ because she has the right combination ofcharmandlove- linéss typical of the modern American girl. - For real smoking pleasure the pick of them all is Chesterfield because its right combi- nation of the world’s best tobaccos gives smokers Real .Mildness and Better Taste. Real mildness is more important in a cigarette today than.ever before because people smoke more now than ever be- fore. That’s why so many smokers have changed to Chesterfield... they are find- - ing out that for Real Mildness and Better 7 Taste the pick of them all is Chesterfield. You'll find that Chesterfields are cooler, better-tasting, and def- initely milder. . . you can t buy a’ better cigarette. MAKE YOUR NEXT PACK “— ° BRYN MAWR , T coomnizht1939.LicasrraMwans ToaccoCo. | zhester THEY REALLY SATISFY 7 o