v THE COLLEGE NEWS Page Piv- Schedule of Final Examinations ~ MONDAY, MAY 20 First Year Classical Archaeology: Painting (G) Greek: Sophocles (A) Ancient +. —.»_- See ology+= Introtuetion-— (Fy Second Year Chemistry: Physical ¢Ch.-Ge) English: Middle (E) Advanced French: Composition (B) History: English in 19th Cent. (C) Mathematics: Geometry (Dal- ton) Elective Music: Elcmentary Counter- point ¢Goodhart) English: Contemporary Verse and Advanced Contemporary Verse (R) TUESDAY, MAY 21 First Year Greek: Homer (A) Philosophy: Division 2 (E) Politics (F) Second Year Italian”"Composition (L) Mathematics:*” Geometry (Dal- ton) Politics (B) Advanced : Chemistry: Organic (Ch.-Ge.) French: Medieval Literature and Philology Philosophy: Metaphysics Elective History of Art: Post Renais- “gance and Modern Architéc- ture (G) WEDNESDAY, MAY 22 First Year Biology (Dalton) Philosophy, Division 3 Second Year Physiology (Dalton) Period (S) Biology: English: Romantic y| French: Literature (E) German: Age of Wagner. (A) History: Medieval Civilization (B) Latin: Literature of Empire (L)_ Advanced Mathematics: Caleulus (Dalton) Sociology: Anthropology (R) | Elective Greek: Literature for Non-Clas- sical Students (C) THURSDAY MAY 23 Second Year : Italian: Literature (L) Sociology : Modern Social Wel- fare (B) Advanced English: —Seventeenth_Century (C) German: Composition FRIDAY, MAY: 24 Elementary German (F,G) German Reading (R) First Year German: Life of Wagner Divi- sions 1 and 2 (E) SATURDAY, MAY 25 Required English Composition S,V,) (T) (E,F,R,- Second Year Economics: Industrial Organi- zation (A) German: Heimatditchtung (U) History: England, 1485-1783 (B) Latin: Medieval Literature (L) Philosophy: German Idealism (B) Psychology: Social (C) Advanced German: Drama (T) History: Civilization of Ancient World (K) MONDAY, MAY 27 First Year TEST. PILOT HOMER BERRY SAYS: . ~——oromrnneenntenonennnsnnen NO ~fastburning for mein my cigarette: I’ve -smoked— «~~ “FASTEST PLANE off the production line today!” That’s how Homer Berry describes the amazing new Bell Airacobra. This vet- eran test pilot started flying in 1913... started smoking Camels the same year. “No other cigarette ever gave me anything like the pleasure of a Camel,” he says. “They burn slower, smoke milder and cooler. In 26 years, that slower burning has given me a lot of extra smoking.” Try Camels. Enjoy Camel’s slower-burning costlier tobaccos. at Penny for penny your best cigarette buy! Chemistry (Ch.-Ge.) English Literature, (Stapleton) ; French, Division 1 and 2 (C,E) Philosophy, Division 1 (D) Second Year Economics: Money and Banking ee "History of Art: European Paint: ing (G) Mathematics: Calculus (Dalton) Elective - Music: 2nd year History’ and Appreciation, (Goodhart) Philosophy:. Elementary thetics (M) TUESDAY, MAY. 28 First Year Division. 1 Aes- Economics (E) English Literature, Division 2 (Sprague) (FE) Latin, Divisions 1 and 2 (S) Latin, Special (R) Second Year siology-Geology: Zoology and Paleontology (Dalton) Classical Archaeology: Aegean (G) English: Eighteenth Century (C) History: America from 1800 (D) Philosophy: Logie (M) Physics: Modern (Dalton) Psychology: Mental Tests (B) Advanced French: Poetry (K) Elective Music: 1st year History and, Appreciation (Goodhart) Biblical Literature: Literary History of the Bible (A) WEDNESDAY, MAY 29 First Year History: Medieval and Modern, Divisions 1 and 2 (F) Second Year . Sociology: Statistics (Stat. Lab.) Advanced Chemistry: Inorganic (Ch.-Ge.) Camels ever since there have been any Camels. They burn. slower and give me more pleasure per puff and more puffs ) per pack. ‘I’d walk a mile for a slow-burning Camell’” : MORE PLEASURE PER -»»- MORE PUFFS PER PACK! Copyright, 1940, R. J. Reynolds TobaceoCo., Winston-Salem, N. C. PUFF History: Europe since 1870 (E) | History of Art: Gothic (G) Elective | Aspects of Life and Thought in| 18th Cent. (B) Education: Modern Educational | Theory and Principals of Ed-; ueation (L) P THURSDAY, MAY 30 ae Baccalaureate Service The Reverend George Ar- thur Buttrick, minister of the Madison Avenue Presby- térian Church, N. Y. C., will be the speaker at the Bacca- laureate service to beheld-in Goodhart Auditorium, Sun=~™~ dey, June 2, at 8 o’clock. Elementary French Reading (C) First Year German: Age of Goethe (B) Italian (M) * Spanish (A) Advanced English: Shakespeare (E) German: Philology’ and Litera- | | ture (L) Elective History of Art:. Art: of Far, East (G) : Music: Elementary Harmony (Goodhart) Mathematics: Elements of Sta- tistics (S) FRIDAY, MAY 31 Elementary Greek (L) comnraemaes saints ai First Year History of Art (G) Mathematics: Divisions 1 and 2 (Dalton) Philosophy, Division 4 (EF) Psychology (F) Second Year Chemistry: .Organic (Ch.-Ge.) English: Victorian Period (D) Geology: Mineralogy (Ch.-Ge.) Physics: Theory of Heat (Dal- f ton) ; Sociology: Labor Movements (A) Elective. Edueation: Child Psychology (K) | Music: 38rd year History and Appreciation (Goodhart) nS a a Buy your LEAST cost. GARDEN PARTY FLOWERS where you get the BEST flowers for the CONNELLYS THE MAIN LINE FLORISTS 1226 Lancaster Ave. Rosemont - Bryn Mawr, Pa. Bryn Mawr 252 In recent laboratory tests, CAMELS burned 25% slower than the average of the 15 other of the largest- selling brands tested— slower than any of them. That means, on the average, a smoking plus equal to EXTRA SMOKES PER PACK! ‘ Ss