age — a —* wi i ‘Society of London, illustrated his lec- ae ‘“Z-615 VOL. XXV, No, 22 BRYN MAWR AND WAYNE, PA., WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, ‘1939 Copyright TRUSTEES OF BRYN MAWR COLLEGE, 1939 - PRICE 10 CENTS Bragg Shows ~ Soap Crystal In Color Film Latest Sack on Mcliciles _ Structure Illustrated In New Movie . _ EMINENT SCIENTIST TALKS IN OWN FIELD Goodhart Hall, May 4.—Sir Wil- Jiam Bragg, president of the Royal ture on the Structure of Organic Crystals with a motion picture dis- play of the brilliant interference col- ors on soap film. With the aid of ‘this picture, slides, blackboard dia- grams, and ‘a second. motion picture of ice crystals, Sr. William discussed , -the structure of organic “molecules. . He dealt chiefly with the long-chain soap molecules, which are in many ‘ways ‘similar to those that compose nerve and muséle tissue and plant - fiber. The picture was made in the Davy- ‘Faraday laboratories only six weeks ago, in connection With the intensive research work now in progress on the properties of thin films. The audi- ence, largely composed of outside phys- ‘icists from as far away as New York ‘and Washington, was privileged in seeing this recent development. The| B color camera, said Sir William, had made a “remarkably faithful” repro- duction of the actual colors, and made it possible to study and keep perma- nent record of the behaviour of the ‘soap molecules. The most important constituent of ‘organic substance is, Sir William said, the carbon atom. which carbon combines itself with other atoms are firm. The forces be- tween molecules so formed are slight compared with these interior forces. In the pliability of organic matter - ‘Continued on Page Five O’Daniel- Discusses Position of Women In Field of Politics Common Room, May 1.—In the last) of the series of vocational léctures, Eileen O’Daniel, speaking on The Great Game of Politics, declared that political work for women is not only a possible, but a highly important field. As secretary to John D. Ham- ilton, chairman of the Republican Na- ‘tional Committee, Miss O’Daniel has been working in Washington in the past few years and has also-had ex- perience in local politics. Those who wish to enter the field of politics may start with part-time - volunteer| work in their local precincts, the speaker said. Good humor and patience are major requisites for such work. Applicants should first write to the head of the local woman’s divi- “sion of their party for the name of ‘their local precinct leader. It is es- sential to. have experience in one’s own precinct as local issues are most} important. to the majority of people and usually determine national elec- tions, : From her local district the volun- teer cak advance through state poli- _tics to the National Committee in Washington. The 1940 elections pre- sent-srso0rtunities to women to engage in national politics. All. such work “affords “associations” with ‘many kinds} of people, a new perspective on one ’s own town, and a career adaptable, to _all surroundings. | ‘Many educated people believe poli- tics is “dirty, magical or glamorous.” ‘To them politics implies graft, an op-| ‘portunity for meeting fascinating ‘people, or for. uncontested campaigns. -“‘But,’t said| Miss O’Daniel, “we have a. as representative a Congress as we} \ deserve.” “The balancing of the two ‘main parties is indispensable to de- ,moecracy. Therefore these parties ‘have been part of the legal structure of —— The bonds with] ” Musicians Contribute ‘| To Scholarship Fund Curtis String Quartet Presents Program of Little Known Compositions Goodhart, May 8. — The Curtis String Quartet, four excellent mu- instruments Refugee Students. Two of the three! compositions offered were written by contemporary composers, leading one to expect less pleasure from them than from better-known works. They proved, however, extremely easy for the ear to follow and a happy de- parture from the classics. _ Beautiful ensemble work, mastery of technique, and restrained, well- bred interpretation marked their play- ing as a group. In solos, each instru- ment seemed lovelier than the preced- ing one, an effect due not only to the player’s ability, but also to the instru- ment itself. Mr. Brodsky and Mr, Jaffe both played Stradivarius violins, Mr. Aronoff an Amati viola, and Mr, Cole a Montagnana cello. The Beethoven -Quactet, Op. 18 No. 2, a delightful, comparatively early work of the master, opened the pro- gram. Its hap mood ae through four movements: a briNiant, Continued on Page Six perimental Drama "Skillfully Produced Garbat’s Direction Nets Honors Of ‘Hiawatha Pullman’; Lewis, Crosby ‘Praised Reaching a new high in dramatic enterprise, the Varsity- Players col- laborated with the Haverford Cap and Bells -Club to- present -Thoernton Wil- der’s Pullman Car Hiawatha. Chief honors for the success of the play should go to the director, Fifi Gar- bat, ’41, who was able to synchronize the action and speaking 6f some 30 completely independent characters to produce the required impression of a random group of Pullman passengers caught in a particular space and time, Pullman Car Hiawatha purports to give the “geographical, cosmological, and theological” position of a train traveling between New York and Chi- cago. One of the chief weaknesses inherent in the play itself was its attempt to give this broad cosmic pic- ture in the space of 20 minutes. No clear idea of the underlying forces or ideas which may have been in Mr. Wilder’s mind emerged from the rath- er incidental philosophies which he put into the mouths of the hours and, plan- ets. The production as a whole was remarkably. successful. in overcoming the diversity of the characters, which Would, under less able handling, have destroyed the realization of a unified picture. ; The many actors realized that co- ordination was more important a the creation of any single dominating personality. The individuality of Jeaech: passenger, place; and time, was quickly and definitely established, but was never allowed to distract atten- tion from the ‘presence of the other forces. The otherworldly atmosphere so necessary to the play was supplied by. this coordination,.and also height- ened by the lack of scenery. . Use of the spotlight on each character. in {turn served to emphasize their com- plete independence of one another, and also. to indicate that, after establish- ing an individuality, the character be- came again merely a contributor. to the whole scene. In the difficult part of the. stage \ Continued on Page Six *, “’ Jonathan Weiss — The College Néws wishes to congratulate Mr. and _Mrs. \Weiss on the birth of. a son, Jonathan, on ee May 1; ", 107). mo eis “ sicians playing on four ofthe finest | in the world, gave a} highly enjoyable program of chamber | music to the benefit of the fund for} n director. * COLLEGE CALENDAR Priday;/ May 12.—Industrial Group Picnic outside Goodhart, _ 6.30. A. S. U. business meeting for the election of officers, Com- mon Room, 7.30. Jpint Meeting of the Industrial Group and the A. S. U. on the National Labor Relations Act. Miss Fairchild will speak, Common Room, 8.30. Tuesday, May 16.—Current Events, Mr...Fenwick, Common Room, 7. 30. Auden ilosie Nature of Man And Poet’s Aim Deanery, May 2.—The English poet and playwright, W. H. Auden, speak- ing on the poet’s position in modern society, began. by examining the na- ture of man. The purpose of the artist is the elucidation of this nature, which,. although it may be distorted, can never be changed. He cannot, therefore, escape into a_ personal ivory Tower, or bétorie the. spokes-| man for any single social class. Poetry| is one means’ of making us aware of ourselves and our relationships, and this understanding is necessary, if we are to become free. Salvation lies, the speaker said, in Monism, the only true philosophy, which holds good to be activity, and evil, that which limits activity. Blake, Jgsus, Goethe, Voltaire, . Montesquieu and ‘Marx are monistic in their doc- trines. The dualist, on the other hand, separates the body from the mind, making action evil, reason alone good. According to Mr. Auden any. belief which supports social classes as pre- ordained, or believes in the rule of the few over the many, it dualistic philosophy, and therefore false. Man of all animals is the most in- telligent, because he is the most af- feétionate. Yet our so-called civiliza- tion is based upon dualistic standards of hatred—and:- fear. _Inan ingras ingly complicated world, faced) with problems too difficult for him to solve, the human being began to act dualis- tically, or negatively. All co-opera- tion is monistic action, free from hatred. At preserit the poet is regarded as peculiar and isolated by the world, which is consciofis of its distorted na- ture. If poetry is to be popular and successful, it must accept the dual- istic standards of modern society. If not, it Becomes segregated’ from popu- Continued on Page Two H. GOLDMAN DENIES TFARSUS WAS ONCE MYCENEAN CAPITOL Music Room, May 24—The second lecture in the series on Early Aspects of Anatolian. Civilization by Miss Hetty Goldman dealt with the exca- vation at Tarsus of which she is the The dig was originally un- dertaken to determine the validity. of a rumor suggesting it as a possible center for the so-called Achaean Em- pire mentioned in Hittite records. This. empire is commonly called Mycenean' and is connected with Tirynes and Mycenae, but whether or not. its center was actually on the terested archaeologists for some years. Rhodes, Cyprus and other islands, and also Pamphilia and the region of Silicia about Tarsus (in Asia Minor), have ‘been suggested at various times as. alternative centers. Miss Gold- nian devoted a considerable part of her’ lecture to proving that the Achaean Empire could not ‘possibly have been centered at Tarsus because an investigation of the Mycenean level of the city shows the period to have been a weak one. The Mycenean pottery found was probably imported via Egypt by the remnants of the civilization fleeing from northern in- vaders. {n- addition Miss Goldman described earlier levels ‘reached by the excava- Continued on Page Three main land is a question that has in-, S.C. Chew Analyses _ Elizabethan Imagery Concept of Time gnd Fortune Recombined Many Earlier Abstractions es is, generally concerned Goodhart Hall, May 1.— an tragedy of Fortune’s: wheel,” said Samuel C. Chew, professor of English, in his leeture, Time and Fortune in _ the Elizabethan Imagination. The .con- ception of Fortune in the literature of this period was interwoven with abstractions and attributes popular in preceding generations, such as_ the fates, justice, and occasion. ‘ Time hineelf sometimes is pictured turfiing the wheel of Fortune. In bringing together the iconography of many centuries, Mr. Chew said, the spinning wheel of the fates and hence of Fortune comes to be associated with the web of Destiny, and Time is conceived as-spinning the web. Fortune was usually senate det: to be a malignant and untrustworthy spirit. A slightly different variant of ‘this theme may be found in the Mir- ror of Magistrates, the precursor of Elizabethan tragedy, which »shows Fortune with no real existence of her own. Man, according to this interpre- tation, is the author of his own woe. Continued on Page Three | Rufus Jones Defines Mystical Experience Reality of Intuitive “Perception Of Higher Truth Defended By Noted Quaker ‘ Common Room, May 3,—At an open meeting of the Philosophy Club Mr. Rufus Jones spoke on the Nature of the Mystical Experience. Mr. Jones defined “religious mysticism” as mean- ing, roughly, immediate intuitive con- sciousness of transcendent reality, al- though he admitted that abstract words were inadequate to express such human revelation. 5 As. evidence for the existence of the mystjcal experience, Mr. Jones cited a number of cases where persons of character and veracity had | indubft- ably undergone a deep emotional ex- perience, coupled with intimations of -he super-natural. The event seems as real to the mystic as physical ex- »e ience, and enables him to triumph ver the universe. “Such mystics ave charted the course of history and e'ped to build the world. In this, he intimations of the transcendent ve b.come a major faecor in the urse ‘of human events.” ‘Such great figures as Moses, St. Paul, St. Thomas Aquinas, Juneid of Baghdad and St. Theresa were mys- ics. All found that the effect of mys- tical experience was- primarily a deepening fof Jife. They attained serenity fof mind by. being able to Continued on Page Two College To Advinse Funds for Workshop To enable undergraduates to make their pledges for the Theatre Work- shop run over 1939-40 paydays, the college has agreed to advance the total’ ‘amount pledged, if the Undergradu- ate Association will. underwrite, or sary because pledge cards are not considered “legally collectible” unless they: are underwritten. by one person or organization. Work cannot be started on the Workshop until all the money is actually. received or legally collectible. In underwriting the pledges, the Undergraduate Association promises to make good any defaults by assess- ments on its members. This assess- ment, if necessary at all, will be very small for any one person, but the consent of the undergraduates is nec- essary before work can p A vote will be taken after /lunch, on Thursday,- May 11. with the fall of kings front the top|! guarantee, the sum, This is hneces-| _| seabs. {Dean Manning Battles With C. G, Fenwick Experts Repeat Testimony Given Before Senate On Neutrality DEBATE-INSTIGATES HEATED DISCUSSION Common Room, May 9.—At an open meeting of the International Relations Club, Dean Manning and Mr. Fen- wick supported their respective views as presented at the Senate Investiga- tion Committee on Neutrality. Dean Manning spoke before the Senate as a representative of the Woman’s Inter- national League for -Peace and -Free- dom, upholding the present Neutrality Act, while Mr. Fenwick supported the newly proposed Thomas Amendment, now under diseussion in the Senate. Dean Manning believes that there’ need be no further legislation; the present Neutrality Act is an adequate policy for the United States in deal- ing with warring foreign powers. It is because this act has not been prop- erly enforced in the case of either Japan or Spain that the supporters of the Thofmas Amendment feel it to be insufficient: In presenting this view, Dean Man- ning further stated that the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom favors an amendment to the act, providing for deliberation and referendum on the part of the Amer- ican people in the case of imminent war. “I, cannot believe that the American people would deliberately, atthe present time, with so many of our own political problems crying for solution, embark upon a course which will call fora complete reorganiza- Continued on Page Six Organizer Explains Position of Union In Maritime Strike «The Labor Committee of the A. S. U. interviewed Mr, J. J. Smith of the National Maritime Union last Satur- day, May 6, on the subject of the union’s present strike against oil con- cerns which refused to comply with its demands for preferential hiring. The unidn is picketing all Standard Oil gas stations and is holding up oil shipments by. delaying sailings. © Although the union is ‘also striking for higher wages its primary objec- tive is to strengthen its position and to safeguard its members by establish- ing a union employment agency which would control the hiring of crews on a rotary system of waiting lists. system of preferential hiring amounts to a closed shop since hiring would be in union hands. In already estab- lished. union agencies, records of the applicants are kept on file, and the ‘| union is privileged to transfer an ap- plicant’s card to the bottom of the waiting list, if he should miss more than two union meetings.. Mr. Smith continued that the Na- tional Maritime Union has had. to ~*~ This — struggle against company unions, and © against concerns ‘who register under foreign flags, employing foreign labor which undercut the American wage level. Also, such companies have used a system of farcical medical examina- union men whom they could not openly refuse to employ, The strike.affects companies operat- ing over.a hundred oil carrying ves- - sels and has been called at a strategic time since this coal strike fuel short- ~ tions to eliminate perfectly able-bodied _ age will be heightened by a tie-up of . oil.. So far it has been fairly success- ful, according to Mr. Smith, though the outcome is still uncertain. Several concerns such as Gulf Oil have al- ready the acquiesced to the union’s de- - mands, and the Department of Com-— merce ‘has prohibited companies from distributing seaman’s. certificates. ieee “ ae Ld ae ane a Ke } ae : Page : Two 4 THE COLLEGE NEWS| |. THE COLLEGE. NEWS (Founded ‘in 1914) Published weekly duri ' Mawr College. the College Year (excepting durin Christmas and Easter Holidays, and during examination weeks) in the interest of Bryn Mawr College at the Maguire Building, Wayne,. Pa., and Bryn WIT?S END Thanksgiving, - it.may be reprinted either wholly or in Editor-in-Chief. The College News is-fully protected by copyright. Nothing that appears in | part without written permission of the > News Editor SUSIE 1NGALLS, ’41 Feature Betty LEE BELT, ’41 ELIZABETH ,CROZIER, ’41 Doris DANa, ’41 ELIZABETH DopcE, ’41 ANN ELLI "42 JOAN GROSS, ’42 ’ MARGARET MAGRATH, ’42 Photographer / LILLI SCHWENK, ’42 V Prccy Lou JAFFER, ’41 Business Manager BETTY WILSON, 740 NANCY BusH;,. ’40 RuTH LEHR, "41 Editorial Board Editor-in-Chief EMILY CHENEY, ’40 ELLEN MATTESON, ’40 a Editors OLIVIA KAHN, ’41 ~~ { v Sports Correspondents Assistants Subseription Board Manager ROZANNE PETERS; 740 Preccy SQUIBB, 41 Copy Editor ELIZABETH POPE, ’40 Editor ISABEL MARTIN, ’42 AGNES MASON, ’42 RvuTH MCGOVERN, ’41 JANB NICHOLS, ’40 HELEN REsOoR,*’42 VIRGINIA SHERWOOD, Dora THOMPSON, ’41 IsoTA ASHE TUCKER, ’40 Music Correspondent: TERRY FERRER, 40 "41 CHRISTINE WAPLES, ’42 Advertising Manager DoroTHY AUERBACH, ’40 LILLIAN: SEIDLER, 740 BETTY MARIB JONES, ’42 a SUBSCRIPTION, $2.50 SUBSCRIPTIONS MAY MAILING PRICE, $3.00 BEGIN AT ANY TIME Entered as second-class matter at the Wayne, Pa., Post Office & Undavil The most persistent objections to News reviews are that they do not express public opinion, or reflect the general atmosphere and aim: of the production or take account of the players. Although some individual reviews may have been poor by anyone’s standard, we think our own criteria of what a review should do are worth stating. That the News should merely reflect campus opinion of a produc- tion by its members contains two fallacies. -News review adds no helpful criticism which is not already secondly, such a. collective judgment is usually a vague, general- ized impression and not a critical opinion. view, therefore, should hinge on whether this opinion is adequately proved, not on whether the opinion is that generally held. # The second objection, that the News reviews fail to consider the aims of the production, is in reality purely a question of degree, for it is obvious that some recognition of what critical standard may be followed. We agree that t be_sympathetic with the producers to a certain extent understand and judge the problems attempted and the results obtained, and that there must be differentiation between the plays of the Player’s Club, the Freshman Show, and the Gilbert and Sullivan. This differ- entiation, however, does not mean that acting in the Gilbert and Sulli- : van, or finish in the Freshman Show cannot be criticised as well as the singing and humor, but merely that the focus of the review should be the central aim of the production, difficult to tell when a reviewer flatly misunderstands the aims of a production and when, quite rightly, she refuses to pass lightly over difficulties which could have been views may occasionally have completely misinterpreted the situation, but a blanket policy that all reviews should criticize only .within the}: limits of the recognized difficulties of a production would eliminate the possibility of any real criticism. As to the enthusiasm and work that has gone into the production, this the News considers to be an accepted fact. circumstances” criticism can never help to raise the general level of dramatic production. We do not operettas, etc., to be such a tender honest reviewer..and_certainly praise given only where praise is due “has a much more profound effect easy to excuse the bad acting of one’s friends, but if. the’ latter’ are serious in their attempts it is only fair to them to ‘admit their weaknesses. ~= Perhaps the most controversial aspect of any. review is its. general Writing which is in itself bubbling with enthusiasm seems to us equally to be avoided with an exhibition of satire or boredom at the , expense of the play. Neither one constitutes criticism, but only indi- . cates a. previous prejudice for or against. The News has never intended style. to dampen dramatic activity by approach. We do expect the reviews to contain adverse criticisms where the critic. finds them deserved, but this, in itself, should never "sadam further ot secretarial Liberties” of the hard work and enthusiasm First, by doing so the n, and Criticism of the News re- the purpose is necessary no matter critic must in order to In practice it is, of course, often surmounted. Individual News re- Moreover, “under the believe the enthusiasm for plays, flower as to be crushed by a single than indiscriminate eulogy. It is a disinterested or satiric general = proud of it. The extraordinary voices, acting, and direction in the operetta should in our opinion».have been characterized by; was intended as a helpful hint for words less deflating than ‘traditional * | care and elaborate preparation,” “ade- quate,” and “filled ‘the requirements of their roles.” And why imply that the audience would need to be “shak- en” out of any “lethargy?” However, more important than any specific choice of -words, is the fac that the news critic entirely failed to catch the spirit of the>show’and the prevailing ease and joy with which the performance went, off. : MARTHA VAN HOESEN BARBARA BIGELOW ELEANOR K,.. TAFT ' HELEN J. Coss ETHEL §. DANA’ AGNES W. SPENCER JANE BRAUCHER ~ ANNE JANET CLARK JANE GAMBLE RUTH LILIENTHAL, 6 Hemphill Criticizes Kahn’s ‘Gondoliers’ Review To the Editor of the College News: It is too bad that the News did not take the letter of J. M., ’42, to heart before printing the review of The Gondoliers in the last issue. I agree with her that “I do not advocate su- perficiality”in the—eriticisms “but—be- lieve that emphasis could fairly be laid on the successes rather than the failures.” The write-up reflects none of the enthusiasm shown by cast and audiences, and ignores the fact that the production is generally considered the best Gilbert and Sullivan in the It seems impossible that anyone could have enjoyed her- self as little as your- reviewer ob-; viously did. Many students and fac- ulty went to three ‘and four rehear- sals as well’as to the actual perform-| ances, just for the fun of it. I should| like to protest that the badly-balanced| tand@ unenthusiastic review does not’ represent true campus opinion. I do’ not like to believe that the article represents the opinion of the whole) News board,-as was indicated by the fact that the article-was-unsigned. Kitty HEMPHILL, ’39. Feature, on ‘Science Termed Shallow, Pointless To the News: Whether the recent. article, “Early nm bother when vacation 2 a eC f ry 4 a. TT) Wet aay Ay 1098 : lat) Vo Past RAILWAY ~~~ You can-then boaed your train without-a (Saks ORR ‘ 88 89—A Contry *Phone | Mawr 440 ™ Bryn wr, Pa. criticizing. | ? \ : STOP BAGGAGE-ITIS!* ~ 3 Technical name for “Baggage is easy, economical RAILWAY EXPRESS _ cute — pre-tested by thousands’of carefree colle- gians: (1) Pack everything carefully into your trunks, boxes and bags. (2) Lock, strap and ~ label ‘em.deftly. (3). Phone -or drop- EXPRESS office and tell them when 5 to call and where to deliver. THAT’s ALL! Your" 4 ‘ a baggage is practically home. Charges include pick-up and delivery in all cities and, principal towns. And you can send everything “express collect”—at low rates. : So when your holiday baggage is.ready, just phone RAILWAY EXPRESS to call care in. the world! ==» : alt fa WIT?S END| Continued from Page Two lier Circa Maxima, in Novus, or new, York. rates are typical for Ameri- can games generally. Cf. leaguus major. 5—Tyre-pump—possibly like the laurel or arbutus wreaths; it was carried in the hand in token of victory, was intro- | line duced into Novus York in 1893 A. D. ‘line 7—free cigars—cf. panem et cir- cenges. line 8—The Presidentship was ar- rived at first by Ward Leader, Decision Vital for Science - Majors,” future science majors, or whether to interest and inform those concerned with alien fields, it seems equally un- fortunate to give such a shallow and uneven offered by the Department of Science. The range of opportunities for ad- vanced study is amazing and diverse, and includes many more exciting ex- periences than using “beautiful new apparatus” or “riding in diminishing circles.” But fundamental to any appreciation. of the advanced courses are the second-year courses, stepping- stones between the state of taking a science as a requirement and being a full-fledged “major.” It is significant that the second-year courses in both Biology and Chemistry are being offered in revised form next .year; until now each has covered an amount of material offered by two separate one-year courses at Smith and Vas- sar. We realize that it would be im- practical for the writers.ofthe News articles thoroughly to investigate their subject-matter each week; we appreci- ate the personal approach in hitting the “high spots” of a topic and neg- lecting certain other aspects. But the article just mentioned seems, to a loyal and much-interestedreader, to be superficial to the degree of becom- ing pointless. M. T. R., ’89. Advt. Lost: A black looseleaf note- book with stiff board corners, size about seven by eight inches. “Ht contains notes on the history of science. Reward if returned to L. Stapleton. “CAREER and FUN” Under Summer’s Sun Exclusive summer school on North Shore. Fashion mod- eling, figure — epnditioning, grooming, fencing, dancgng. Enrollment limited, Refer- Cat; C. ences, ademte. moderne 35 COMMONWEALTH AVE. BOSTON : i \\ ei bound.” Ny ¥ Fee Sp by» the. of Service—1939 — Branch Office: Haverford, Pa. : (R. R. Ave.) ’Phone Ardmore 561 Here, ’cycle impression of the course’! . then successively Lawyer, Grafter, and Governor— ». . terms not met with, outside of political history. line 10—gold: stored up would indi» cate that this poem was writ- ten before 1933 A. D., were it not for the following ref- erence to the Social Security Act of a few years later. Some authorities believe that pensions refers to the allot- soldiers of the Second Puny War, in which case, the poem might after all- have been composed at an earlier date. line 12—sailor’s term—poetic phrase for Naval bondage. line 183—Note the pun intended in the word, bully, which means: | (a) the flesh of a bull, (b) a _ particular food fed to sailors, (c) an expression of appreci- ation. line 15—sprees—an . expression found Péssibly formed from the French word, .prees or price, meaning expense. line 16—the deep—poetic - equivalent for ocean. line 18—a drop of Scotch—expression obscure. The Scotch were a race of barbaric Amazons wearing ‘short, colored togas and: burrs. - line 22—reveille—obscure word with an Etruscan root. line 25—mamma deer—deer with chil- dren. The accent is on the syllable of mamma. —form of lyric poetry. Nash—Nash was one of of the Bakelite age. He was unsurpassed’ for metrical -pre- cision and perfection. Eliot has been mentioned in- only one other work, an elegy by Edgar Guest. No fragments of his work are extant. line 832—proverbial; cf. Ov. Met. 7. 61, wvertice sidera tangam. Swelling is found to be more common as the noun, swell, E. D, FRAZIER. become a skilled secretary Intensive 4/2 mos. course for college women opens Sept. 5. Enroll now. Also summer class. Shorthand & Typing. Inquire. ballard school ywca lexington at 53d, new york, wick 2-4500 ad Approved Penna. Private Business School BUSINESS TRAINING BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION AND SECRETARIAL SCIENCE : ) for young men and women. One, Two.and Three Su Day and Evening Courses ae : 8 Weeks Summer Session «__ Founded 1865 PEIRCE SCHOOL Pine St. West of-Broad Philadelphia, Pa. GIBBS is the one name you hear most often among coll ‘women who pr Ho the im os sound « « «gecretarial or a réally -desir- - ‘able . The ace- toward a business career, “it's Gibbs! e AT NEW YORK SCHOOL ONLY — same course be started July 10, preparing for easly placement. Also One and Two Year Courses for preparatory and high school graduates. ee 90 Marlborough Street YORE . = ee - 230 Park Avenue ments of land granted to the only in the younger poets. greatest lyric poets - lege background than there are candi-. dates -