Page Four THE COLLEGE NEWS 4 \ ree ‘ia g ai Radio Club Expands, : « Dancers Participate |College News Rates i * . \ e,¢ Now Operates Own In Several Recitals| — First Class Position. endent Station Indep A renewed interest in dancing,| The ——— News 5 pe — ai ; +: |paper, according to the irtiet: Growing in leaps and bounds so nee oe _—ee eee All-American Critical Service of great that even those working tion in four fornfal rene, has!the Associated Collegiate Press. hardest in its behalf were amazed appeared on campus this year.|The News is improving; last year’s and delighted, the Radio Club has Both the Duncan and the Modern | rating was only second class. changed from a minor _—— Dance have been represented, not| The National Scholastic Press activity to one of major im- only in required, sports, but also| Association analyzed 248 college portance. : : : papers, rated them as All-Amer- In a little over a year the Bryn 1 ait a icin diag ican or first, second, or third class,. Mawr Club—has passed from the In addition to sending represen-|and evaluated separate factors stage of cooperation in the run- tative dancers to a performance at | such as news writing, editing, cov- ning of Haverford’s WHAV to the YMHIA, the Dance Club won| erage, typography, make-up, fea- the operation of their own sta- the award of merit at the Cultural | tures, and department pages. The tion, WBMC, located in Miss Hen- Olympies-in~ Philadelphia. The | judging was ‘based on a whole derson’s office in Pembroke East. membership of the club under the| semester of Newses; hdnce the The station, constructed by en- supervision....of....Josephine---Petts,|-credit’ goes to’ Elizabeth» Watkins gineers from the Haverford Radio head of Physical Education, has|and her board and staff. Club, is the first independent sta- - The Radio Club, shown here rebearsing for their bi-weekly jumped drastically within the last The News rates highest on its On On Shy. ‘Women's Campus. play, has become an important feature on campus. Aside from = trom OFIgENAt = eareartele Which ate deemed soper- Membership in the club, gained the actors and script writers necessary for a radio play, the club in- thirty-one. This increase in in-|ior by the NSPA. News coverage, ° ° : > : i‘ , A : . a on the basis of merit and interest} cludes its own engineers, production managers, and control-room verews ond sntaninaee, ton. to tas — nies a? oe okay ‘yeas shown after apprenticeship, offers man, Dhow in ible picture are Mary Hemphill ’44, Dorothy Bruch- production of Rodrigo, a dance-| ity, orgentsation, and printing are experience in acting, announcing, holz *46, and Wen dy Fr anke ’46, with two uniden tified men . from play, with the cooperation of those the News’ strong points. Leads engineering, production, advertis- Haverford’s WHAV. - |taking dancing as a required and make-up, however, are only ing, and script: writing. A variety |. sport, gl | fair. of programs are offered alternate- ‘ i ly from WBMC and WHAV from| Nameless Publication - es ‘e 8:30 until 10:30 Monday through| Will Succeed *“‘Lantern’”’ , 8 Thursday nights. These programs Continued from Page 1 consist of a nightly Classical] the editors’ promise of comic re- Hour, followed by Le Jazz Hot.) lief. It is one of those brisk, Faculty interviews, quizzes, lan-| robust accounts of troop ship guage programs, news, and a bi-| troubles compiled with a dash of : weekly play, take up the remain-| flippancy, an eye for humor, a ‘ ing time. ' knack for exaggeration, and a Besides providing invaluable| quantity of just plain old Good : training in a field of growing im-| Spirits. Lucy Hall’s Jane-Irina portance, WBMC offers a direct] dilemma in The Strange Enigma organ of expression and com-| of Geneveive is a clever intensi- munication on campus, and aids in| fication of a common personality lf n ] promoting a closer association be-| ailment. The “finishing” touches tween the faculty and under-| willstartle you whether or not you graduates. are convinced. The Radio Club is managéd this! Miss Stapleton’s Voyage is a yeay under the direction of Mar-| forthright presentation of an garet Browder '45, as president,| eminently human theme. It might Probably no other group of young American with a staff consisting of Georgi-| be considered the theme song of women has so much to offer the accomplishment ana Wiebenson 46, production} the new booklet, for it objectifies of the final victory as college—trained seniors manager; Nanette Emery ’47, di-| the intentions of the editors of such as you rector of acting and announcing;| The Title to offer only that which : Charlotte Binger ’45, director of] is artistically sincere rather than music; Jane Ward ’46, feature di-| intentionally artistic. In accord- You Bave the education and Lita for ease rector; Martha McDonald ’47, chief] ance with suggestions for the ship, the schooled discipline of mind and body, ‘ engineer; and Betty Lilly ’47, ad-| closer correlation between academ- . and a background of appreciation of the re—- : vertising director. ie endeavor and the student sponsibilities of your generation in the world periodical, excerpts from Jean ft th ld of 7; Potter’s Mysticism in Modern ‘a 9 steed neeasicad! ih acct da Literature have been printed. It ¥ WHAT TO DO is a truly lucid piece of thinking The Army urgently needs you and the contri- = and will bear serious scrutiny. bution you can make toward peace and final Western Electric Company—172/ Harji Malik closes the first issue victory. I am confident that you will seriously Fulton St., New York City. Open-| of The Title with a poem tracing ider thi ll of t ings for college graduates of any, Continued on Page 7 consider this call of your country. major,...... |: % Public Accountant Scholarship | \\\ N Philip Hayes Training Program given by Price, mR USSIAN INN 2. Major General, U. S. Army Waterhouse & Co. Public Ac-|\'!Philadel phia’s Most Interestin counts, New Work City; Ii Weeks ss eves 8 , g 3rd Service Command, Commanding. training course at Northwestern Air Cooled Univ. of Connecticut College—all| iwi) Remain Open All Summer ern exp enses arid $10 sd week, After Luncheon: Dinner Find out today about your place in the that work for Price, Waterhouse Theatre S r Ww. ’ Co & Co. as an accountant in various uppe omen’s Army Corps. Learn how you can use Special deferment now cities. @148-e: ‘month for “frst: 6 - sa -_ ge 3 your background, your aptitude in one of 239 offered college women! months, then $160 plus overtime. pen Sunday for Dinner * vital Army jobs. 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Lancaster Ave., Ardmore Taylor Hall Basement Ardmore 2480 | WOMEN'S ARMY CORPS * “ reas ) Be ee re eR RRR SR PERM EROReSTOsehareaamNy, a : L 1 INVISIBLE MENDING SHOP | “f : U. 5, ARMY RECRUITING STATION ; : 607 CUSTOM HOUSE H Reweaving Hose Repairing PHILADELPHIA, PA. ' ; ‘ . 5 I should like complete information aboutthe WAC. 4 Pearl Restringing Zippers Fixed . Sates ' o | Gloves Cleaned and Mended \ shit et ' : _ Address a ' 41 W. LANCASTER AVE. ARDMORE|| ful | nie <7 limeek ie i a ' bs. } Formerly of Suburban Square : : ~ ~—* H papel aeelboeyet : * ; ; | mk ee eee eee es eee ee S ———— : nn vee me J \ \ i \s goin ‘