\ ‘THE COLLEGE NEWS Page Seven Tea at the Inn is a perennial event—every, day all day except Monday—and it’s outdoors in the spring. Now that spring has come, the Reading Room inhabitants have moved to the Cloisters to take in some vitamin D with their knowledge. Here Trudie MacIntosh °46 wears omnipresent uni- form—blue jeans, man’s shirt and moccasins. Increased Interest In Campus Athletics Continued from Page 6 won a place on the _ substitute team. With the end of the fall term, athletic interest was centered on basketball and swimming, The Owls, though suffering several de- feats, had two thrilling victories; Swarthmore, undefeated this year in basketball up to the time they met Bryn Mawr, bowed to the Owls, 30-24. Three weeks later, the University of Pennsylvania, undefeated in two years, fell be- fore Bryn Mawyr’s superior nata- tory skill. ve “In May there was great excite- ment on campus with the advent of the Middle Atlantic States Women’s Intercollegiate Singles Tennis Tournament played here on the varsity courts. Seven of the fifty-two entrants were Bryn Mawr students. Ty Walker, Bryn Mawr’s number one tennis star, was a semi-finalist, beaten only by Glo- ria Evans of Swarthmore, ceded number seventeen in the Women’s Junior Nationals. Besides the regular eontests played with surrounding colleges by the hockey, baseball and swim- ming teams, the Philadelphia Interclub League played by the tennis team, two modern dance club recitals and the dance play Rodrigo, the Athletic Association has sponsored interhall hockey and basketball games in an effort to provide some sort of amuse- ment during what might otherwise be weekends with very little to do except walk up and down in the Library. Nameless Publication Will Succeed “‘Lantern”’ Continued from page 4 the progress of an inquiring mind from cynicism to confidence in the good. Thus the recent denunciation of Bryn Mawr’s — sacrifices to the Muses (or of the Muses, as the sentiment seemed to indicate) has instigated fresh activity in a circle determined to prove that the need for artistic expression can- not be so-easily discounted. The editors of the magazine deserve mention. They are Patricia von Kienbusch, Nicole Pleven, Rosina Bateson, Eva Krafft, and Toni Boel. + Ardmore 5833 JOSEPH’S HAIR DRESSING 25 COULTER AVE. ARDMORE PARISIAN Dry Cleaners Charge Accounts to College Girls We call and deliver BRYN MAWR 1018 869 LANCASTER AVENUE Established in 1922 OLD MEDIA and -FOUR HORSEMEN STABLES MARPLE, DELAWARE COUNTY Straw Rides Saddle Horses for Hire With Station Wagon Transportation Furnished To Groups of Six or More AT $2.00 PER HOUR Phone Media 9384 SPROUL ROADS 6:45 May Day morning —a group on Merion front steps warming up for “To the Maypole.” A typical scene in one of Rhoads’ two quiet smoking rooms, built for utility and comfort, but extremely lush withal. Left to right, Jerry Beal ’45, Mary Stuart ’47, and Patricia Acheson ’46. (— Elizabeth K. Brownback 11 STATION ROAD <7 Subscriptions to the College News $3.00 per year. Address Subscription Manager, Good- hart Hall. (next to Ardmore Station) . \)| || REDUCED PRINTS $7.95 UP LOVELY COTTONS $5.95 UP EVENING. DRESSES | Compliments of Main Line Hand Laundry $10.95 UP| 1047 LANCASTER AVENUE | = J) KL Recwnuinnricesy? * + My heart leaps up when I behold The INN upon the lawn; So was it in my Freshman year, So is it-with Commencement near! Henderson Joins WAC. Arthur Stays Behind “Arthur is already sulking in- side the microphone, but he’s a conceited rat,” Hen- dersgon, attributing. her pet’s ill humor to the fact that she is soon to desert him and join the WAC for the duration. said Miss Miss is expecting her or- Sworn in on April 28, Henderson ders around the end of May. She will be sent either to Des Moines, Iowa, or Fort Oglethorpe, Geor- gia, where she will learn control tower technique in the air force. “T’ll be interested in the drill sergeant’s diction,” chuckled Miss Henderson, “but I’ll be on the spot because I can’t tell her that her final consonants don’t come out.” Co; SAVE RATION STAMPS AND BUY’ Espadrilles and Huaraches oe _ Puerta De Mexico Margaret Paul 69 St. James Place, Ardmore | ~ YOU'VE * , Longed TO BE THIS WOMAN —the American Woman in General, whom John Robert Powers (creator of the famous “Powers Girls”) has planned to glorify! \t is exciting news that a branch of the amazing new Powers Schoo! |s now in Philadelphia Its purpose is to de- velop the best natura! selves of all ap- plicants—through a ten-weeks course of half-hour individua! instruction. Home-women, career women, bust ness and college girls, society women, graduate with new self-confidence. in- creased charm—knowing figure con- trot, posture, make-up art, correct dress, voice cuiture, self confidence, even comportment, so necessary for nodern business and socia! life! Evening hours arranged No ‘‘clusses.” Powers School BELLEVUE-STRATFORD Interviews by Appointment Only MRS. E. J MacMULLAN PHILA. DIRECTOR PENNYPACKER 3700 aati tess oe perfume that spins am oment into a Meme TY 1.75* 3.50% 6.75* ‘*plus tax MAIL OR PHONE YOUR ORDERS LDBLQLAYI_ eee TO DEWEES, PHILADELPHIA 1122-24 Chestnut Street, Pennypacker 6700 eee