ys ~ their sentiments to the members. wee D> at igG THE COLLEGE NEWS “ . Page Three Curriculum Committee . Asks for Opinions Réquired English Probtem~Under}- Discussion ‘at Present The "Undergraduate Curriculum Committee publishes below a list of its members. They have been chosen to represent the various departments as well as to express the feeling of their several halls on. the subjects to be discussed by the committee. It-is hoped that students will take note ‘of the members who are most accessible to them and’to whom they can offer their opinions most easily. The meet- ing of the committee and the sub- Bigger urider discussion will be an- nounced: in time to give those in- terested: an opportunity to convey At present the committee is anxious to stimulate intelligent controversy on the matter of Required Courses, espe- cially Required Sophomore English. But the..committee will also welcome |: suggestions on any subject connected with the curriculum and will be glad to hold a meeting at any time to dis- cuss such suggestions. Denbigh: Margaret Lacy, ’87 (chairman), Latin; E. Welbourne, ’38, Politics; M. Flanders, ’37, Philosophy. _ Merion: iL Brown, ’37, History; W. Safford, ’87; History; R. Baldwjn, 37, Economics. : Rockefeller: R. Raymond, ’37, Eng- lish; R. Levi, ’87, Sociology, Phy- chology, Education; E, Hardenbergh, 87 (ex officio), Biology and Chem- istry. and consulting service of his organi- | DUKE UNIVERSITY DR. WELLS ‘COMPLETES FIELD TRIP’ ARTICLE| In:.addition.-to the: field trips de-" scribed in‘ last week’s. College News, the. course in Public Administration makes use of such features. During the past.semester thé class visited the offices of the Pennsylvania Economic, Council, where the director, Mr. .Rob-«4 ert D. Dripps, explained the research zation, the aim of which is to im- prove state and_ local government in Pennsylvania. The class also went through the national headquarters of Pembroke East: H. Cotton, ’87, English; C. Leighton, ’38, History of Art and Archaeology; L. Herron, ’39, German; M. Hauck, ’37, French; E. Huebner, ’37, Economics. Pembroke West: M. Bakewell, ’38, Biology; J. Irish, ’389, Mathematics and Physics. Non-resident: D. Hood, ’37. Executive Committee: M. Lacy, ’873 V. Safford, ’°37; A. Raymond, ’38. [eer IRR T | SCHOOL OF MEDICINE DURHAM, N. C. Four terms of eleven weeks are given each year. These may be taken con- secutively (graduation In three and one-quarter years) or three terms may be taken each year (graduation in four years). The entrance require- ments are Intelligence, character and at least two years of college work, Including the subjects specified for Grade A medical schools. Catalogues and application forms may .be. ob- tained-from the Dean. —_—_—_——— - —— ghia. Players’ Club Eléctions The Playefs’ Club announces the’ election of Gertrude. Leigh- ton, ’88, as president, and Hul- . dah Cheek, ’38, vice-president. the Census af Business in Philadel- This is an undertaking carried Yon by the United States Bureau of the Census and one that employs hundreds of WPA workers. The elaborate fabu- lating and computing machines were especially interesting. Other off-cam- pus events of the course were a lec- ture by Miss Gertrude Ely, state di- dector for Pennsylvania of women’s and professional activities tinder the WPA; and.a session of the American Academy of Political and Social Sci- ence on Public Personnel “Problems. Mrs. George Gellhorn, a distinguished Bryn Mawr alumna and chairman of the Personnel Campaign Committee of the National League of Women Vot- ers, was one of the speakers. ' R. H. WELLs. Meet your friends at the ~ Bryn Mawr Confectionery (Next to Seville Theater Bldg.) The Rendezvous of the College Girls Tasty Sandwiches, Delicious Sundaes Superior Soda Service , Music—Dancing for girls only Ts alialiecieiaiaieienasemminmmamian ian HARPER METHOD SHOP Scalp Treatments Complete Beauty Service . 341 West Lancaster Avenue Ard. 2966 Haverford, Pa. Museum Job Demands Specialized Education E Continued from Page One of London, at the Ecole de Louvre, a part of the Sorbonne in Paris; -and under certain scholars in Vienna. For the graduate student who has chosen her field for specialization Smith, Rad- excellent courses. The girl who plans to enter museum work must be willing to accept cer- tdin conditions which are a part of the vocation. She must content her- self with less pay than a man in the same position would receive. She must give her opinions when. called upon without expecting a fee, and she must be prepared to liye on a small income. The pleasures of the work are great and make up for the finan- cial disadvantages. The museum worker is assured of constant interest, congenial people and_ international friendships and acquaintances. Breakfast Lunch cliffe and New York University offer | ; aman a as GREEN HILL FARMS City Line and Lancaster Avenue A reminder that we would like to take care of “your parents and friends, whenever they. come to visit you. fi L. ELLSWORTH METCALF Manager Aa i A GO Ogg Founded 1865 Seventy-Second Yeor BUSINESS TRAINING . Administration For the young -woman. who has graduated from College.~ Business and ~~ Secretarial Courses that offer thorough prepa- ration for Business. Second Semes- _ ter, February First. PEIRCE SCHOOL Pine St. West of Broad Phila., Pa, | MEET YOUR FRIENDS | The Bryn Mawr College Tea Room for a SOCIAL CHAT AND RELAXATION 1 Hours of Service: 7.30:A. M.—7.30 P. M. For Special Parties, Call Bryn Mawr 386 : Tea Dinner ff | | NEW HIT ON THE RADIO! Copyright, 1987, R, J. Reynolds Tobacco Company; Winston-Salem, N.C, ning a college. ERE’S college life, not as it is, hat H as it ought to be, according to _ Jack Oakie! Imagine Jack Oakie run- Think what would happen—and tune in on this notable occasion—the first radio series of thi8 popular screen star. Along with Jack, -— — —and — special talent from— the colleges: It?s a riot —it’s unbelievable it’s Oakie at his bestl q- Also BENNY GOODMAN’S “Swing” Band, GEORGE STOLL’S Concert Orchestra, Hollywood comedians, and singing stars every Tuesday night! EVERY TUESDAY NIGHT . 9:30 pm E.S.T., 8:30 pm C.S.T., 7:30 pm M.S.T., 6:30 pm P.S.T. WABC— CBS Network. JACK OAKIE, BENNY GOODMAN, GEORGE STOLL. Hollywood -comedians and singing stars. Special college talent every week. ‘ you get Benny Goodman’s “swing” rhythms, Géorge Stoll’s concert orch- - estra, guest stars broadcasting direct ve from Hollywood, and—here’s news— special talent fromthe colleges every week. A sparkling full-hour show that you won’t want to miss. * “Prexy” Oakie, the distinguished HollyWood educator, photographed inthe full glory of his academic robes, ready to dish out a lecture. — 1 All offered for your entertainment by L Hl Ii | | i | mi