THE COLLEGE NEWS Page Five ——wiy : Campus Notes The following members of the In- ternational Relations Club have been eletted to serve as Bryn Mawr dele- gates to the Model League of Na- tions Assembly: “Vung-Yuin Ting, Eleanor Fabyan, Sarah Flanders, Margaret Haskell, Betty Blyth, Nan- cy Hart; substitutes, Grace Meehan, Lucy Fairbank, Betty Bock. They will represent China. This Assembly, for colleges and universities of ‘the Middle Atlantic States, will be held thé week-end of “April 13 at Bucknell University. This is the first time Bryn Mawr students have atténded. Dr. Helson’s studies in nerve regen- eration, on which he has been work- ing for the last. ten years with Pro- fessor K. M. Dallenbach, of Cornell, are now: nearing completion. He ex- pects them to go to press in the fall. The March issue of the Phi Beta Kappa magazine,. The American Scholar, contains an article by Dr. Miller, on “Individualism in the Fu- ture.” At the annual meeting of the ~ | FANSLOW Distinctive Sportswear Stetson Hats for, Women American Academy of .Political and Social Sciences, Dr. Miller will read a paper on “Some Pathological and Contagious Aspects of Nationalism, With Especial Reference to the —_ East.” Dr. Metzger has published three articles within the last few months. The current number of the BMLA contains an article on “Old High Ger- man galstar: Old English gealdor.” Papers on “Middle English run” and “Latin nitere-renidere-nidor’ have just appeared in the Journal of Amer- ican, Philology. The Zitschrift fur vergleichende Sprachforschung has accepted the fol- lowing articles for publication: do-Germanic Perfect and e-verbs: A contribution tothe Indo-Germanic Verb - System,” “Latin Lorare-ado- rare,” “Latin crudus,” “Latin sagis- Gothic sokeis,” . “Old English eart- Gothic sijum.” disk Filologi will publish “A aldinn mar (Edda) ,” “Zum Partizip der drit- ten schwachen Deklination im Altis- landischen,” and “Icelandic funn- geotr.”’ Dr. Metzger is now at work on a dic- tionary of Germanic words arranged according to categories of meaning. He will show which words were used at a-given time to express a given thing, and will define their meanings. Thus the vocabulary of different per- PHILIP HARRISON STORE BRYN MAWR, PA. Gotham Gold Stripe Silk Hosiery, $1.00 Best Quality Shoes in Bryn Mawr ARDMORE NEXT DOOR TO THE MOVIES Meet your friends at the Bryn Mawr Confectionery, (Next to Seville Theater Bldg.) The Rendezvous of the College Girls Tasty Sandwiches, Delicious Sundaes, ‘ Superior Soda Service “Ty. The Arkiv for Nor- |. Music—Dancing for girl$ only SPECIAL Katharine Gibbs School L COURSE COLLEGE WOMEN Secretarial and Executive Training Course begins July 9 and September 25 For catalog address College Course Secretary FOR 90 Marlborough St. BOSTON NEW 247 Park Avenue YORE 155 Angell Street PROVIDENCE iods may be compared and the cate- gories of each dialect established. The following dialects. will be included: Old English, Old. Norse, Old Frisian, Old Saxon, Old High German, Mid- dle Low German, Middle Dutch, Harvard University ranks number one in the United States among those institutions of higher learning from the standpoint of outstanding scien- tists, according to a recent survey by Prof. S. S, Visher, of Indiana Uni- versity. Residential Summer School B Yco-educational) June 27— August” 1. Only French spoken. Fee $150. Board and Tuition. 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