Miss Park Announces POLITICS Mawr, 1932-34, cum laude. 41.5 per cent. ofthe Sen-| hart, Alberta Anne Howard, Mary Graduate Fell owships Ruth Catharine Lawson, A.B., Mount Emmy NoeTHER FELLOW ior class, 32.8 per cent. of the Jun-| Pauline Jones, Elizabeth Kent, Bar- Holyoke College, 1988; Scholar in| Carolyn Grace Shover, A.B. and B.S. ior class, 28.3 per cent. of the Sopho-| bara..Lewis,. Nora MacCurdy, Helen - Continued from Page one ee eee oe Bryn Mawr ger eee Univer- ; posse Say ‘ rite rd cent. of ibe Se eee see he cn * : ; ollege, -o4, sity, ; M.A,, 7, and Ph.D.,| Freshman class hold this rating. The|abeth Margaret Morrow, Susan Hal- ei re hapten eee Poy ., DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 1931. yon ors decrease in pércentage through the lowell Morse, Shizii Nakamura, Ger- 2 hal os fe retain ge a Ethel Joyce Ilott, A.B., Bryn Mawr DEPARTMENT OF PHILOSOPHY classes is to be expected, as a student | aldine Emeline Rhoads, Mildred Mar- hi ag e mmmmy Noemer Sehow-! College, 1933; Scholar in Mathemat- | Estelle Merril Allen, A.B., University | in her own field does better work. lin Smith, Diana Tate Smith, Evelyn : : ‘ ics, Bryn Mawr College, 1933-34, of Washington, 1931; M.A., 1932; Students holding a cum laude av-| Hastings Thompson, Vung-Yuin Ting, The first resident fellows of the DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH ‘University of Chicago, 1933-34. erage are as follows: Frances Cuthbert Van Keuren, Alma college formed part of the original| Dorothy Anne Buchanan, A.B., Smith DEPARTMENT OF PuHysIcs cl f 1934 Ida Aygusta, Waldenmeyer, Frances group of forty students who lived in} (College, 1930; M.A., Bryn Mawr | Sara Helen Kehler, B.S. in Education, J mn @ Fl Ellen Watson. Merion Hall. Money for these fel-| College, 1931; Scholar in English,| University of Pennsylvania, 1931;|_9®"¢t Barton Barber, Mary Anna i lowships comes eve ear from the : ; : | Barnitz, Ruth Bertolet, Lula Howard Class of 1936 Owships co ms Tv Bryn Mawr College, 1930-31, and M.A., 1933; Fellow in Physics, Bryn : 4 : income of the college. At a time when|. Instructor in English, 1931-32; In-| Mawr College, 1933-3. Bowen, Catharine Cornthwaite Bredt, Frederica Eva Bellamy, Betty Bock, every salary given by the college is} structor in English, Vassar Col- DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHOLOGY Halla Brown, Loretto Lamar Chap-|Marion Louise Bridgmen, Caroline being cut, these twenty-one fellow-| lege, 1933-34. Charlotte Virginia Balough, A.B., pell, Helen Ball Corliss, Maria Mid- Cadbury Brown, Barbara Lloyd Cary, ships are being continued in full. To DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY | Bryn Mawr College, 1933;° Scholar dleton Coxe, Margaret Gimbel Dan-|Marian Claire - Chapman, Alice be a resident fellow, it is necessary| Alice May Dowsé, A.B., Tufts Col-| in Psychology, Bryn Mawr College, |"°2»@um, Alva Detwiler, Anita Au-|Hagedorn Cohen, Eleanor Brooks to have gone at least a year beyond| jege, 1930; Graduate Student Rad-| 1933-34. rora Pawolleck de Varon, Marianne | Fabyan, Marjorie Goldwasser, Jean that in which the A.B, degree was| liffe College, 1933-34. DEPARTMENTS oF ROMANCE Augusta Gateson, Betti Carolyn Gold- Holzworth, Margaret Cecilia Honour, taken. There were 192 applications Hepkerieer cr Caan tanner wasser, Suzanne Halstead, Janet. Eliz-| Barbara Merchant, Frances Callaway as for the 39 fellowships, which made| Elizabeth Barclay Burton, B.A., Uni-| Ruth Whittredge, A.B., Wellesley Col-| Sper Hannan, Ellen Naney Hart,| Porcher, Anne Blizabeth Reese, ae fF the choice very difficult. versity of Toronto, 1932; Universi-| lege, 1929; M.A., Radcliffe College, | Maree et un, tans CT en Re ee tte andes Tf The Resident Fellows for 1984-35 taet Frankfurt-am-Main, winter 1930; Scholar in French, Bryn = es ee er pphiiligrnsy, Poa gaggia Py Hy a ; : Landreth, Mary Elizabeth Lauden-} Simons, Ellen Balch Stone, Elizabeth 2a « are as follows: and summer semesters, 1932-33. Mawr College, 1933-34. ; ae, : et : 2 berger, Eva Leah Levin, Myra Wil-| Hope Wickersham, Elizabeth Porter ie Resi m DEPARTMENT OF GREEK DEPARTMENT OF SOOIAL ECONOMY AND ; i ’ ; iy esident Fellowships, 1934-35 ; ‘son Little, Elizabeth Murray Macken-| Wyckoff. i D R Emily Randolph Grace, A.B., Bryn SocIAL RESEARCH | ate Elisabeth Mead, Elisabeth Louise | R pig nean hay See ireapd Mawr College, 1933; Scholar in} CAROLA WOERISHOFFER FELLOWSHIPS d ; : ; Class of 1937 | Elizabeth Hazard Ufford, A.B., Bryn Meneely, Harriet Jean Mitchell, Mar- : : ' Mawr Collage. 1090: Scholar in Bi. Greek, Bryn Mawr College, 1933-34.| Janet Montgomery Hooks, A.B., ion Gardiner Mitchell, Dorothy Havi- Marcia Lee Anderson, Rose Gilles- i Be, ee DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY OF ART Mount Holyoke College, 1933; Car- : py Baldwin, Letitia Brown, Louise 4 ology, Bryn Mawr College, 1933-34. 7 fs ; ' . ,/land Nelson, Gertrude Annetta Par- » Sass apaget oan i Marianna Duncan Jenkins, A.B., Bryn ola Woerishoffer Scholar in Social Atherton Dickey, Virginia Dorsey / ; nell, Evelyn Macfarlane Patterson, ’ ‘ ? ; DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY Mawr College, 1931; M.A., Radcliffe, Economy, Bryn Mawr, 1933-34 Anne Bowen Edwards, Sylvia Hath i . : hp Aeon tance , ’ * _ .-| Frances Pleasanton, Jane Eveyln Pol- Warne, WytV atha- . ' : Edith F. Sollers, A.B., Goucher Col College, 1932; Fellow in History of | Ruth Fay Schumacher, A.B., Ohio avhek.- Maeearct Mitchell Righter: | W°7 Evans, Lucille Fawcett, Mary ‘a lege, 1931; Graduate Student, Uni-| Art, Bryn Mawr College, 1933-34. State: University, 1933; Graduate E 3] : pi bs Macias 8 4 r ’! Sampson Flanders, Josephine Bond versity of Pennsylvania, 1933-34, DEPARTMENT OF LATIN Student, Ohio State University, Bias pani ‘ciel alas, yma iene Ham, Esther Hardenbergh, Elizabeth DEPARTMENT OF CLASSICAL Susan May Savage, A.B., Bryn Mawr 1938-34. : Holzworth, Margaret Gracie Jackson, ARCHAEOLOGY College, 1933; Scholar in Latin,| The departments of History, Span- Class of 1935 Kathryn Moss Jacoby, Margaret Rob- Jeannette Elizabeth LeSaulnier, A.B.,| Bryn Mawr College, 1933-34. ish and Italian will make their recom-| Joane E, Baker, Catherine Adams | inson Lacy, Ruth Levi, Elizabeth Dun- Bryn Mawr College, 1933; Scholar DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS mendations later. ' | Bill, Nancy Leslie Rutherford Bucher, | can Lyle, Katherine Mary McClatchy, in Classical Archaeology, Bryn} Madeline Levin, A.B., Hunter College, Miss Park also read the lists of un-| Elizabeth Margery Edwards, Ger-| Lucille Geraldine Ritter, Edith Rose, Mawr College, 1933-34. _ 19382; M.A., Bryn Mawr College, | dergraduates who will, if they main-|trude VanVranken Franchot, Ethel| Leigh Davis Steinhardt, Eleanore DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS AND 1933; Scholar in Mathematics, Bryn] tain their present average, graduate} Arnold Glancy, Phyllis, Walter Good-! Flora Tobin, Cornelia Ann Wyckoff. —_ — nn “=~ Lag Ne a radiate daidadanden miata cies didcaslieesmsdalaasaedeniamenindenssianannibadicis .<..c.,. acheimadenndanasilsinattliiatseateiaiatansnttaindieaasinsiiedisnelbuanatie) Page Six THE COLLEGE NEWS Seber ere ec ae eee sens eens seer on nn st Nt AERO ar; < Fs rE ” yal OW’ are YO THIS FREE B09 UR nerves ? —S< BOOK WILL TELL you ? . 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