~. VARSITY WINS. CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 ‘through the efforts of a speedy right inner and a whizz of a ‘center forward, had piled up a four to two score, Bryn Mawr-seettied td: have completely lost its ‘bearings ‘and sense of balance. Forwards Brilliant. - ‘The respite between halves inspired. the two tedms with new ‘confidence. Both’ Swarthmore and Bryn Mawr at the open- ing. of the second half fought gloriously. While our team still lacked a bit in the co-operation it had manifested earlier -in the game, “g6od~ ffidividtal “playing atoned in part for -this deficiency. Hirsch- perg consistently upheld the reputation of Bryn Mawr’s defense line; Blanchard deligfited. spectators by ‘accurate passes “anda spectacular run. to an almost-goal that was very well*blocked by Swarth- more;-and Wills, the very nucleus, ofthe team, played a clean, steady, well-pré- portioned game: that, reached a fitting .climax in.a beautiful goal which raised . Bryn Mawr’s score to thrée. Very soon after this thrilling dribble and scoop of Wills’, darkness forced the game to a close. Timekeepers called time, and scorekeepers forthwith registered in their books the final scofe. three to seven, which betokened Bryn Mawr’s defeat. The line-up was as follows: Bryn Mawr. , Swarthmore. CVO canes css SOW caged @.. Pearson Longstreth ee RI... .....) Stevling -Wilfs (Capt.) ...C. Fie... Ms Walton Oe csiitere Te aie voueen » Rickards Blanchard ~..... L. W....,-. J. Walton Peeeman oo... R.:-H,.:. (Capt) Tily “Woodward ...... a : a . Roberts mcCihy eit cc Cleaver Firechberz ;../..la B:..:,.. R. Came Brown sneGre RBs 77 Ce Jackson Parkhrst~:.. 7 Goal . Booth Goals: Longstreth, 2; Wills, 1. > eee Snow Falls. The first snow of the season. fell at 11:15 Monday morning. If »soon: re- pented of its wintriness, however, and turned into a drizzking rain. Be s ‘Debates at Toronto _ If the Trinity College Literary In- stitute had. legislative powers, women would no longer be allowed the use of cosmetics. By a vote of 34 to. 27, the Institute on Friday night decided that “in the opinion of the house the use of cosmetics by women is detri- mental to mankind.” - J. Craig led forthe Government in upholding the motion. - “Insincerity is bad for the soul,” hé stated, “bad for the mental health of the world.” Be- hind insincerity, lay the influence of cosmetics. M. T. De Pencier, in opposition, considered cosmetics indispensable. Men Wie othtexception dertianded that women use them. “Save the surface and you save all,” he concluded. From the. floor..of. the house advice: on the subject was plentiful. . Most seemed to speak from personal con- ‘| tact with &he subject of the discussion. Divorce, the W. G.-T. U. and. other + declared evils of the. age were all at- tributed to its influence. Against this economic necessity of cosmetics. L. M. Gelber was present. at the debate as a visitor from the Univer- | sity College Parliamentary, Club® He spoke to assure the members of Trin- ity College U. C. did exist.—The at versity of Toronto. ag a a (a (Ce a LUNCHEON, TEA, DINNER k Open Sundays” CHATTER-ON TEA HOUSE 835 Morton Road Telephone:, Bryn Mawr 1185 ORANGE BLOSSOM SPORTSWEAR MADE IN CALIFORNIA MRS. M. W. McKNIGHT Representative Thursday Afternoon Without Appointments Other Days by Appointment MONTGOMERY INN, BRYN MAWR, PA. TELEPHONE BRYN MAWR 39 a M. Meth Pastry Shop 1008 LANCASTER. AVENUE ICE CREAM and FANCY CAKES French and Denish Pastry . PHILIP HARRISON | . 828-830 Lancaster Avenue Bryn Mawr Walk Over Shoe Shop Agent for . *. GOTHAM ‘GOLD STRIPE SILK STOCKINGS FANCY and STAPLE GROCERIES Telephone 63 cr Haverford Pharmacy _ HENRY W. PRESS, P. D. PRESCRIPTIONS, DRUGS, GIFTS Phone ?mArdmore 122 , PROMPT DELIVERY SERVICE Haverford, Pa. BRINTON BROS. ER Palled for and. Delivered: Lancaster and Merion Aves. Bryn Mawr, Pa. : \ the opposition endeavored. to show the. Locksmithing cy COTTAGE TEA ROOM | Montgomery Avenue, Bryn Mawr,” Pa, Luncheon Dinner ’ Afternoon Tea Special Parties by Arrangement. Guest Rooms Phone, Bryn Mawr. 362 3 01 SATE omen ® Paints. Oils and Glas: WILLIAM L. HAYDEN BUILDERS and HOUSEKEEPERS Hardware , $38. Lancaster Avenue 3 BRYN MAWR, PA. . Phone, Bryn Mawr 675 Printing: 1145 Lancaster Ave,, Rosemont, Pa John J. McDevitt Programs eu ‘Heads ickets sono Heads Rooklets, ete. Alnouncements JOSEPH TRONCELLITI We Deliver Phone: Bryn Mawr 1385 Cleaner and Dyer ‘Wearing Apparel :: B’ankets :: Laces Curtains :: Drapery = “CLEANED OR: DYED ° STUDENTS’ ACCOUNTS _ ew We Call and Deliver 814 Lancaster Avenue BRYN MAWR 1517 “and the many other im- -portant social highlights of | the college year, one of the new Gunther coats—of fur, or of fine cloth fur-trimmed —is a pre-requisite. Such a wrap gives one the serene,confidence of looking one’s best—which. is half. the secret of a successful afternoon or evening. Pe Sportswear Furs oe - > $375. upwards Gunther FIFTH AVENUE at 36th STREET NEW YORK % |” o% . Te Vassar College Shop Poughkeepsie, N. Y. About N ovember. c= Barn ds a 7th” Smith College Shop Northampton, Mass. | 4 Announcing the Opening New College Shop ' at Bryn Mawr Next to Hahn’s Gift Shop Be Sure To Come Be