THE COLLEGE NEWS Page Five Faculty Show Achieves Heights of Comedy Continued from Page Four (Messrs. Max Diez, Nahm, Wethy, Karlson and Hedlund) promised to watch over her.. Then none other than the Dionne quintuplets—“Quints” to Miss’ Ward—were ushered into Presi- dent Parks’ office. Bryn Mawr had made’a “scoop!” And what is more, the “quints” adored our college. Long have we heard of the wonder- ful duet, Mrs. Manning and Dr. Cren- shaw; never béfore have we heard anything quite like the combined efforts of this tremulo-mezzo-soprano and this basso-profundo. The house never quite recovered from the orgy of laughter into which it was plunged. Only ggome time after Dr. Fenwick began auctioning off the Wyncie King posters, did everyone regain his real equilibrium. 8 When the posters had been sold, ‘and the show resumed, a very dimunitive pair, clad in red tunics, stepped out in front of the curtains. Miss Palfrey and Miss Stapleton, looking like un- dergraduates ready for exercise, sang a parody, written to the tune of Yow’re the Top. This is beyond question an- other choice bit, and we reprint it for all who love the sublimely ridiculous: You’re the top You’re the Herben thicket You’re the top You’re a round-trip ticket You’re the running pants that enhance the legs of Grey You’re a spot quotation, you’re in- spiration You’re Mother’s Day You’re-the.time Of a Pembroke sinner You’re sublime You’re a Deanery dinner I’m a Ph.D. that’s fated soon to pop But if, Baby, I’m the bottom, you’re the top. You’re the top You’re a Fenwick collar mene ALICE G. PEARLMAN, Inc. The South Side at Ardmore Station “Smart Clothes for All Occasions” Moderate Prices 10% off to Faculty and Students! — enenne ae You’re the top « You’re a Collins dollar You’re the Edwards spark of a Parl, , official tea You’re a G. G, panning, you’re Mrs. Continued on Page Six FANSLOW TAILORED CLOTHES STETSON HATS 11 E. Lancaster Avenue Ardmore COLLEGE WOMEN SUCCEED AS SECRETARIES The addition of secretarial train- ing to a college course almost al- ways assures prompt employment —this is the experience of the Placement Departments of the Katharine Gibbs Schools. A Spe- cial Course for College Women begins July 9. In eight months you are ready for a position. This is not an abbreviated summer BOSTON 90 Marlborough St. KATHARINE NEW YORK 247 Park Ave. session, but a well-rounded Exec- j utive Secretarial course designed especially for the needs of college women. Write for full information about Special 8-month Courses for Col- lege Women beginning July 9 and October 1. One and two-year courses for pre- paratory and high school graduates PROVIDENCE 153 Angell St. aialaaliaentaiemeneemenmenianl | F relief ing courage ing dl - to distress - - - I br - to achievement - - i bring content -to anxiety - - - | br -to loneliness - - | br GIBBS SCHO wD 9 , VE YOU THE MILDEST SMOKE | onsn ing compani LUCKIES USE ONLY THE CENTER LEAVES ... CENTER LEAVES G ompany Copyright 1933, The Ameriton Lowarco C