lmao yt cares Seer ~ - Freshman Statistics «| California :............ ee weer. Se : THE. --".- . _.__since- I read- it three years ago. It is vaguely heat, climbed the last of the} - it .— Colorado... i OT 8-|- BRYN MAWR TRUST CO. =: ~~ €alled “Purpose in the American Col-| yet urftlimbed Aiguilles of Mont Blanc. CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 LAURER sb es ous ya oh 8 -” CAMbAL. ‘eatininodao ° lege” Dr. Flexner’s thesis is briefly| But their bridge from immaturity of Weviiitina 8 6.3. Kentucky: .......: wor cee | ‘8 er this: The purpose, the raison d’etre of| maturity, from the freshman. of one} 7...” . Cg ee og : Maine 1 8° : ' : : ; Daag ip ‘ J iy liek eee oe : ANN ey 6a os b0 B68 40 ae j the Euvropeah lycee or gyinnasium he] October to the graduate of four years ea : . ya Mining ciccccceo. ss , - ron a yore ns ag ve ~ whoo rans~may- reads. <<" _otitutions: °°" =" shad anevintelts “~~ Wgunder- | eye Sy sad dale imino: SO 8 : ows Interest on Deposits select,’ equip and train capable ‘ininds,| pinning. If this is pomposity, make],;;....: Se nr g +l: ' =s so 3 eae i ane F POIMMOUNT vg chs ashes os 3 2.4 » s : Cosmeticians Hairdressers utilizing in the ‘process the accump-| the most of it. It is at least the truth. Saath farniing 3 2.4 —— Marinello Permanent Waving lated and accumulating intellectual and| '“This year a step indicated by the] Delaware ............. 2 1:6 Talat. «.... sa bapniies 127 ‘ Ravens: Soiney oo oF er race,. In £ Curriculum gommitteé of the Under-| District of Columbia ... 2 1.6. | In-all, 22°States, and the District of PEACOCK word, the selection and traiming ‘OT| graduate Association as long ago as : : Columbia ure represented.“ ; ° brains. The purpose of the American] 1933, the 1 ttesductt LOWS Feces ieee vies Fes 64 1.6 P es BEAUTE SALON ‘ .1923, the general introduction of the] Rhode Island .........° 2 4-86 (Due to lack of e, further statistics ille Th Bldc.. B collége on the other hand can not be] honors. courses, illustrates what I have] yisconsin nee cé.. llemenak he’ actnend tae weal: Seville a pc ryn Mawr readily defined by any one. Wha®| been saying. The arrangement of the RRO COTS: - ars yet ; . pean ; would the observers from ,Mars gather} new ‘classrooms in Taylor is again a = == = ——— ey from studying-the kind of students ad-| hope, a summons for the give and take ’ poms ’ -. miitted all over:the.country; the courses|of argument, the’ battle between in-| * as ee demanded-or suggested for a degree in} siructor and, instructed which began ‘ ay t AN ; S ye ‘a college catalogue, the scattered in-| farther back than Socrates. The gifts} < da ‘ a a peare terests and activities of the students, | making ‘possible ‘the’ brilliant addition}- -£ ; t - the emphasis of the presidents in their! to the college year of the’ visiting lec- Sa \ S a ou ca-Co a 5 __commencement and @pening speeches turers on the Mary Flexner Founda- ‘ Ie cn good character and good citizen-| tion and the> Anna Héward Shaw : ; ¢ d ship. A purpose may run through gll| Memorial, the annual gift coming first ' SEG #t > ae the ages but it does not run through} this summer .of $500 to the library in i” a | Delicious and Refreshing, t these. facts. - : ~ . {memory of Marion Reilly by one of Af : = . “Obviously if Dr, Flexner'is right we | ber friends, the stirring toward an en-| need all our pleasant naive optimism to| cowment gift in the breasts of far away . believe we shall get. anywhere in four alumnae—outward signs,.alHl of them c: in’ forty. years. ‘cf the inward purpose of Bryn Mawr. ~ ecu “Where lies the iand to which the| , To the new facilty-student body, oe ft tes ners fe ; ship must go?’ a fresh permutation of the figures in the reverberate At S; “Far far away’ is all the sailors know, the ~pageant always” moving through as and make the babbling - ‘Where lies the land slie hastens from?’ | the college, I once more intrust the Ss gossip of the air cry out”: - “Away, : Palladium—a repository far safer than : " Far, far behind” is all that thy ecan| 4"y official sanctuary.” ¢ The Bard of Avon are much p23 ne good advice. And this plore cer- say.” : ; : tainly has been followed b “(A curious nautical situation. this ~ Tas Sort of Hygiene é Ree Fe y paints in Clough’s poem, but a En A MEOH EE te SPP sore 8 Aerie = good illustration: for-me). : of lectures on subjects relating ‘to ’ The drink you read about, And ae, f Aim to Train Intelligence Ortho-psychiatry and mental hygiene the little red sign brightens the : . “Tf we can not define the purpose of | which ‘will be held on Wednesday eve-} streets and corners~ of ‘cities and-~- Ear the American college in general, can| nings in Goodhart ‘Hall at 8 P..'M.,’ ae - towns everywhere, ats mame more we—and it is our main concern in this| the exact dates and speakers to be < oe familiar than the names of the whole confusion, define Bryn. Mawr’s’| announced later. The’ first lecture’ is $-CN Gen tm : pc ny ha org streets themselves. I believe we can—thanks pre-eminent-| Scheduled for ,\October 17, when Dr. * , “ re i ; “The Coca-Cola Company, Atlaata, Ga.. : ‘s ‘ Ly to Miss Thomas, to faculties of these| Edward Strecker, professor of 4 a . rn aes % ‘ . 4 forty-four years, and among them to| psychiatry and mental hygiene at Jef- 8 million a day wit BAD TO. BE; GOOD T0: C2871. WeRSER Ft 6 certain individuals we all know, to stu-| ferson Medical College. and medical . _e : idk aad. slemiacfor they have | director : of the Pennsylvania Hospital ene tar acme aac e+ lame, worked with extraordinary unity. Be-| for nervous and mental diseases, will EY BANKS:-Bip z Ready with Everything Smart to’ Wear hind occasional false starts, conces-| Speak on the History: and Develop- all " elers Silversmiths Sta. Dir = G F Coats for t G ' sions here and accidents. there, momen- | ment of Ortho-psychiatry. The meet- B Je 7 ner 2 orgeous Fur Coats for the Game. ; try bowings of the knee in the house indy will be opp to ve public,. and Mideast = Stunning Shoes—from the active sportswear types to ci Rammon, behind blurrings and con-| all students of the college are urged ‘ : ‘ 2 : fusions and mistakes, Bryn Mawr has|to come. The-¢omplete series will THE OFFICIAL CLASS RING shimmering satins for function wear. contimed to equip itself to train in-|Probably consist of five .or six lec- and College Seal Coats and Dresses for every need. telligence, and to believe it was not] tures. = OTA ; ° _ cape a agate ep < a : THE GIFT SUGGESTION BOX ,— Millinery, Sheer Hosiery and Gloves. «enartered for anything else. Its stu- | a ———— 4 Market " dents are selected, its faculty are called, lf COTTAGE TEA ROOM. |[|| « Wustrates and prices Wedding, [A a hth ‘LIT BROTHERS oe its buildings are built for that purpose. “Montgomery Avenue f Birthday and Graduation Gifts = 18 Seventh = Sree, Manes. ate~added to us. Bryn . LUNCHEON mailed. upon request a Philadelphia ic abel _- a graduates have, Pore pore eaercnta oS : Fn the civic virtues any president might is pray for in the midst of her ‘anxiety Special Parties by Arrangement. oe 4 | for the standard of General English. Guest Rooms’ 54 STREET. ‘hey have not lacked spiritual power, | _ Phone, Bryn Mawr 862 LINDER & They have been fairly happy and have|~— KK . n_their time added to the mirth of| PHILIP HARRISON. _|. PROPERT..|_— nations. They have been athletic and 828-830 Lancaster Avenue : OPTICIANS. - Bryn Mawr ‘A Nh —=WILLIAM T. McINTYRE Walk Over Shoe Shop. ani and a ee Agent for estnut ae Streets — | Hothouse” Fruits 4 Fancy Groceries GOLD STRIPE SILK STOCKINGS Philadelphia 821 Lancaster Avenue PPP ESLER ECE TED EEE SEES —— : BRYN MAWR : : : : The Peter Pan =}! John J. McDevitt : Phone, Bryn Mawr 675 . JEANNETT’ S Tea Room be Programs : 1|f . 833 Lancaster A pgs Tickets ckets — } BRYN MAWR ancaster Avenue P ri nt in g Leiter Heads ; 5. sooklets, ete. j FLOWER SHOP Announcements ‘4 Pe eee ae Locksmithing Weinih Cilin eink ieee 1145 Lancaster Ave., Rosemont, Pa... Nn . ¢.-j| WILLIAM L. HAYDEN: ED. CHALFIN ( Plants Fresh Daily }| BUILDERS and HOUSEKEEPERS Seville Theatre Arcade / ee ] Hardware DIAMONDS : WATCHES : JEWELRY { Corsage and Floral Baskets ) 838 Lancaster Avenue hoa 9 = ee noe ae ‘2a BRYN MAWR, PA. ens : enclis :; and Op ca epairing d Old-Fashioned Bouquets a Specialty : : Fancy Watch Crystals Cut, $1.75 Potted Plants } = Personal Supervision. on All: Orders ! | WES s ase : : > Gp ; au § Phone: Bryn scaueee 570 ] f Recommended } 823 Lancaster Avenue / < by the English Departme Y - ( “3 ) iN 7 _ partment of S A NEW sports fur coat from Gunther’s— SSS y Bryn Maur College a with you inside it—will bring the S ° N . NG . . Sell Christmas Cards N : 9 \ peeves yaa , huddle. quicker than the : ' ‘Here is your chance to om big * R' * L coach's signal: . time. rience S ‘ . < = : re : necessary selling newest thing in. per- 3 Ss It’s good strategy to pick one out now—" =o tor- the aret time Assortment of ‘2 LLEGIATE. < for all Gunther hag are on ‘ t desig r stee e - . . D> . . . ‘ different, designed cards ail steel die ‘Phe Best Abridged Dictionary ae Z it would be tragic if someone else chose name plate engraved to match. Box : the very one designed for you! of 20 cards eeunits ior $2.26, at which NY WEBSTER’S NEW INTERN ONAI 4 75e is yours. asy to se rom our = : beautiful felling | display furnished (| A Short Cut to Accurate Information. Here is a companion N Sports Furs from $375 upwards free. rite ay. € for your hours of reading and study that will prove its real Z Personal Stationery Corp. Y, value every time you consult it. A wealth of ready information Q ee Se “EEE ils ss of N. Y. NS mon words, people, places, is instantly yours. K B Duki Rese Ral N — Dept. C-85 106,000 words with definitions, etymologies, & — . a ees SS pt.C-85. . pronunciations and use in its 1,256 pages. {§ Russian Pony 503 5TH AVE., NEW YORK CITY 1,700 illustrations, Includes dictionaries of > ae biography and geography and other special fl BRINTON BROS Senne features. Printed on Bible Paper. y] ree . See It at Your College Bookstore or Write K : : , FANCY and STAPLE GROCERIES for Information 10 the Publiohers, ” Y | u nt 7 t r : Orders Called for and Delivered G. & C. MERRIAM CO. WA ib ‘| a es z Bryn awr, wad : NEW YORK . - - A which had been in the -back of my mind. a Miriam O’Brien has this, summer, I wasions: _JUMR COLLEGENS Ws. 2) fy: me / 4