__-|—4ween=May-6- and~10- inthe In- 1 nee Coles tude of VOL. XV, NO. 21 BRYN MAWR (AND WAYNE), PA., WEDNESDAY, MAY 1, 1929 PRICE, 10 CENTS College of Future Medieval. Delusion Shattered, Knowledge Still in. Small Units. But In Chapel on Friday morning, April 26, Hornell Hart spoke on “The Col- lege of the Futuge.” scientifig discoveries has.. shattered ‘most of the medieval institutions and they are being reconstructed along the modern ‘scientific lines.. Copernicus first began’ objective study, and his work. resulted in the breaking down of the old religious convictions and a revolution of our attitude tqward the universe. Similarly, the discovery of __€lectricity and_ of the. new mechanical | appliances has’ not only thrown over the old system of economics, but has wiped out the patriarchal: family with its ruling’ man. Corresponding revo- lutions may bé-cited in one field after another. The college of today is one of the few, remaining “outposts of medieval- ism,” and it cannot resist the scien- tific impact. Already the delusion that we hold the fulness of knowledge ‘is being shattered, and the open System—Threc-27 Two Years of College Work Required for Admission | * Morning; Afternoon and Evening Classes WRITE FOR CATALOGUE: A ~ Pee . CHARLES P. DAVIS, Registrar ROQM 2851 _ BRINTON BROS. FANCY and STAPLE GROCERIES Orders Called for and Delivered Lancaster and Merion Aves. ” Bryn Mawr, Pa. Telephone 63 School of Nursing of Yale University A Profession for the College Woman interested in the modern, sciens tific agencies of social service °° The twenty-eight months ceurse, pro- viding an intensive and varied experi- ence through the case study methods, . leads to the degree of BACHELOR OF NURSING Present student body includes gradu- '. ates of leading colleges. Two or more years of approved college work re- = quired for admission: A few scholar- ships’ available for students with ad- vanced qualifications. The educational facilities of University dents. For catalogue and information address The DEAN The SCHOOL of NURSING of YALE UNIVERSITY NEW HAVEN :: C..iNECTICUT Yale are open to qualified stu-. BRYN MAWR__. ~“FLOWER SHOP ~~ q Cut Flowers and Plants Fresh Daily Corsage and Floral Baskets Otg-Yaanenre Bouquets a Speeciatty Potted Plants Phone: Bryn Mawr 570 823 Lancaster Avenue _ Personal _ Supervision on AN Orders ba The Pack Trip Camp for Older Girls Season 1929: June 26-July 23; July 24—August 20 College girls! Why not spend four weeks of. your vacation in the ~ glorious mountains of New Mexico? An unusuab opportunity for a small group to camp in the colorful Sowthwest. Write for Particulars’ : AGATHE -DEMING 924 West End Avenue NEW YORK CITY _ BOOKS for atl i -BRYN-MAWR CO: OPERATIVE SOCIETY -— (Taylor Hall) ____ GRADUATION PRESENTS e: x. ea nemo Back of the gift is the giver. But a Whitman's Sampler serve to your Mother on Mother’ s Day will show not only thoughtful- ness but appropriate good taste. Especially i in the attractive Mother’s Day Wrap. WHITMAN'S FAMOUS CANDIES Ae SOLD BY Rosemont, Pa. - Bryn Mawr, Pa. Bryn Mawr, Pa. Bryn Mawr, Pa. oo Moores Pharmacy Bryn Meur, Pa. aincbienace Bryn Mawr College Inn, College Tea Room, Bryn Mawr Confec Myers Drug Company, eet Gecacacaracdcacacatapeseseseseseseses upedatic. note concerning the points that Bryn Mawr had niade. He assured us that adver- tising recognized its own evils ,and was attempting to ‘corre: them. There is a “truth in advertising” move- ment going on at. present, and: since |’ we can offer no better substitute, the only thing to do is to accept adver- tising as it.is and look to: the :future, for it will undoubtedly increase re-| liability and-eliminate fraud; otherwise it will defeat its own purpose. 'He closed hiss comments with an excel- lent figure of speech in which he showed that. advertising brought new ideas and methods of life before the public in the same’ way. that stone figures on a cathedral used to do in mediaeval tines, and declared that the minor évils of present-day advertising could be easily remedied, -and. that it can be a valuable selling and educa~ ‘tional cog. : Miss Linn took the rebuttal for Bryn Mawr, and stated’ that. she de- plored the advertising which stimu- lates new demands, not that which offers improvements for new meth- SPORT SHOP 62 East Lancaster Ave. , Ardmore, Pa. Afternoon, Evening and Sport Frocks Highway Wayn e Hotel Wayne, Pa. ‘ _e and newly furnished rooms for transients. American plan dining ‘room. Grill may bé rented for dances, dinners, social affairs. WE’ MAKE LOVELINESS LOVELIER Edythe’s Beauty Salon EDYTHE E. RIGGINS Permanent Waving, Facial, Marcel Waving, Shampooing, Finger Waving, Manicuring ’ 109 Audubon Ave., Wayne, Pa. Phone, Wayne 862 . ‘William T. McIntyre. Main Line Stores Victuater Candy, Ice Cream and Fancy Pastry Hothouse Fruits Fancy Groceries 821 LANCASTER AVENUE Bryn Mawr WILLIAM L, HAYDEN : BUILDERS and HOUSEKEEPERS ‘Hardware 838 Lancaster Avenue Lincoln 1145 Lancaster Ave., Rosemont, Pa. BRYN MAWR, PA, for Young Ladies (ANNUALLY SINCE 192 A Summer in the Rockies on the back tazy JO and outfit. and in the éage-brush, by lakes, waterfalls, and geysers, and streams. A bese experience you a or. apr me next fall. you will never f return. trated booklet giving full information. JULIAN S. BRYAN Valley Ranch Eastern Headquarters 70 East 45th Street, New York, N.Y. Tue VALLEY RANCH Saddle Trip in the Rockies Wyoming, Yellowstone Park, and the Buffalo Bill Country during July and August for Young Ladies, Each member assigned her own horse, stock saddle Sleep in a tepee or out under the stars; see bears, A] moose, coyotes, antelope, deer and elk; camp in forests Over half the trip comprises lay-over periods from oné”to four.days long with loafing, mountain climbs, swimming, and trout fishing in Rocky Mountain lakes Sete best . West. Return. in great shape for school Private Pullmans and dining-cars from the East and References required. Party limited. Write for illus 2) trails of springs - Me. ods. She advocated that a system of taxation be started which would elimjgate the unpleasant practice of advertising over the radio. Good lit- erature and art €an be distributed] # without advertising, and we do.not want a substitute if such noble things are to be forthcgming. : The fact that we had not presented anything constructive was criticized by the advantages of separation and spe- cialization, and stated very emphati- cally that: Bryn Mawr -had succeeded in deploring only the minor evils, not the whole system of advertising. He finished in a burst. of well-won ap- plause, .and our. first détbate with Swarthmore was at an end. The Movies. Stanley:..Colleen Moore in Why Be Good? with lots of rapid action Stanton: In The Iron; Mask, Doug Fairbanks reappears as D’Artagnan. Boyd: The Broadway Melody Mastbaum: Richard Dix tells Noth- ing But the Truth Little: Lucretia Bérgia, Film Guild Cinema: Joan of Arc; this ts a real masterpiece. _ groan The Peter Pan ' Tea Room 835 Lancaster Avenue 5 ‘COTTAGE TEA ROOM - Montgomery Avenue, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Luncheon Dinner Tea _ Special Parties by Arrangement. Guest Rooms Phone, Bryn Mawr. 362 Mr. Westwood, who pointed again tol. - Fox-Locust: Thru Different Eyes. Fox: Mary Astor plays the Woman wes from Hell “Aldine: Noah’s Ark. ‘ The Passion of. 835 Morton Road L Telephone: Bryn Mawr 1185 Gifts of Distinction Disaaed and preclous «stone jewelry. Watches and clocks. Imported and domestic novelties. China and glass- ware. _ Fine stationery. Trophies. Class rings and pins. A WIDE SELECTION FAIRLY PRICED ‘J. E. CALDWELL & CO. _Cuestnut STREET AT Joidead PHILADELPHIA THE CAMBRIDGE SCHOOL DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE A: Professional School for College. Graduates \ The. "Actdemio Year for 1929-30 Opens |. { Monday; October 7, 1929 HENRY ATHERTON Frost, Director 153 Church St., “Cambridge, Mass. -at’ Harvard Square “Golflex” Dresses , The famows Golflex Dresses and Coats for spring are here exclusively in Philadelphia. Silks, chiffon-weight wor- steds, novelty fabrics. Sti to 62.50 That delicious interval When the Gadel goes down, ‘and the lights ee up, and the landaulet is“waiting . . . in that interval, so to speak, between. supper and Send ... a good cigarette aes to acquire a New_! Significance. And perhaps you have noticed that Camels always play the leading réle in these gay little comedies of pleasure. * 4