oe _— ° v . * - c! ° * ~ * 4 te = . 8 5 * * : : * ht eee ene LHE COLLEGENEWS he Page $ ” . = : ‘ 4 e o : 6 Mr. Miller. Selaine vision. - From the theoretical side Spring Spares Begun Robert. Hichens in his over- -painted | clock), but only “in the last few: years ‘Wall Street to College On Wednesday: afternoon, April 0, . Mr. Henry Wise Miller spoke on “Speculation i Wall. Street” at the - Common Room tea at Goodhart Hall. The many. uses.of.the. term “money” are misleading to the general public. “Call money” is a Short term loan called in by the brokers every twenty- four ‘hours, and its rate varies from day to day. There are two groups of figures available showing the amounts of such loans: first, that published by the Federal Reserve Banks, and sec- ond, that published by the Stock Exchange itself. : Money loaned in this way formerly came ftom bank contributors. All the small banks eventually sent their money in to New York banks, who loaned it to the Stock’ Exchange, whose’ seéurities are among the best in the world. Now. we have entered a new phase of business, and holders of surplus wealth loan directly. This a new type of credit expansion has taken place, and business has grown ‘beyond present understanding. “Phe Federal Reserve Banks exer- cise a certain amount of control over speculation. They use various minor means of ¢ontrolling rates, and bring into play a restraining police super- _ | there ‘is grave doubt whether capital” If thus used is desirably employed. the business man.were without : the Exchange he would probably put his money outlays into _ factories: and: where he could not readily get at it. “Wfien, the’ ‘same money is, used on the Exchange, eveti if the firm fails, the money is still in use somewhere. Speculation is dangerous now, how- ever, because it is ithpossible to tell what relation prices bear to Géup - (Cigarette No. 3) had won. Old Gold’ was given 63 first choices, which was 11 per cent ahead of — Cigarette No. 2, 34 per cent ahead ~of Cigarette No. 1, and 53 per cent ahead of Cigarette No. 4. the names of to smoke the A éroa of Yale upper- a Maaastion comparing the . \ four leading cigarette brands. The four leading cigarettes . . . paper sleeves to conceal their brand names. * “Masked’’ with fantasies, which lack terrestrial facts. Most university classicists are inter- ested in the Near East from. the stand- point of Greece and Rome and the Egyptian despotism; miost historians are concerned only with the Near East of the Crusa? there is a very. limited knowledge of the ancient Near East due to the recent discovery. of history.. In 1869-the first book was written on Ninevah and. Babylon, and only a few years earlier, cuneiform writings and hieroglyphics were trans- lated. . In 1829 the first skeletons and implements Of the Stone Age were unearthed in the Nile valley. These discoveries are symbols of a past so appallingly remote that we are unable to adjust our, minds. and thoughts to i ‘ Civilization Emerges in Egypt. Until recently there has been some vague and unsatisfying information on the epochs of ‘advancing ° culture gained from. the encroachments of the glacial age (a ‘sort of geological PHILIP HARRISON 828-830 Lancaster Avenue Bryn Mawr Walk Over Shoe Shop Agent for GOTHAM GOLD STRIPE SILK STOCKINGS Haverford Pharmacy HENRY W. PRESS, P. D. PRESCRIPTIONS, DRUGS, GIFTS Phone: Ardmore 122 i. PROMPT DELIVERY SERVICE Haverford, Pa. _ BRINTON BROS. FANCY and STAPLE GROCERIES Orders- Called for and Delivered Lancaster and Merion Aves. Bryn Mawr, Pa. Telephone . 63 | COTTAGE TEA ROOM Montgomery Avenue, Bryn Mawr, Pa, Luncheon Dinner Tea Special Partiés by Arrangement. Guest Rooms Phone, Bryn Mawr 362 AB irl inci alec, | t -Meet._your._friends--at—the Bryn Mawr Confectionery (Next .(@ Seville Theater Bldg.) The Rendezvous of the (ollege Girls’’” Tasty “Sandwiches, Delicious Sundaes, Superior; Soda Service Music—Dancing for girls only JOSEPH TRONCELLITI Cleaner and Dyer Wearing Apparel :: Blankets :: Curtains :; Drapery CLEANED OR DYED STUDENTS’ ACCOUNTS Laces | ‘ We Call-and Deliver 814 Lancaster Avenue BRYN MAWR 1517 | JEANNETT’S BRYN MAWR FLOWER” SHOP Cut Flowers. and Plants Fresh Daily Cofsage and Floral Baskets S i ee ee ee et Old-Fashioned Bouquets a Specialty Potted Plants Personal Supervision’ on All Orders Phone: Bryn Mawr 570 823 Lancaster Avenue ee MRS, JOHN KENDRICK. BANGS DRESSES: 566 MontGoMERY AVENUE BRYN MAWR, PA. A Pleasant Walk from the Col- lege-with-an-Object in View ‘SPORT SHOP — 62 East Lancaster Ave. : Ardmore, Pa. Afternoon, Evening and Sport F rocks: lt iil Ai ie i i ee ee ee eee has the Oriental Institute ascertained that the Mediterranean was at a re- moté period fringed with Stone Age life as later it was*fringed with Roman political life. The Mediterranean. at, that time was divided into ees = - CONTINUED ON mt niet PAGg Wayne Hotel ‘iis. fein and newly furnished rooms for transiehts. © American plan dining room. Grill may be rented for dances, dinners, - social affairs. Lincoln ‘Highway WE MAKE LOVELINESS LOVELIER: Edythe’s Beauty Salon EDYTHE E. RIGGINS Permanent -Waving, Facial, Marcel Waving, Shampooing, Finger Waving, Manicuring 109 Audubon Ave., Wayne; Pa. Phone, Wayne 862 PEACOCK BEAUTE SALON SEVILLE THEATER BLDG. BRYN. MAWR, PA. Permanent Waving -Expert Finger Waving, Facials, Contouration, Facials for Removing Wrinkles, Scientific Scalp’Treat- ments, Marcelling, Full Beauty. Service, . Manicuring. Phone BM 475 WILLIAM L. HAYDEN BUILDERS and HOUSEKEEPERS ae 5 ~~~Hardware 838 Lancaster Avenue BRYN MAWR, PA. Gh, Be th ‘ what does ‘reversing the (e = ‘ charge’ mean , ws you "re reading ane af those . ' ‘i teleph one ads it means that you can call home and it won't cost you a cent. "Yo just. ive the opera- tor the number, tell her to reverse the charge and your Pater does the “eens “My DEAR. oes me that teleplione, auiek!! e tT Charges on calls by number may now be sevecsed without additional cost. Arrange with the folks at home to tele hone : them.this week-en