wt et on e olic Church. \._ 8. Under what..Medieval-English Page Four : “ ® THE COLLEGE NEWS ~~ College Students Should | Know All These Offhand Keeping abreast with the times as ever, the NEWS has made out a ques- tionnaire to test one’s general infor- mation: We have worked this out on the theory that a college graduate oOught.to be able to score abut 85 out ofthe possible 100,..counting. 5-or~ a fraction thereof for each question. It would seem from the results so far ob- tained that we were wrong. Three members of the NEWS’ Board ‘took the quiz and the highest score thereof ‘was 44, made by a sophomore. We persuaded one faculty member to take it ,and found that under his eagle eye some of the questions were poor- ly stated. We have tried in some measure to rectify those errors in this edition of the questionnaire. Inci- dentally the professorial score was-73 per cent. Here is it for your benefit. See what you'can do. Answers next time. 1, Name four of the’ French lead- ers of the philosophic movement be- hind the French Revolution. 2. Name two fundamentals in which Luther found himself in disa- greement with the then existing Cath- monarch was Parliament first devel- oped? eo 4. What so far has been the great- est money-winning horse of all time? 5. From what classical play was a famous Yale cheer taken? « 6.. Whence comes the line “For ’tis your thoughts that now must deck our kings?” 7. Who.and what was the Woman of Andros? 8. Name in order each of the six book of the Forsyte Saga proper and give the name of the last publication dealing directly with the Forsytes. 9. Name three plays and two act- resses playing leads in plays by Fer- ene Molnar. 10. Identify the following by two productions with which they have been connected: Paul Green, Lee Si- monson, Raymond Massey, Guthrie McClintic, Norman Bel Geddes. TT, Florence and locate them in respect to the Arno. 12. What is a “nursery school’? 13. .Name three 19th Century so- Philip Harrison. Store BRYN MAWR, PA. Gotham Gold Stripe Silk Hosiery, $1.00 Best Quality Shoes in Bryn Mawr Next Door to' the Movies .Meet your friends at the Bryn Mawr Confectionery (Next to Seville Theater Bldg.) ‘the Rendezvous of the College Giris Tasty Sandwiches, Delicious Sundaes, Superior Soda Service Music—Dancing for ‘girls only COLLEGE INN AND TEA ROOM SERVICE 8 A. M. TO. 7:30 P.M. : Daily and Sunday A LA CARTE BREAKFAST V4aINCHEON, AFTERNOON TEA AND DINNER A LA CarTE AND TABLE D’HOTE GUEST ROOMS PERMANENT AND TRANSIENT STUDENTS’ CHARGE ACCOUNTS WOODMERE EAM EEE BE oa reer res Name two main Galleries of | cialists and one of. the leading ideas of each. ad 14. What are: a sonata, a fugue, a canon, a chorale, an etude? 15. Who’ were the Ypsilanti mur- derers? a 16._ Distinguish between three of the following: thyroid, parathyroid, pineal, pituitary, pancreas. 17, Whose doctrine included res -|cogitans and res extensa and what did he mean by them? 18. What were the main provisions of the Hoover moratorium? 19. Who are: Tom Mooney, Wil- lebrandt, Garner, Alfalfa Bill Murray, Doumer? 20.. What are two of the following: anticline, catalyst, beta rays? i Bryn Mawr Co-Operative Society Taylor Hall Sporting goods of all kinds. If we do not have what you want in stock, we will furnish a letter which will enable you to pick out what you wish “at Slavin’s in Ard re. ‘This will. be charged through the £o- Operative Society so you may receive membership refunds on your pur- chase. : Let's | be Neighbors +e There are lots of col- lege girls here . .. as well as women in the arts, professions and _ business. We're located in the cultural center of New York and have complete facilities for ideal club and home life. Weekly from $10 . Daily, from $2 CLUB FOR WOMEN 130 E. 57th St. ~~ New York GRACE B. DRAKE, Manager ae — tlt) THE NEW HATS As Midette Drapes Them They’re only becoming if they’re really well done. Colors to match ‘any outfit, $3.50 We redrape vour old hat for $2.00 MIDETTE DRAPE SHOP 1328 Chestnut St. Suite 509-10 Phone 570 : JEANNETT’S BRYN MAWR FLOWER SHOP, Inc. Mrs. N. S. C. Grammer 823 Lancaster Avenue * BRYN MAWR, PA. Winfield Donat Co. OPTICIANS 24 East Lancaster Ave. ARDMORE Main Office 1824 CHESTNUT STREET Philadelphia FRENCH SUMMER SCHOOL Residential Summer School (co-educational) in the heart of French Canada. Sal es # French staff. Only Frenc spoken. Elementary, Inter- mediate, Advanced. Certifi- cate or College Credit. French enter- tainments, sight-seeing, sports, etc. Fee $140, Board and Tuition. June 25- ad 31. Write for circular to Secretary, esidential French Summer School McGILL UNIVERSITY A-32 MONTREAL, CANADA to pass 100% in hosiery “exams” ask for the new Artcraft, “Trt-length HOSIERY 4 Tall—medium or chest, ig ve ar Fd mip ag Foe. ay Liners...and the ‘tuition’ Austria; Holland, Belgium, j eshi. : {cording “+ would knot. ¢ -t Yow ll want to get up for “TOURIST” classes! Mortarboards are shuffleboards.. .10 o’clocksare deck-sports ...5 o’clocksare teadances...orsleep through your 11 0’clock in a deck chair. You'll want to stay up for masquerades, bierabends, jollifications, dances, concerts, dinners with de- licious food, bridge tournaments, or doing absolutely nothing and doing it very well. Sign up now! It’s schooners aweigh to Europe...in the Tourist Clas#Of Lloyd Express and Cabin ENGLAND -: FRANCE - *Go abroad to study this summer at one of the great foreign universities. The Lloyd will take you there! 32 to 52 Day Tours |! The zest of travel and the bright eyes of adventure! 5 to 7 countries in Europe...great cities, old-world scenes,and local color...of Germany, France, England, Italy, Switzerland, sailings on Lloyd liners. A remarkable bargain arranged by Student Pleasure Tours, Inc., and the Open Road. The price : includes round-trip passage, hotels, meals, sightseeing, trans- portation, baggage, and other incidentals. $195 up. NORTH GERMAN LLOYD yu ‘Walnut St. Philadelphia, Pa., and »’ Miss Pauline Huger, Merton Hall, _ Bryn Mawr College is extremely modest in price. IRELAND : GERMANY ° Czecho-Slovakia. Convenient | Geology of Western Shore Studied by Field Trip t (Continued from Page One) _ly.studying the formations above and searching for a foothold below. Two _statlont,@202! une, 'equaly, unvoluntarily took their first |swim'of the season. | Prince’ Frederick, with its general | store, county courthouse, and quaint |inn, intrigued the students’ curiosity. Geology is, of course, primarily a alice all, — ll, ln in. in iis. ci. - ll ei eB lb - LUNCHEON, TEA, DINNER Open Sundays Chatter-On Tea House 918 Old Lancaster Road \ | | | con attention une) field science. Since the first trip has turned out so well, the department will probably conduct a trip next year, either to Maryland or Western Penn- sylvania. = CS YouTte Invited! Let us show you how simple and pleasant it is to knit the new sweaters that are all the rage now. Beginning April 11th and for two weeks, you may have the personal attention of one of the Maison Brooks stylists and instructors. Instruction is free to friends and patrons. Be sure to drop in! MAISON BROOKS, INC. 30\Bryn Mawr Avenue —Advertisement. | | Telephone: Bryn Mawr 1185 | { | un film sonore et Dialogue 40% » iC eAMECIER DE FAKIS” parlant Francais de Rene Clair » Comedie Romance Intelligible 100% EGYPTIAN BALA ENTRE MONTGOMERY ET CITY LINE BALA- CYNWYD (Appellez Cynwyd 1782) Mercredi et Jeudi, 27 et 28 Avril. Matinee et Soir, chaque jour and Dad a call. much as you. bY Keep a Regular TELEPHONE Date with Home ERE’s A TIP for Freshman! Now u’re at college, you can al- s ‘go home by telephone.” Regularly, or whenever you like, give Mother Tonight, forinstance, pay themra“‘voice visit.” Tell them how you’re settling down. What a . = thrill they’ll have to hear your voice—and maybe you won’t enjoy it, too! But, best of all, arrange to call home each week. That’s a joy*théy’ll look forward to as “ FOR THE LOWEST COST AND GREATEST EASE ‘Set your “date” for after 8.30 P. M. and take ad- vantage of the low Night Rates. (A dollar call is 60c at night; a 50c call is 35c.) By making a date the folks will be at home. Thus you can make a Station to Station call rather than a more expensive Person to Person call: Just'give the operator your home telephone num- . ber. If you like, the charges can be reversed! “