_ Baid Mr. British think. it will be. . demonstrates . Washington, ' conscription. HALLOWELL MUKERS: nals ° CONTINUED #ROM PAGE 1 The psychology of this incident of “passive resistance” can-not be explained, Mukerji. . This was brougfit: about by iprayer. “For, ” continued fhe: * Speaker, “Tidia 78 a very spiritual nation. Its freedom, @an only be obtained through assive’ resistance® ” Another example of the power of, Ghandi’s passive resistance’ is shown in the events of Simon Commission of last October. There was much. protest against | « the Commission: among: the different Classes of Indians. Posters bearing words “Simon go back” were hoisted .in every} city that the Commission “went to. This angered the: policemen; and they fired on the people. There was much shoot- oo We Collegiate? The following announcement has been sent to the NEws: Bryn. Mawr College has: “i invited to participate in a nation-wide survey of educational institutions, undertaken to ascertain the real status of the so-called “collegiate” in American college life. Henry Grattan Doyle,- Dean of Men of George Washington ‘University, Washington, D. C., has: addressed a ques- tionnaire to the Dean asking a number of significant questions pertaining to the “coHegiate.” Dean Doyle then —propounds- the“ fol- seaeta questions : . (a) Is the “collegiate” of the humor- ous press and the vaudeville stage the typical: student of your college? or ing and killing,» held_a meeting to. decide on the question | of independence or submission, There | Was a ‘small group strongly for sinde- | pendence. But. Ghandj asked them to wait : another year so that the British Govern- ment might have time. to show “the sense ! of goodness that is in them.” Mr. Mukerji believes that most prob- ably in one year India will be granted | cominion status, . Tis is what the In- | -n lecturer wants to see happen. There ai be.civil war after the withdrawal | of the’ British Indian Government, but | the civil war will not be as great as the | Conscription and Rebellion Lest we forget that mot only Bolivia and Paraguay. are busy at war prepara- tions, the University of Washington has disclosed that it will drop thirty-two men at the end of. the quarter because of failure to attend classes in compulsory military training. The action was re- ported to have been taken at the request of the local R: O. T. C. unit. It clearly how: our universities are no longer masters in their own homes, for the local’ military unit in turn. takes | its orders from the War Department at D. C. The students had become too defiant for the military men, and that is why this drastic measure was insisted upon. From time to time, »ever sitice the war, undergraduate demonstra- | tions have been staged against peace-time If the University thinks that-it has put an end to these rumblings of discontent, it is mistaken. ~ Student indignation will not down so easily.— New Student. ’ -? Bryn Mawr Co-operative Societ perative Society Wide Selection of Books On January 15, 1929, You Can Safely Order by Telephone For Fruit from Hallowell is always of the finest sefected quality—or you can do as many others, leave a ‘standing order for a weekly selection of our Fruit for delivery to your home or to those away at school. Free Delivery to Your Home Anywhere in City or Suburbs Broad Street. below Chestnut : PHILADELPHIA Gifts of Distinction Diamond and precious stone jewelry. Watches and clocks. mported and domestic nov- elties. China and glassware. Fine stationery. ~ Class rings and pins. Trophies. : A WIDE SELECTION FAIRLY PRICED | Chestnut Street at Juniper Finally 30000 people " (b) Is he an exception in the per- scnnel of yeur..enrollment, and if so, what percentage of the total student i body is like lm ? 2: (a) Is a slouchy appearanice, as evi- denced by garterless socks, rumpled , shirt: and collar; sloppy shoes _ and wrinkled suits of — typical of your student body? (b) Is neatness in appearance, as €vi- denced by clean - shaving, well-shined shoes, s arched linen, appropriate neck- tics of neat appearance and well- pressed: suits of clothing, typical of your student body? 3. (a) In the main, does the psycho- logical attitude of your student body ap- prove sldtichy dress and conduct or neat habits of dress and courteous manners? (b) Is there any appreciable attitude of disfavor in your student body toward carelessness in dress and manners? 4. Is there any connection, in opinion, between the attempt to be legiate” and such problems’ as: (a) Drinking? (6b) “Necking ?” . (c) Neglect of class work? (d) Dishonesty in examitations? (e) Other ethical problems? 5. Does the “collegiate” type of stu- dent referred’ to in the opening of this letter excel, as-a rule, in: @ (a) Scholastic standing? (b) Sports? (c) Other student activities? 6. In your opinion és the “collegiate” ” your “col- . THE CAMBRIDGE SCHOOL DOMESTIC . ARCHITECTURE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ; A Professional School for College Graduates Monday, October 7, 1929. Summer School — Monday, July 1, through Saturday, August 3. HENRY ATHERTON Frost — Directo §3 Church Street, Cambridge, Mass At Harvard Square Lm, (sre (se (som (en (woe oes (mt (rm (aes (omen (smn (sma (ss (oes (oe (4 | LEARN THE PIANO IN - ‘TEN LESSONS TENOR-BANJO OR MANDOLIN IN FIVE . ~ LESSONS Without nerve-racking, heart- . breaking scales“and exercises. You are taight to_play-by—note in regular professional chord style.- In- your very first lesson you will be able to play a popu- lar number by note SEND For It ON APPROVAL The “Hallmark Self-Imstruc- tor” is the title of this »method. Fight y@ars were required to perfect this’ great work. The en- tire course with the necessary examination sheets is) bound in one volume. The ‘first lesson is unsealed, which the studemt may examine and be his own JUDGE and JURY. The latter part of the “Ha'lmark Self-Instructor” is sealed. Upon the studemt returning { any copy of the “Hallmark Self- { Instructor” with the seal un- broken we will refund in full alt money paid. This amazing Self-Instructor will be sent anywhere: You do not need to send any money. When. you receive this new method of teaching music, de- posit with the Postman the sum of-ten dollars. If you are not entirely satisfied the money paid will, be returned in full, upon writléni request. The Publishers are anxious to place“ this “Self- Instructor” in the hands of music oe ers all over the country, and position to make an_at-_. “eet ey semen mame) amd seein et end sand 4 ed SS a pc oe Jat Hae) Se and careless habits .of |- The Academic Year for 1929-30 opens’ a. — bge th. raat ee ; tinge é SRC p Bares oe \ biegcahi.acibekes Oo oe ries 1 a nnn Ges or ee Gs SSSSSest type. diminishing or, increasing? = M. Meth Danse Shop — H UNCHEON, : TEA, DINNERE 7: Do you of do you not agrée with |: ‘LAN TER AV NUE wee =" ae =~ me that in general our student bodies - 1008 — - i 7 Opeh. Sundays « ate composed: of reasonably’ serious (JC - CRAM and FANCY CAKES J) CHATTER-ON TEA HOUSES young people, whose ideals and stand- | French and Danish P astry ‘— i + 835 Morton Road 1 ‘ards of conduct compare favorably with| We Deliver Phone: Bryn Mawr 1886 | F Celéphone: Bryn Mawr 1185 r thosé of preceding generations—in short, RS ne BE S(t SS oe (a attain that their faults are faults of manners ° | rather than morals? , | Sicnio ve 3 LEAGUE DELEGATES es “CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 , ¥ This. yéar we intend to have reports . and discussion on three subjects only, a Mandates, the. Personnel and Work of , the Secretariat, and the Hotes Doctrine. | g ny - We should like one member of each Rin ) delegation to be prepared on each one of these subjects from the point of view of the country he! is to. represent. Ark C0. Siew ‘ The Political Association of Vassar |. =f will bear all. the expense of the organi- zation of the Model Assembly and _ will 7 C ewe 0 in lan try to provide lodging free of charge. This last*cannot be assured, however, | yntil we know how many persons are ‘ wal to be ‘accommodated: -Delegates will be nvr 7 nd pong Popa of E gn’ ws | expected to pay for their own traveling "af the — on 7 a Soa d ; = On ‘ * . eee r an a 3 expenies: afte ser theif -meals -while- at Dinish Kings. York with its hundreds of vivid Vassar, : episodes of history,..rollicking Tudors, bold-Eliza- ' Will anyone who is interested in going hesliane and “an Cavali 8 , to this come and see Martha Gelhorn, Batya de: te 33 Pembroke. East. ‘ Dominating this. scene of greatness stands the sub- i . lime cathedral .. . glorious York Minster... England’s | treasure house of stained glass. To contemplate this BRYN eae 1,300 year old temple, with its Jesse window, Five R R TRUST CO Sisters window and lofty vaulting, is a sight ever to CAPITAL, $250,000.00 . be remembered, 4 nes es Up and down the entire East Coast of England a are Does a General Banking Business countless points of exquisite beauty and interest for Allows Interest on Deposit» Americans. Lincoln, Cambridge, Peterborough,. - i _gpataowsie . ; : : % ee and Ely. ¢ - é nantes % | - The Peter Pan B, ; : : if i Tea Room Write for free illustrated guide No. 6, eh A containing many delight ful tri 833 Lancaster Avenue _ sta fn cis - ; ; H.J. KETCHAM, Gen. Agt., 311 Fifth Ave. N.Y, HENRY B. WALLACE . Caterer and Confectioner — London 22 Bryn Mawr Ave. Bryn Maw: and North Eastern Breakfast Served Dally 5 Business Lunch, 60c—11 to 2.30 Railway Dinner, $1.00 IES Ks Phi te B. M. 758 Open’ Sundays OF ENGLAND AND SCOTLAND jk Se oh ee >A Busy . al ) Messenger A He symbolizes Whitman ont service and he covers every ) city and county in the United i States: t He travels fast—and direct. i His motto is “Whitman’s always fresh and perfect one where.” 1, aa nes 2 ; This service—next to quality '—is the thing that counts # “most with the millions of i friends of: Chocolates @s. F. W. & Son, Inc. fs, A SS SS — yo 7 : | WHITMAN'S FAMOUS CANDIES ARE SOLD BY . or a ‘Mawr College Inf, Bryn Mawr; Pa. —-Powers & Reynolds, Bryn Mawes Pas a tr t it t t Se pA ng aioe joanne: ge Tea Room, - Bryn Mawr, Pa. H.-B. Wallace, Bryn Mawr, Pa. q dress The “Hallmark Self-In- Bryn Mawr Confectionery, N. J. Cardamone, Bryn Mavr, Pa. } structor,” Station G, Post/Office Bryn Mawr, Pa. _ Kinde’ Pharm Mawr, Pa. i Box 111. New York, N. Y. : ‘Moores Pharmacy, Bryn Mawr, Pa. s acy, ok Sore 7 ee eer SS Frank W. 2, mont, Pa. rca sae . \ i