e : | pk ge PPE COLLEGE SNEWS. i 7 : . Ys ° ue Wise at b | : Y a : as ; ed hi . . : ‘ +e eee of torment on the eve.of May Day. .The|-they-obeyed-it*as best they could. -Etijah, | urging*the éstablishment of a newspaper : Bryn Mawr line-up was: Boyd, Blanch- Jesus, Spinoza, Florence Nightingale—| which should be for news. pure endl oe y ard, Huddleston, T hompson, Bruere, | these are ‘among the greatest: on earth, |... Yy y simple. She advaneed cogent reasons for ‘ Freeman. and they lived “by the shrine. ; eB 11)! . ; a al For once a “letter to the Times”. bore | oo RABBI WISE SPEAKS NEWS REVIEWED fruit. | The So oer ee ~ TG. WAH.» Te 4 printed this~ cot. oteec PUTT WAS fié day |~ It : Chureh has found: ie “necesbry to bless | began to train herself in cottage: After paper. The letter was received with joy If | the banners of war and strife. The re- | working for a time as social editor for a by Miss Applebee and the heads of some | By volt is not because“the Church demands | paper in New Hampshire, she accepted a of the Associations, who had just deter- | too much of us, but because it demands | position on the Christian Sciences Moni- | Mined to start some sort of organ which | too little. It has become an.- institution | tor, and wrote for that publication for would give space for the activities and 1 I not of the, spiritual but of the’ external | seven years. Just recently she hag-begun | 0P40ns of the Various Associations. a world. writing feature articles for the Hartford | They went to hed Miss Foster, and per- | Do Not Abandon the Church. Courant; one of. the oldest newspapers in| S¥aded her to join with them. On the t, | _ You cannot put away the Church and | thé country. .George Washington was morning of Garden, Party in June; 1914, p i “reject the Altar because’ it has not-ac=| one of its “early subsiribers. they—went-to_see—President-Thomas:— ¥ 1 4 | cepted science, because the Bible is not Miss Applebee, the first business mana-| , “Quite out of the question” was her 7 ‘a text-book of astronomy, anthropology,| ger of the College News, and the only first verdict. “Do” you know that the vit { ‘. or biology; it is the autobiography of a, one who-has ever held that office for six editBrs of most college newspapers end. in 5 N| God-intoxicated ' people. years, described to a News reporter last being expelled?” The prospective editors SSS y| ‘If. you desert the Church’ you leave it} Thursday the founding and early history promised to be careful. . - he 2 | to obscurantism, ecclesiasticism and other | of the publication. This is doubly. in- “What type of paper do-you contem- 4 hy | iniquifles ; by leaving you may leave your-| teresting just now in. view of Miss plate?” was the next question, ? . + |) self shrineless, to’be numbered among| Applebee’s forthcoming departure from4 “Something like the Yale News or the fi N. : , . : ® ” Cw ber —_—_ those wha have no God. : the college for which she has done so| Harvard Crimson. . ; ‘t double size and i The: second revolt of youth today is| much since her arrival in 1906, Everyone “Well, don’t call it the Bryn Mawr y specially shaped to give ex- against Law. The Ten Commandments] in Bryn Mawr now, knows of her ‘in ae the sid et and pose 9). quisite, clear-cut ‘ outlines { and the Sermon on’ the Mount are de-| connection with Athletics and with May | "assured on this .pomt she somewhat clared out-of-date as moral codes fofTDay, but very few know of her re- dubiously gave her consent on’ the condi- to the lips. Thefive radiant | : : today. It is a revolt of individuals| markable journalistic career? tion that ‘every word must be read t Coty shades are a subtle | -< _ against the, validity of anything, and} Jn 1914, the year before the News en by aa OF oe the age pene i glorification of nature’ S \ Bt against the belief of ages in a permanent]. was started,. said Miss Applebee, the| Publication. Eventually even’ this con- moral code. idea of a weekly newspaper was very | dition was removed when the office’ f , colouring, imparting soft, Nt _You may say: “Great wrong had been| unpopular. Isabelle Foster, ’14, the first | Censor was created. } fre sh, satiny beauty vi done under-thig moral-code.” But if you| editor, brought up the idea before the | _ The history of the.Cojlege News, Miss y: in afinal dashing N consider the truly great through the ages| Undergraduate Association and was Applebee said in conclusion, should be a al l ith f is f pride to those who have worked| [IW exclamation - | . you will realize that they are the mystics,| turned down with hoots of derision. Her | Source of pride to those who have worke — the saints, and those who have taken the |‘next step was to_write a letter to Tipyn for it. Since its first inception it has . SHADES point of \ code ‘literally. “Ye shall be holy even| ©’ Bob, the fortnightly ‘publication which | had an unbroken history. Its publica- if LiGhy charm. ; y' as I am holy,” is the Commandment, and| held the ‘journalistic field at that time, | ton has never been suspended, and the Y es age \ ' ‘ : . -. |only changes made irl its make-up have k, CERISE { sD eS SSS SS SS ee ese SE SS ; ria SE . been towards a gradual increase in size. INVISIBLE N] HOLLYWOOD SHOPPING: SERVICE ‘Refills Obtainable Everywhere N © P. O. Box 144, Hollywood, California. Rosamund. Cross,-’29, has. been- elected oN \ i He Buy You What the Stars Buy” Alumnae representative for the college ZASU PITTS’ gold ae lavender cloisonne vanity case ..........1.... aad $28.00, J | for next year. In this capacity she will AT DRUG AND DEPARTMENT STORES | WILLIAM FARNUM'S blood red. ale slasses: mes gabe ses EG 3359 f)| attend the Alumnae Conference in 1929. : | MARIAN NIXON’S lass ice bucket wi ing silver handle .......... .f BUSTER KEATON’S stick reed porch ‘divan [mmm 60.25 SY WE IVE IE Pea SSM ’S ¢ n -drink flask ............ 17.50 oe naar ater es Cleese gy [[tecumining Paints, on ant-Goem ’ Oe iro reeks circ icin ccesar eters 37.50 RICARDO CORTEZ’S engraved red and rock crystal dinner service ............ 125.50 WILLIAM L. HAYDEN THE BLUE BOTTLE THE CHATTERBOX WALLACE sBEERY’S pipe Fee ePe eee eee eee ee eneees i Srreeer Rh ee ee 7.00 BUILDERS and HOUSEKEEPERS SHOP a DELIGHTFUL TEA ROOM Correspondence solicited; send for catalogue Hardware * Tanecalin i ee : Satisfaction guaranteed. No charge for service : ancaster. save. Evening dinner served from ; ' : , 838 -Lancaster Avenue “BRYN MAWR. PA 6-until--7.30 BRYN MAWR, PA. “ ? . N ‘ LN HtiHVW“VNWVWt(Hiifiii iT TTT | CHINTZ ANTIQUES OPEN AT TWELVE NOON f Ee — — sega ce NORE | oe: : . | HVipinc t fe- Many Coltr Combinations nee sen Sp Eating chocolates is a Claflin Guaranteed Service Chiffon Hosiery, $1.65 social pleasure. Part of the fun is exploring and di- st ut viding the chocolate con- ine Nl tents of the PLEASURE ‘ ISLAND PACKAGE—real ——====—— treasures from the Spanish | en Main.._In_ the-chest- area John Murray Anderson ~Robert Milton | tray and two bags of loot | oe *4 reminiscent of the days 0 SCHOOL of the ATRE | » be Black Beard and Morgan. ARTHUR HORNBLOW, Dean Dividing the treasure is a e . X | America’s Most Successful School of Acting pie: delight when the o: id chest 1s Eight leading Producers and Directors actively associated with the School. i Dramatic Faculty. . ‘ Instruction in all Branches DANCING OF ALL TYPES : foaae 3 gre ’ | Pecees ta Musial Comedy, Motion Mikhail Mordkin M ) ki i Preray nic an tume ikhail Mor artha Graham a & Design, Stage ion and Manage- ce E - Pantomime, Fencing, adn: Saray PLEASURE ISLAND ¢ | : CHOCOLATES — | Summer Courses in hoe Rivera and Dancing we@S.F.W:& Son, Inc. | | of all types during July, August and September. a WHITMAN’S FAMOUS CANDIES ARE SOLD BY ; i «Ti saiticeathle Siareen dialed ta cebnennigudenl iecenth ates pik Mawr College Inn, Bryn ag Bryn Mawr College Book Store. Pa e Tea Room n Mawr, n Mawr, Pa. — : _ |] _~.. ANDERSON-MILTON SCHOOL, 128 E. 58th St., N. ¥. C. Frank W. Prickett, Rosemont Pa. Powers & Reynolds, Bryn Mawr, Pa Se ‘ is, Stating Course Preference. : _ Plaza 4524 _ _.Moores Pharmacy, - Bryn Mawr,Pa. . H. Bi Wallace, j.- Bryn Mawr, Pa. SRReRRERRRNETAR TS : Myers Drug Company," Bryn Mawr, Pa. ~~. J. Cardamone, Bryn Mawr, Pa. ———s Kindt’s Pharmacy, Bryn Mawr, Pa : — Mawr Confectionery, Bryn ica