” ‘ assistance —in reconstruction, .muéh real relief in ‘Rosemont College Beaten — her own opponent in a very admirable _ OMNARY BILL = ¢ CONTINUED EROM me. THIRD PAGE ernment for its expenditure by an equali- zation fee tharged on every domestic gale. ‘The obvious disadvantages to this sys- tem are: that the “Ratio” price would. appreciably raise the cost of living, benefiting one group at the expense of the rest of society; that the increased cost, of raw materialg would subject American manufacturers to adverse com- petition in neutral markets; and that the collection .of the eqt alization * fee wotld be difficult, and offer a fair field for graft. But all these disadvantages are found to an even greater degree in the high tariff system, one of the chief poli- cies of the Republican Government; and President Coolidge when he advanced these” same arguments in’ his veto mes- sage on the bill, was writing ‘the best ,free- trade document since the administra- ‘tod of Woodrow Wilson. ’ The bill, moreover, has great advan- tages in that. it would not only stabilize: the home marketing system, by a method similar~te—that employed in transporta- tion ‘by the Interstate Commerce Com- mission, but it would also provide central control of foreign marketing, by ma- chinery such as is used in Brazil and the Scandinavian countries to stabilize exports. If the bill were passed, however, Dr. Smith said, it would probably not bring . the long run; it would be meeting a world problem by domestic mgans. The only way really to meet the situation would be either to make a drastic change in our recon- struction policy, such. that by better terms on the foreign debt and material the—market abroad could be built up again; or by a therough revision of the-tariff to reduce the cost of living not only for the farm- ers, but for all other consumers. It is unlikely, however, that any Republican administration will ever adopt either of these policies; so that we must fall back of necessity to raising ourselves by our own boot-straps. by Second Varsity, 25-15 Second Varsity fumbled slightly less than Rosemont and so came out ahead} 25-15 in the rather Saturday morning. messy game on In the first half our passing and teamwork were better’ than theirs, but no one on our team was outstanding. The half ended 12-5 for. us. In the second half the Rosemont team came up a great deal. They had good pass- ing and made several quick successive goals. A hint for: us: each of them stuck to manner. Altogether Rosemont is to be congratulated for getting out such a presentable team in their first sea- sar ——— THE CAMBRIDGE SCHOOL OF DOMESTIC :-ARCHITECTURE AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE A Professional School for college graduates. a The Academic Year for 1927-28 opens Monday October 3, 1927. THE CAMBRIDGE-LOWTHORPE EUROPEAN TRAVEL COURSE Sailing from Montreal June 10th. Sailing from Naples Sept. 8th. THe CAMBRIDGE-LOWTHORPE SUMMER SCHOOL at Groton, Massachusetts From Wednesday July 6, Wednesday August 24. to HENRY ATHERTON Frost — Director. 13 Boylston St., Cambridge, Mass. * 4t Harvard Square ————————— LOWTHORPE 4 School of Landscape Architecture for Women ‘ _ Courses in. Landseape Design, Construc- | tion, Horticulture. and kindred subjects. Estate of seventeen acres, greenhouses. Twenty-sixth year. 36 miles from Bogton. Groton, Masses. gardens, |: gon of basketball. Our forwards showed an uncanny ability to make free throws successfully. Not ore thance was missed. The line-up was: Bryn Mawr: Boyd, 21222; Bruere, 2211122122;. Dalziel; Poe, Swan, Platt. Subs:. Martin, Bethel. F Horstman, 221222; Mol- Reily, Butler, Heiz- _ Rosemont: loyy Ruae, 1112; man, €orgon. _MAY DAY AEA Individual soe aD L'ORIGAN CHYPRE- SS Se SS Dr. Sines” Weber Linn, professor of : recent issue of The Lantern. for the Co1- , =e LES POUDRES Ory | MORE individual love- liness is achieved with .Coty Face Powders. vidual in ‘the tone which idealizes the natural colouring. which repeats the fragrance of the supreme Coty odeurs. LA ROSE JACQUEMINOT JASMIN DE CORSE AND ALL OTHER COTY ODEURS Or "aod p= to. Speaks the Rocky Mout will be the subject” on which Dr. J. Monroe Thorington will speak to- night at 8 P. M. in Room.G; Taylor Hall. The lecture is. illustrated and is spon- sored by the Science Club. _It is thought... ‘Ex plorations in tains” _that this will -be a most interesting eve- ning’*entertainment, as Dr. Thorington boasts an enviable record as a mountain explorer. 4 Indi- aS ee ee ey in the perfume EOE DI IGF PO BF STYX PARIS EMERAUDE : Pri rice uy me Dollar OE WUE MINNEKAHDA ' MINNESOTA DEVONIAN | MAJESTIC BELGENLAND rope this year, _ a s to Eur only for college pe. pie, . and a 9 (up) » World's Anrgest ship. ones AeEANT menecantitg BAGtns conuPpant S denedie:-| amg TOURIST THIRD CABIN. The only exclusively Tourist Third Cabin linerggn the world. WENIPEEDIAN ix, o other a nA sc. "s3 nh Fs ert ade "finest ships to Ant- we (Belgium). bps ‘ mart Ze * oo ae gap ’ Largest Tauciss Third” carriers » CEDRIC to Liverpool (convenient port for’: ‘CELTIC: Shakespeare country and English Ke ae District). ye DORIC REGINA Largest “Tourist Third” carriers ™ ’ MEGANTIC over the short, scenic St. Law: ~ LAURENTIC.: rence River route. or others of our steamers which will provide many Tourist Third Cabin — yp ea ent re of course, are reserved — pro! men and women: and oe es ® . we <2 Te er a