SE ‘plot. imaster, he says: ‘personal, atthe “pad at-once; poetit jitstice does not exist The ‘Women at the Pump _ Knut Hamsun (Alfred A. Knopf) It is always an amazing thing to find ‘again that the world is a very small place after all. setting we may have, but the situations Differences in costume, and in in which men find themSelyes remain a a fairly steady point of rest.-.We have just strolled through a Norwegian Main S reet, and we felt pretty much -at' home. Knut Hamsun’s. Women at the. Pump is a man’s philosophy, expressed in terms of the novel. These terms are %ntirely ‘comparableto’ those used- by Sinclair Lewis; the philosophy. itself is quite an- other thing. . Oliver Andersen, a cripple, | is. the principal figure iti the book; it is the story of his life and that of his fam- ily which weaves together the portraits ‘of a town’s inhabitants, and, more inci- identally, the rather meager fabric of the These portraits. are remarkably clearly painted, and through them the author gives his reader a very. living realizatién of ‘the atmosphere which per- vades the town. ‘From Johnsen of the Wharfside, Double Consul and a Danish Knight, to Olaus the Grazier, we know the inhabitants, and ‘their lives: is able to summarize a character in a few swift,’ and often ironic, lines. Writing of Oliver Frank, who -becomes a Head- “Some passion a man must have; ‘there are those who brave fire and water in order to be able to con- _jugate verbs.”. Hamsun -is always im- and never prejudiced; some- times, though, he does indulge in a quiet sort of laughter. painted in the-rownd, and they stand out ‘with-the-strength: of -sculptured._figures,.|— Theré~is no ‘smoothing’ of rough edges, no exaggeration of virtues or of vices. Hamsun's -method ‘is’ not that of the caricaturist. one We mentioned Hamsun’s \philosophy. It is closely connected. to nse of character portrayal. His actorS are rarely loquacious; far more often is the truly dramatic principle of | action em- ployed. Situations are developed before our very eyes, and we ‘are ‘allowed to accept them for what we feel that they are worth. Hamsun ~ himself never moralizes, but he expresses himself quite clearly on the subject of those who do, “Some impatient peop!e try to interfere with Providence and bring in ¢eforms;’ they -desigii a world very different from this; they draw-up programs; they abol- “ish all wickedness, - This-is not-done-with arrogance; they don’t sit_up—and—crow against Heaven; no, they advance with, prayers and winhing ways; they» turn over the music, and whisper fond words to one another. But the orchestra does not play from human scores.” So much for reforming Babbitts! In all, there is a kind of‘ sordid atmosphere behind the- book. . No gloss of sophistication relieves the harsh s'ns of the townspeople. They are discovered, discussed by the women pump, -andsoon__forgotten by. younger people who grow. up with the same desires and worldliness attributed to their ‘elders. Humanity -is~ good and here. —— “As a novel, the book is “not particularly well knit., One's attention is not con-' tinually held to the point of deep inter- est, ‘but it is always well rewarded by some masterfully conceived bit of im- pressionism. The last line rather typifies for-us the spirit of the whole, “Small things and great occur, a tooth falls out of the jaw, a man out of the ranks; a sparrow to the ground,” S. R. “ Collegians in the Air Seven airplanes were used in bringing football fans to the recent Georgia Tech- University of N. C. game. One of the planes was a large six-passenger Fok- ker.—Richmond Collegian. According to the pilot of the Pennco Airport two trips were made carrying ten Madison studerits to Iowa City for the University of. Wisconsin-lowa game. Madison students, according to Mr. Morey, use air transportation to out-of- town games more than any other student body.—Daily Cardinal. Haverford Pharmacy HENRY W. PRESS, P. D. PRESCRIPTIONS, DRUGS, GIFTS Phone: Ardmore 122 . co PROMPT DELIVERY SERVICE Haverford, Pa. BRINTON BROS. | FANCY and STAPLE ‘GROCERIES tis Sahat fe sal, Diced ae se etd Hamsun | The characters are = ~ JEANNETT’S_ 4 “BRYN MAWR Ch a 6 6 Fh 8 Fk Oh FBP 8 Fs Fo | | | Pu " THE COLLEGENEWS STUDENTS’ ACCOUNTS We Call and Deliver 814 Lancaster Avenue BRYN MAWR 1517 FLOWER SHOP Cut Flowers and Plants Fresh Daily re et Corsage and Floral Baskets Old-Fashioned Bouquets a Speciaity Potted Plants Personal Supervision on All Orders Phone: Bryn Mawr 570 823 Lancaster Avenue You bus Safely dee oe % Telephone For - Pruit from Hallowell is always ‘ot the. finest selected quality—or you can do as many others, leave a_ stan order for a weekly selection of our t for delivery to your home or to those away at school. Free Delivery to. 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