od as Si a a title pl ‘ ? - THE COLLEGE NEWS mls. Page. Three Varsity Hockey Wins | Victory Over Ursinus In spite. of the usual downpour of “fain and contrary to our expecta- _ tions, the Varsity .hockey team’s showing against Ursinus on. Satur- ~ day gave promise of a season more , Successful than usual. Ursinus hand- led the ball on the muddy field with # much greater ease and accuracy than ' Bryn Mawr, but lacked the push to score more than one goal. The Bryn Mawr forward line was a bit ragged F jn the beginning, but settled down to play a more direct and intelligent game than we have witnessed in sev- } eral seasons. Play on the whole was ' slow, but with more practice and a drier field, future games should be less awkward and faster. The defense, on+the other hand, played a steady game .in the begin- ag ning, but gave way toward the end, allowing Ursinus several easy chances { to score. made of Leighton’s work at.the goal { - guard position. Playing on Varsity m4 her first year, and aided by the backs, her defense of the cage was remark- ably calm and steady. % All in all, the future looks unusu- \ ally bright and Saturday’s game with the Philadelphia Country Club. will, we hope, give us further proof for f our first impression. f URSINUS BRYN MAWR ] TOVREA cee 8s T, Wi saan: Taggart TPOMAN ., 6000s ES EE ee Larned | P PANCIG -. ss oss ES Cree Cary Godshall--os<+ Mie eee Faeth OOH: sivas lsW... Brown;C. GC. POVEO! er. vs Poh. ee Bridgman MOON. cay secs ae. A ee Kent PPOCriUK oc, cee 1D bee Evans, S. | SMONtON- 54% iss PO ia Bucher PAGNOYO f65 66s LD vias Jackson s—~Leighton <=... fas Bardeley Score:—Ursinus 1, Bryn Mawr-4, Goals:—Ursinus — Roach 1, Bryn Mawr—Larned 2, Cary 1, Faeth 1. In a game played on Monday af- ternoon, October 8th, the second var- sity vanquished Germantown Cricket Club second team by the score of 13-0. Although the score was absurd- ly high, the team showed the effect of not very long practice as a unit. _ There was too much following after passes and too frequent interchang- ing of positions with resultant lack of co-ordination. On the other hand the team had a most potent attack which produced plenty of goals. Be- fore the game was over every single member of the forward. line had scored at least once. During the sec- ond half the team showed signs of fatigue and took ten minutes to score a single goal. They then launched forth under the leadership 6f Gimbel and Harrington to score seven goals in ten minutes. Other members of the team who played well were Hasse and Bakewell, both Freshmen who show . possibilities for future play on the Varsity. Comment upon the Bryn Mawr defense must be postponed un- “ til a later date because today’s game = gave them little chance to show what ' they can do in a really close contest. 3 Line-up BRYN MAWR MANHEIM II TEV ROD st cans Ri Weae vans V. Baker : (B. M.) me arrington .. Rich. os..i Farrar (B. M.) Ciel biases. Cc. F. ... Mrs, Bryce 4 Bakewell ..... A eae Geans em MRSS 2... ia DeWeese oP. Evans ..... R. H. .B. A. Stainton (B. M.) a Cc. H..... Mrs. Willis . L. Hemphill .. L. H. .... E. Hearne m7, oeltger ..i<. Ru Bees ile Gemmi “E. Scattergood L. B. .. Zimmerman : (Mrs.) BIE ors ee Ges cio cries Lewis .. Subs. Bryn Mawr—Pierce for Ray- -