” 4 « ‘SHR COLLEGE NE Ws. ska ~ 3 Py ‘ wv 2 > ———____—— .N ews E From Other Colleges oie Students “Wild Boys” Then .. Cambridge, Mass.—The theory that the a ordered us. all to our rooms, American college student of the seven- teenth and eighteen enturies. was “so incurably addicted to studious piety that he found little time for play and none for dissipation” recently received a severe jolt through revelations of student habits in diaries and records now in possession of Harvard University. angling with the faculty and general Feordecty conduct were -more charac- teristic 8f students’ behavior:at that time. Among these records is an’ incident, recorded by one Ezra Clapp, a student at- Yale in 1738, who-says?* “Last night some of the freshmen got six quarts: of rhtim and about two payls of sydar, and about eight ‘pounds of sugar and made it into Samson, and in- vited. every scholer in college into Chur- tis’s room, and we made such prodigous rought that we raised the tutor, and he and ‘some - went and some tarried, and they gath- ae -can it have the old shy, ‘silent air, the |, s ered again and went’ up to old Father Monsher’s dore~ and drummed against the dore and yeled and screamed so that a -body would have thought they were killing dogs there.” Other incidents related in Cotton ‘Mather’s diary, while*a student at Har- vard, show that ministers’ sons began as early as 1644 to get. their reputations. Mather told of an incident where two ministers’ sons, students at Harvard, robbed two dwellings in the night” of about £15 and, being found out, were whipped by the President of the college. —New York Times. Psychological Test Columbia University now compels all men who enter the freshman class of the law school to take a psychological test. On this basis a hundred and seventy-five men were refused entrance. —New Jersey College News. ny BEGGAR’S OPERA conmnyunp FROM > PAGE. "a was a succéssful one. grown the awkward-age. Never again old angular, ill-at-ease appearance. The play and the audience suited ea¢éh other; and the occasion, perfectly. It was a well-dressed piece, this “Beg- gars. Opera,” oughly Quaker lady was. heard to re- mark that it was “simply disgusting.”, We could not find anything very. shocking in it we are bound to admit. It seemed far less coarse than, most of the Eighteenth Century comedies. But then we not thoroughly Quaker ladies... To us, and to almost everyone in the ~audience, it seemed an exceedingly enjoyable piecé, éxceedingly well played. It was not modernized, but was kept securely in the Eighteenth Century: period. “This are “else Eighteenth Century spirit spread from Locksmithing Paints, Oils and Glas: the stage to the audience. They did|. WILLIAM L. HAYDEN + , ae The Peter Pan “Tea Room 833 Lancaster Avenue HENRY B. WALLACE — Caterer and Confectioner 22 Bryn Mawr Ave. Bryn Mawr Breakfast Served Dally Business Lunch, 60c—11 to 2.30 _ , Dinner, $1.00 . Ph. te -B. M. 758 — Open Sundays Gifts of Distinction Diamor.d and precious stone jewelry. Watches and clocks. Imported and domestic nov- elties. China and glassware.’ Fine stationery. Class rings and pins. Trophies. A WIDE SELECTION FAIRLY PRICED J. E. CALDWELL & CO. “Chestnut Street at Juniper Brawls} hazing, Now it has out- : io even. though one. thor- |, say, “How quaint!” but rather with the air of people saying “How uproarious- ly funny!” : For it was funny. written in by John Gay was brought cut by the very alfle English com- pany. +All the parts, even the minor onés, were admirably cast and acted with the carefree, spur-of-che-moment gusto so. necessary “for puting Xcross the spirit of this period. - Shall we ‘mention individual players? Perhaps our. favorite was the buxom Peachum. We wanted to see more of her, us if we had noticed her ‘faint. - “It went off well tonight,” she said. “It’s very easy. You jyst bend your right knee and then fall.” MavtHeath,’ too, was good, being. especially ‘skilful in conveying meaning ‘by facial and phy- sical gesture. Peachum and Lockit were a pretty pair of villaiis. But we cannot. mention every member of the cast. Some excellent, and_ all were. more than merely capable; In- deed the whole production was worked ‘out perfectly: to the last detail. The music andthe dances “were -especially charming; and the scenery. was reduced to simplicity with such art, that it gave an elaborate impression e Goodhart emerged from its first dra- matic ordeal with flying colors. The ‘majority seemed’ ig agree that the acoustics were admifable for sych an immense hall. The one great disad- vantage seems to be the orchestra pit. t is .so constructed that the people on the stage cannot hear a note of the music. Something certainly must be done about: this before the Glee Club operetta. But on the whole the stage and the auditorium came through very well. We hope that this success will encourage varsity dramatics, showitig as it does that successful productign is not only possible but probable: PHILIP HARRISON 828-830 Lancaster Avenue ~ } ss Bryn Mawr Walk Over Shoe Shop Agent’ for” GOTHAM . GOLD STRIPE STOCKINGS Haverford Pharmacy HENRY W. PRESS, P. D. PRESCRIPTIONS, DRUGS, GIFTS Phone: Ardmore 122 PROMPT DELIVERY SERVICE Haverford, Pa. BRINTON BROS. FANCY- and STAPLE GROCERIES Orders Called for and Delivered Lancaster and Merion Aves. Bryn Mawr, Pa, Telephone 6 63" ais COTTAGE TEA ROOM — Montgomery Avenue, Bryn Mawr, Pa, Luncheon Dinner | Afternoon Tea | | were SILK > } fa Special Parties by Arrangement. Guest Rooms Phone, Bryn Mawr 362 _ BUILDERS and HOUSEKEEPERS Hardware 838 Lancaster Avenue BRYN MAWR, PA. John J. McDevitt Phone, Bryn. Mawr, 675 Programs Bill Heads Tickets Letter Heads Booklets, ete. Printing Announcements 1145 Lancaster Ave., Rosemont, Pa You Can Safely Order by Telephone For Fruit from Hallowell is always of the finest selected quality—or you can do. as many others, leave a standing order for a weekly selection of our Fruit 6 ¢ away at school. ae Free Delivery to Yor our Home Anywhere in City or Suburbs | TELEPHONE PENNYPACKER 1761 : HALLOWELL Broad Street belew Chestnut PHILADELPHIA Mees bard Jason heed ome BRYN MAWR Co-operative Society ‘(Taylor Hall) Ask to see the . French Etchings! PHILADELPHIA. not ‘watch with the air of people who || All the himor Mrs. | After the play was over she asked | mt for delivery to your home or to those’ 8 =a Vassar Coliege Shop’ Smith College Shop >. Poughkeepsie, N. » Fa Northampton, mine. Loe YA ORR TS 2 | ' Exclusive Representative fot * Peck and Peck Hosiery and Sportwear Hanan and Son Shoes | ~~, —- A New College Shop AT ? Bryn Mawr Next to Halin’s Gift Shop : / 3 * | | B, * . » ny «s