Ba gh dene: Ss Se: #8; ‘+ ton eri ibe igs :* PBL ERIE WR. pie Pian eee CRTy SAMUI ST at ibe a iii i ia td EY Tice CS se DRE Ve Page Six THE COLI-EGE NEWS A ” Self-Gov Introduces More Liberal Rules “Board No Longer Prescribes' “Places to Which Students May Sign Out AIM IS CO-OPERATION, The Self-Government rules which have been prescribed under the revis- ed system adopted by. the represent. a liberal departure from the more strict regulations now in) force, and have been drawn up by the ‘Board as part of its policy to en- courage co-operation with Self-Gov- ernment. The jurisdiction of self-government is interpreted as follows: During the College year, including all holi-| days, students staying in the College | shall be under all rules of the Asso-| ciation. Students staying away from |" Bryn Mawr shall be~ responsible for | not bringing criticism on the College by their conduct. Any cases which | the Executive Board consider to have; brought discredit on the College shall be severely dealt with. ALUMNAE Kvery alumna or former student or guest is under Self-Government regu- lations. EXECUTIVE AND ADVISORY ' BOARDS I. The President shall have pow- er to use any means she sees fit to make the rules known to the associa- tion. II. A week before any meeting of the association, a notice of said meet- ing shall be posted on the students’ bulletin boards in the halls, and for- ty-eight hours previous to the meet- ings a complete list of subjects to be discussed be likewise posted and no subject be acted on in said meeting yin exceptional cases to ask for testi-| (2) student» body are reprinted below. These rules, ‘that has not been acted on in said | emergency telephone-listed under her list. In cases oe immediate | name. or private action this regulation may | B—Special Permission | be set aside by the President. : | (i); Weeskinen must alwabe have | III. That the « Executive Board, | special permission to -be out after sitting as a court, may be empowered | |.10. 30. “Al students. ‘must have spe- _ | mony’ from any member of the Asso- | ‘cial permission to motor after dark | ciation. | and must sign out “motoring.” After Wardens may, at their ‘discretion, | 10.30 destination must be registered. give. information to the Board, and | ‘Special permission is not necessary if the Board, at its discretion, may act) motoring with families. or in taxis. upon such information. | (8) Special permission to. beaut (Agreement between Executive) after 10.30 may be obtained for the Board..and the Wardens.) | following: IV. The Executive Board shall | (a) If escorted, a. 15 permission have the power to fix penalties for in- | for eating in the village. ' fractions of rules. : A ‘(b) If unescorted, three-quarters Vv. Only the Junior and Senior of an hour permission for eat- | members of the Executive Board and ing in the village after eve- 'the Hall Presidents may. give special | ning. entertainments in “Good- | permission and deputies approved by hart. ! | the Executive Board. (11.15 the latest.) VI. (1) Hall Presidents shall be | (c) If escorted, 11.80 permission responsible for the execution of hall “for movies on the Main Line. regulations. (d) 12.15 permission for movies, | (2) Hall Presidents shall be sub- | theatres, and concerts in Phil- | ject, on election, to the approval of ' adelphia, if returning by mo- | the Executive Board, and to removal tor. If returning by train, no iby it at any time, if deemed ineffi- permission necessary. cient in the performance of their section VIII, Freshmen rule.) duties. (e) Two o’clock permission for pri- RESPONSIBILITY OF vate parties. A _ MEMBERS .(£) Two o'clock permission for in- ' VIL. Each member~of-the—Asso-+ ciation is responsible for seeing that the rules of the Association are Bellevue, obeyed. Pierre’s. ABSENCE AFTER TEN-THIRTY (zg) Three o’clock permission for VIII. Students must be inside the formal dances. halls by 10.30 unless they have com- (h) If a student after leaving the plied with the following registration hall, finds out before 10.30 and permission rules: P.M, that she wishes special A—Registration permission, she must telephone (1) Students returning a college to a member of the Board for after 10.30 must in all cases register formal dancing at any reput- Walton Roof, return, and upon return, actual hour. (2) If -a student after 10.30 finds that she is unavoidably delayed, she must notify the warden, who has. an (See* able place, such as Mayfair, |' it and have herself signed out. | in full, name, destination, means of (i) Students must not go*off cam-| Board: pus after dark in parties of; less than three, except to the| right to act in all cases where the village by way of the station|dress of students is such as to cause and to the movies on the Main) unfavorable criticism of the esi the supposed crash. Line when only two are neces- sary. (j). Students must have special permission for spending the night unchaperoned at any _reputable hotel. or boarding house. IX. -For’ an overnight absence aj} student shall register the following | before 10.30 P. M.: (1) Name, (2) address, signifying if home address or giving full name of her hostess, etc. (3) Purpose of absence, i. e., social, etc. (4). Date of departure and on return actual-hour of arrival. If not herself able to reg- ister, the student.must send her ad- dress to the Hall President or warden of the Hall. (5) If spending the night in another hall, students shall register in the guestbook of that hall. SMOKING AND’ DRINKING X. Smoking is allowed: A—On campus: (1) In hall smoking rooms. In hall sitting rooms when _ receiving guests. (2) By the varsity tennis courts and on the lower campus, the triangle of land drawn between the President’s house, the northwest corner of the Deanery, and the Powerhouse. — (3) In the - Students’ Wing, the foyer and Music Walk of Goodhart, not-in-the music room or on the stage. B—Off campus everywhere except: (1) When walking on Main thor- oughfares near Bryn Mawr. (2) Stations or railroad trains on| the Main Line. XI. No. fermented beverages shall | be allowed on campus. toxication shall with. Cases of in- be severely dealt DRESS XII. Decision of the Executive The Executive Board reserves the db A’°’— Athletic: costumes and. men’s clothing may be worn: (1) At college infirmary (2) At College Inn (3) In Psychology laboratory (4) In Dalton. laboratories, B — Athletic costumes and men’s | clothing may not be worn: | (1) Off campus (2) To classes (8) To dinner in the halls. HALL REGULATIONS XIII. Quiet Hours. A—There shal] be quiet in the dors mitories after 10.30 every night. In the library there shall be quiet throughout the day and evening. B—Up to 10.30 the extent and en- forcement of quiet hours shall be de- termined in each hall by the Hall President in consultation with the hall. Each student shall feel herself responsible for the enforcement of such regulations. . C—These regulations alone may be suspended during. the College vaca- tions. XIV. Students may receive men in their rooms without a chaperon be- tween 2 and 6 P. M. Before 2 P, M. special permission must. be obtained. After 6 P. M. no men shall be in the corridors except fathers who may be received until 9 P. M. “XV. The hours during which the hall ‘victrolas may be played shall be regulated in accordance.with the quiet hours in each hall. ~* | Special permission to play the vic- trola in private rooms will be given at the discretion of the Hall Presi- dent. The students of Glasgow Univer- sity in Scotland upset the whole of Great Britain by publishing a ficti- tious yarn concerning the crash of a trans-Atlantic aviatrix and then took up a collection for their charity fund when a crowd appeared at the scene Te Siggest user ~ OF FINE TURKISH TOBACCOS Aways the finest tohaccos ALWwaAYs the finest workmanship Aways Luchies please! examined, leaf by tobaccos. For these ao why Luchies taste better, smoother On certain mountains in the Near East is a limited collar of earth —called in Turkish, **Yacca.’? Tobaccos grown there cost as high as $1.00 a pound. Carefully they are leaves are blended. leaf. Often it takes a man a whole day to select two pounds of certain of these fine tobaccos. Lucky Strike is the world’s biggest user of fine Turkish ee tender, delicate Turkish with choice tobaccos from our own Southland —to make your Lucky Strike a cigarette that is fully packed —round and firm—free from loose ends. That’s why Luckies taste better, smoother. h . “its toasted”: ae FOR THROAT PROTECTION—FOR BETTER TASTE i!