a pare b . - F ’ Ba ast . Hi . 2%. THE COLLEGENEWS aA EO Conference: * national’ students” ‘saniforiam, "ands vars -|point of view, is that it will afford-a ae —— ous other questigns touching on student | cémprehensive survey ofthe facilities : CONTINUED FROM ‘pacn 4. life. | reg -| available to. modern students, and, of s of the most interesting and difficult prob- Trips and Receptions Planned international activities in general. ‘lems of the C. I. E. itself, and of the} Besides the sessions there. will be sev-; Those wishing to attend the, congress International work in general. eral official banquets and receptidns} Should apply to M. Pierre Bretaille, 55 There will also. be reports on the ac-|given by various promineht men of | Quai de’La Tournelle, or to the Presi- tivity of each of the national unions,| France, among whom will be M. Poin: | dent of the N.S, F, A.; those who would | particularly valuable in that they give|care. There. ill also be special excur-| like to have ‘the Congréss Committee’ an excellent idea of the different roles} sions to the Mies country, the ‘wine | arrapge for their “rod “and lodging that student life plays in the various|caves of Champagne, and other points | should apply not later than July 15. Any |. countries.» ; of. interest near Paris, with French stu- student’ who expects to be.in Paris at “The other commissions take up the|dents actimg as guides, the time ef the Congyess may secure a Special branches of: activity undertaken} © Contemporaneously with the Congress. Permit at any time to attend the sessions. by the C. I. E., such as student travel,|there will be international? sporting facilities for students studying in a for- events, such as swimming, tennis,. track, Class Parties eign country, equivalents of degrees, re-| fencing, -etc.,-to-which probably eight or quirements for the practice of law and|ten countries are sending teams. ba CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 medicine in a foreign country for those «The great: advantage of this congress,|the table by Constance Jones, who holding a degree from their own country, | in addition to the opportunity of making | thereby, and once for all, proved her hospitality centers, international univer-| friends with students from. other coun-| merits as a mimic.” The third, perform- sity sports, students’ ‘self-help, the inter-|tries and of learning to understand their | ance was by Pearl and Marybelle, the —_—— two talented children of 1930. - These, A SHOP NOTED des ai glade SHOES % as is commonly known to all, are merély their- stage names; in private life they | are known as none less than Connie Sul- cE nN amas livan _and Aggie Howell. They sarig heautifully, and their repertoire. in- Ate 1868 . _ {cluded that old favorite, “Here's to Lydia Pinkham ;” their. other number was: dif- . ; : : ferent .versions of* “Jack and . Jill,” Joo A Smart Tailored ; although you'd never know-it. It was AS ced ENRICH THE NATURAL’. . LOVELINESS OF YOUR SKIN “Colcreme,,Coty holdsall itneedsfor true, © healthfulradiance. Cleansing—nour- ishing—beautifying i in one— you can give yourcomplexion per- Ss a, 2s —. ~—— oS M done patriotically, a l’Italian opera, and \f Walking Shoe to. the merry tine of Yazz; encores, ii fect care in afew moments An ideal shoe for these bracing outdoor days—. ‘claps, and huzzas finished their _stage ( aday. Then, with Coty -g miracle of comfort and smart-looking, too. career. " ys . Face Powders, protect It’s a four-loop oxford with 13-inch walking Ie Rover Boys Again e and glorify itscharm ’ “heel. e last number, if less original,; was- i f a z at least as amusing. The cast included 3 tolragrant,satin Tan: Scotch Grain | Betty Bigelow, Houekie, Pie Burgess, ‘t smoot hness. . $14 and Ibby Hopkinson. ‘They showed the i : , : : Rover Boys in action at the Boston Tea ' White Buckskin Party, and -other points of interest; a $ ; Corey Ford had, with a-great deal: of yi : 17 ‘talent, managed to make this.skit both \F § : , ~ | educationa)- and~-amusing.The - Rover Each One ‘Dollar isle ort Hose, $2 i educational and amusing. senorien all epert rf ” Freshmen Present Stirring Drama - AT DRUG G AND DEPARTMENT STORES | © by Coty Ine. 1928 WE WRF WA WV WF) EES So ee Oy) ‘The Freshmen may be verdant, but e o 1606 Chestnut / , A they have initiative. They realized the el ee we se p RANA : : aasaae eet TH E BLUE BOTTLE TH E C H ATTE RBOX the proper accoutrements, se ate vided themselves with roses,; peppermints ~ SHOP | A DELIGHTFUL TEA ROOM + ° oa and: the inevitable ‘nuts. .They enjoyed! - Lancaster Ave. Evening dinrier served from A FITTING FINALE TO THE MATINEE asparagus to boot! _And how could any- |. BRYN MAWR. PA 6 until, 7.30 war: one but be gay in such a jocund com- CHINTZ . a UES OPEN AT TWELVE NOON IS AFTERNOON TEA OR AN ICE AT \ sees le ERI x, nl — : aa h _ THE ARCADIA CAFE ‘(CHESTNUT STREET NEAR BROAD) wi. acre mi Hi TT Tm mn nnn MM MMMM a ama tee ec tt EGE EI SET RTECS) Pett le ee ; ea , It's time to chéose your PLAYTIME CLOTHES . P . for this summer s vacation V5.4. os 4 YE TY aoe) «ey 6 TX) a VEIT yay ~ ‘3 I Td STE eae? Ee be a Here we are-with-a-most intrigu- . S . +. & ee Ys ing collection of clothes FOE for day and evening wear. Perfectly grand hh Eye ara aera ay hy sports clothes; Deauville sandals, tennis socks, and lingerie | Darling little ‘transparent velvet or Eating thames aa social pleasure. Part of the fun.is exploring and di- | viding the chocolate con- tents of the PLEASURE. *‘ ) ISLAND PACKAGE—real treasures from the Spanish Main. In the chest are a tray and two bags. of loot reminiscent-of the days. of. Black Beard and Morgan. Dividing the treasure is a social delight when the:: chest is taffeta coats to wear over romantically fragile- : t / looking evening frocks! -And your allowance goes an amazing ‘way with Macy’s low prices! 6VO COLLEGE INN May 28, 29 . cc7 A : f ™ . . e . { 7 3 ae — oS Shown by MACY'S PLEASURE Atco | Sococares, My a ay . . eat. J " t. ‘ i. , CHOCOLATES a a | S @S.F.W.&Son,Inc. | 3 | WHITMAN'S FAMOUS CANDIES ARE SOLD. BY 5 7 i e ST ad 7 Bryn Mawr College Inn, Bryn Mawr, Pa. * Bryn Mawr College Book Store, eg ; -€ellege-Tea Room, Bryn Mawr, Pa. == Bryn Mawr, Pa. and Broadway. ‘ . Frank W. Prickett, Rosemont, Pa. _ wiasoass A & Reynolds, eka = ; i ee eas eee awe, BS William Groff ae ayers Drag Company, xyes Mey, — N. J. Gérdamone, Bryn Mawr, Pa. ef Bryn Mawr Confectionery, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Kind€4 Pharmacy, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Fe nag : x ~ f * ia . etna