« Bryn Mawr Defeated By Vassar In Tennis Perry, Doubles Team Victories Bring Final Score: To 2-3 Loss for Varsity ‘MERION CRICKET LOSES _ Saturday dawned bright and clear, a perfect day for tennis, exeept for ‘the breeze, which was cool enough to discourage. sun backs and _ strong enough to whip up little dust storms from. the courts. It was a day that inspired some feautiful tennis, al- though Var bowed .to Vassar by the score of 3-2. However, scores are not everything and Varsity as a.whole played extremely good tennis, though their Boston rivals proved just a lit- tle better. Betty Faeth was tip against the most formidable opponent she has met this season, Helen Jones, a champion from the regions of Boston. Although Faeth lost both sets, 6-3, 6-3, she play- ed excellently, time and again. making neat placement shots that called forth enthusiastic clapping from the specta- tors. Betty Perry, as seems to be her custom, drew her match out to three hard-fought sets, but finally came through to victory, the only successful singles: player of the day. She and her opponent, Margot Lee, were two of the most perfectly matched players that it has ever been our lot to see. Both played a deliberate, steady game, and each slowly rolled up her score until it ‘seemed as though the. games would mount to the twenties before either gained a lead or two. Peggy Jackson, in spite of many admirable plays, was finally defeated after running her match up to three sets. steadier player, lost to Miss Wright, whose hard drives made up for her somewhat erratic playing. Because of Perry’s lengthy match, it was almost one o’clock by the time Faeth and Perry faced Jones and Ellis for the doubles match. In spite of the fact that both, Betty Faeth and Betty Perry had had real work-outs in their singles matches, they man- aged to down the Vassar team in short order, thus bringing the Bryn Mawr count up to two. against. Vassar’s three. Summary: First Singles—Jones, Vassar, VS. Faeth, B. M., won by Jones, 6-3, 6-3. Second Singles—Lee, Vassar, VS. FRANCES ROBINSON- D U FE ‘The Great Teacher’ —DAVID BELASCO} DRAMATIC. INSTRUCTION Acquire. professional technique in. the interpretation of dramatic roles for stage, screen and radio, under this famous coach. Teacher of Ina Claire, Helen Hayes, Katharine Hepburn, Jane Wyatt, Osgood Per- kins, Douglas Montgomery, Clark Gable, Kenneth MacKenna and many other stars, SUMMER COURSES (All Courses in New York City) BEGINNERS’ CLASS, July 8 ADVANCED CLASS, July 9 Students may take both courses simultaneously. Those enrolling for Advanced Class are required to take Beginners’ Class. Special Courses for Teachers and Lecturers WRITE FOR LITERATURE 235 East 62nd St., New York, N.Y. Peggy Little, also, although the, Perry, B. M. won by Perry, 8-10, 6-3, 6-4, * Third Singles—Ellis, Jackson, B. M., 6-2. = Fourth Sivgies-— Wie Vassar, vs. Little, B. M., won by Wright, 7-5, 8-10, 6-3. First Doubles—Jones and Ellis, Vassar, vs. Faeth and Perry, B. M. won by Faeth and Perry, 6-4, 6-4. Vassar, vs. won by Ellis, 6-1, 2-6, Wednesday, May 8.—The Varsity Tennis Team defeated the Merion Cricket Club with .the decisive’ seore of 5-0. Many of the matches were one-sided; Miss Perry’s game, how- ever, Was carried to three sets. Miss Faeth won her two sets; the first one had the easy score of 6-0, but the sec- ond one, in which Miss Faeth seemed somewhat tired, had: the closer score of 6-4. Miss Faeth as usual played a steady, even game, making profitable use of her favorite stroke, which is a deep, strong forehand ‘drive. Betty Perry, playing Ruth Gum- mery, of the Merion Cricket Club, lost her first set with a score of 6-4. She managed to get into her game early in the second® set and kept the lead throughout that and the third sets, making scores of 6-3 and 6-4, respect- ively. : The score got both of Miss Jack- son’s sets was 6-1. Miss Jackson’s steady playing and accurate placing easily overeame an able opponent. Miss Little also defeated her oppon- ent by using the same sort of neat placement shots. Her scores were 6-1 in the first set and 6-3 in the second. Only one doubles match was played with Faeth and Perry playing for Bryn Mawr against Gummery and Daly, of the Merion Cricket Club. In spite of the fact that they had al- ready played their singles matches, Faeth and Perry played a strong, fast game, which ended with the score of 6-1 in both sets. Zé SAMPLE HAT SHOP $1.88 and up 10% discount to students of Bryn Mawr College Open Evenings 36 W. Lancaster Ave. Burke Sisters Ardmore, Pa. ‘ Ardmore 3594 SS ee ee Oe ee ee ft costs no more to live In the very heart of town—with all_ the modern comforts and conveniences! The suites (one and two rooms) are large and airy; with Pullman kitchen and bright bath, You will have to sce them to appreciate them. Of course, rentals are not beyond your budget. ? CHAS, C. KELLY Managing Director TWO over. S$. S. STATENDAM JUNE 4; JUNE 25; ‘ JULY 16. S. S. VEENDAM JUNE 15; JULY 13. STCA TEARFUL DOLPHINS WHO CAN'T GO S.T.C.A. They have to swim to Europe . go on the famous liners of the Holland- America Line and have fun all"the way The S.T.C.A. way is the college way and costs as little as $144.50 (Third Class), $191.00 (Tourist Class) overs and back! . you can S.T.C.A. COLLEGE TOURS are planned so you can see Europe with college people. 30 days . . $435. 40deys. ... .625. » SBOE 6k a ge Full details from Miss Mary Louise Van Vechten HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE 29 Broadway New York >| lor’ steps, Betty Lord will be Commencement Schedule Planned The schedule of the senior class for the next three weeks has been plan- ned, and proves to be a very full one. Traditignal ceremonie$ begin on Fri- day, May 17, the last day Of classes. The seniors will go from hall to hall, Singing, and one representative will maké a speech at each stop. On Tay- the spokesman; Jean Porter will speak at Dalton;. Barbara Lewis, at the Li- brary; and Joan Hopkinson, at. the gymnasium. Saturday night after examinations, the Greek play will be presented and will be followed by. the Senior-Sopho- more picnic and bonfire. The next evening, Sunday, the Baccalaureate Service will be given, with an address by the Reverend Donald B. Aldrich, of the Church of the Ascension in New York City. On Monday the Greek play will be given again for the last time. The Million Dollar Drive Committee considered presenting it on Tuesday after Garden Party, but gave up the idea as impracticable.. From four to six Tuesday afternoon, Gar- den Party, which will be more infor- mal this year than last, will be held pe ITUUVAUUTTUTVUEUULIUUU UAL TAAAAAATUT Famille bourgeoise Francaise agent belle propriété 15 Kilometres de Paris bord Marne Désire jeunes filles pour pension et vacances Tous Sports Ecrire M. Bergerioux 96 Promenade des Anglais La Varenne, St. Hilaire, Seine 1500 francs par mois | Blanchissage compris Graville 13-80 Reference: Mrs. Calvin Tomkins 270 Park Avenue or Tomkins Cove Rockland County, N. Y. FANUAUUTAUUAVUEVOHSOAUAEAAOA UA in Ww iors will give up Senior Steps to the ju de eleven o’clock, Wednesday, June fifth. || Ja (AAI 2 V8 Presideng of Yale’ University, wi mony. Se Dalton Green. i of Advisers. i A. Beard says of the book—“W ell calculated to give young people some badly needed -in- spiration.”—(N, S, F. A.) ° inside of The sen- Wyndham Gardens, or yndham in case of rain. ngors’ Tuesday ‘evening after Gar- n Party. Presentation of degrees will be at | mes Rowland Angell, Ph.D., Litt.D.; GREEN HILL FARMS City Line and Lancaster Ave. Overbrook-Philadelphia a re ll deliver the address at the cere- After Commencement, the 1 nior Luncheon will take place on|\J| A reminder that we would like to | take care of your .parents and || friends, whenever they come to Thirty prizes have been made avail- || | visit ‘you. able by the Association Press for the ||} | : best reviews of “We Are the Build-| |! L. E. METCALF, ers of a New: World,” by Harry H.|\f} Manager. Moore, member of the. NSFA Board ||}. | a wees: . - BRYN MAWR COLLEGE INN TEA ROOM Luncheon 40c - 50c -'75c Dinner 85c - $1.25 Meals a la carte and table d’hote Daily and Sunday 8.30 A. M. to 7.30 P. M. Afternoon Teas BRIDGE, DINNER PARTIES AND TEAS MAY BE ARRANGED MEALS SERVED ON THE TERRACE WHEN WEATHER PERMITS THE PUBLIC IS INVITED Telephone: Bryn Mawr -386 Miss Sarah. Davis, er _— When you come —" back next nee When Christmas Holidays come, you can use the return coupon to travel home again. These‘special school and college rail tickets, with their liberal extended re- turn limits, areimmensely popularwith e The ticket agent in your own fown, or any railroad passenger repre- sentative can give you full details regarding return limits, stop-over privileges, prices, etc, and a great saving to students and teachers. When you're ready to come back next Fall, buy one and save a third of the regular two-way fare. ASSOCIATED EASTERN RAILROADS Qin sewed Copyright 1935, The American Tobacco Company.