o gk COLLEGE NEWS ea ee ae oe A ELAS my om . . further contribution to our “The College News {Founded in 1914.] rrubttebed weekly during the college age 3 in’ the interest of Bryn Mawr College, at the Maguire Building, Wayne Pa.; and Bryn Mawr College. 6 Managing Editor.......J8AN Lote, '26 -_—v NEWS, EDITOR M. Leary, ’27 CENSOR B. Pitney, ’27 ; EDITORS K. ‘Simonps, '27 ASSISTANT EDITORS — M. Smita, '27 3. LINN, '26 R. Rickaby, '27 J. FQSLER, '28 M. Fow ar, ’28 © BUSINESS MANAGER SUBSCRIPTION MANAGER . Lun, '27 RK. Tyson, ’26 * Semanal ASSISTANTS “ BOWMAN, ‘27° WILt, '26 .. McELwaIn, '28 PR 26 . CRUIKSHANK, '27 = fenee 28 Subscription, $2.50 Mailing Paice, $3.00 Subscriptions may begin at any time Entered as