THE COLLEGE 3 Jewelers Silversmiths Stationies yet BANKSEED Ott PHILADELPHIA The Gift Suggestion Book : Illustrating and Pricing Several Hundred Carefully Selected Articles will be mailed upon request JEWELS WATCHES CLOCKS CHINA GLASS and NOVELTIES Appropriate Wedding, Anniwersary and Graduation Gifts, moderately priced SILVER The Quill Book Shop : 16 South 18th Street * Philadelphia “a Books. Ww ‘Prints oe Telephone, Bryn Mawr 867 LUNCHEON cS The =f Hearthstone It is a-double satisfaction to use this slen- der onyx-like compact— the powder is delightful and the case conspicuously Golgate Gom jack Ponder $1.00 each, engraving extra. smart, For sale at your favorite toilet goods counter in white, flesh or rachel; refills at small additional cost. NEW YORK » PARIS . TEA COLGATE & CO, » , 4 25 NO. MERION AVENUE —S BRYN MAWR, PA. a , ICE. CALDWELL & CO. “Chestnut and Juniper Streets - Philadelphia GOLDSMITHS ‘SI LVERSMI THS a JEWELERS College Insignia Class Rings | - Sorority Emblems STAFIONERY WITH SPECIAL M@NOGRAMS, CRESTS and SEALS STRAWBRIDGE _and-CLOTHIER ' SPECIALISTS IN FASHIONABLE APPAREL FOR YOUNG WOMEN ee 1 : MARKET, EIGHTH & FILBERT STS. PHILADELPHIA TELEPHONE CONNECTION CHAS. H. FALLER. ~ LADIES’ HAIRDRESSING PARLORS Permanent Wave (Nestle Method) Marcel Wave “Facial Massage hampooing Scalp. Treatment HAIR GOODS 122 SOUTH 16TH STREET PHILADELPHIA Spring Millinery ~ Furs - Top Coats - Unique Novelties | PHONE 758 : ; — HENRY. .B. WALLACE CATERER AND CONFECTIONER LUNCHEONS AND TEAS BRYN MAWR The Fur and Millinery Shop 1424 WALNUT ST., PHILA. a - Gowns Sport Clothes COMPLIMENTS OF THE Bryn Mawr Theatre Photoplays of Distinction for Discriminating People W. S. HASSINGER, Prop. ¥e KATHARINE, E.” DONOVAN 1528 WALNUT STREET : Phone PHILADELPHIA, PA. Spruce 1880 “Girlish Sic for — Girls” _ JEANNET T'S _ Mawr Wayne Flower Shop Cut Flowers and Plants Fresh Daily Corsage and Floral Baskets Old Fashioped Bouquets a Specialty Potted Plants—Personal supervision on all orders Phone, Bryn Mawr 570 —a » Fi he Shon Fur (oat For The ‘Big Games s You will be correctly dressed—and most comfortable —in a smart Jacquette at the Football Game. Just the right length for real freedom, snugly warm and.decid- edly the Mode this season! : The model above, ot full- furred Raccoon. is featured at - Gunther \ Fifth Avenue at 36° Street. Furriers For More Than a Century — .- 8 Se ener — ae tnd $365 BRINTON BROS. FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES Orders Called For and Delivered LANCASTER AND MERION AVENUES Telephofie 63 BRYN MAWR, PA. BiB WO St co oe 807. Lancaster Ave. Stationery — THE BEST MMADE PRINTE PRINTED $ 200 Single § Single Sheets 100 O Envelopes * WITH ANY NAME AND pokes (Nc ot over three lines) PRINTED in rich blue ink on extra eavy 8: tin finish bond paper (white only) size of woot 6 i-2 x 7. Latest styjg envelope with long pointed EMBOSSED mee ORTEES 100 Double Sheets # 100 Envelopes WITH ANY NAME AND AOORESS (Noto over three lines) Ric ehly EMBOSSED (the letters are vals soc ike plate engravin mE ) 48 Black, Blue or Jade Green Hlue or Koff Vel Sec seity whether PRINTED of EMBOSSED. When ordering B BOSSED stationary state color of paper and _ omibeasiog ge sired. PRINT wore ding ple ainly (imit.three h, Mo de All k. ate Cas! oney Order or Check, packages sen st pa West of Mississ ng »D 4} Riva a id 20 ‘ectta. Satisfi en guar. anteed or mone nde Stationers °%" so Avenue c 263 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK CiTy ‘Ino. ; Pd Programs Bill Heads Tickets Letter Heads Announcements Booklets, etc. JOHN J. McDEVITT, PRINTING 1145 Lancaster Ave. Telephone: Bryn Mawr 823 Night: Bryn Mawr 942 ESTIMATES FURNISHED “* + WILLIAM G. CUFF & CO. Electrical Contractors INSTALLATION, WIRING, REPAIRING 855 Lancaster Ave. Bryn Mawr, Pa. Bryn Mawr, Pa. Tan Norwegian Calf with rubber sole Ten Scotch Grain ; with, leather sole ‘CLAFLIN, 1107 Philadelphia Sport — Oxfords $12.00 + $12.50 Chestnut Street > A pe Abe Ba haha ies SS ies LEAT CIR ene np araag 3 ®