THE COLLEGE NEWS CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION HOLDS ANNUAL:RECEPTION CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 especially in contrast to the boarding school rules which’ so many have just left.. Re- sponsibility for the good name of the Col- lege rests with each individual, and the realization of this will help to preserve it. Elouise Requa, ’24, President of the Undergraduate Association, explained . its activities as the link between Faculty and Students, and as filling the gap left by the other associations. The May Day celebra- tion this year is especially important. It rests with the undergraduates, said .Miss Requa, to make it a great success, and to see the Students’ Building materialize, If next-June you don’t want to be broken in health, and grey before your time, said Elizabeth Howe, '24, President of the Ath- letic Association, you had better take part in athletics, which are so numerous d varied that they indlude everyone in Col- lege. You can’t study all the time, and athletics are a mental relief and a physical necessity. Although it, is not necessary to euter the competitive system, nevertheless we encourage it, because it, gives a sense of ufiity and good sportsmanship. The NéEws drawsvall the College organi- zations together, said Felice Begg, ’24, Managing Editor, and has made impossible the ‘ignorance of College activities—com- mon before it was, started, eight years ago. It®also keeps the Alumnae in touch with the College. Since a great part of its cir- culation is outside College it should be a eue, reflection of student opinion. To at- tain “this elusive goal it needs the interest and co-operation of everyone in College: Miss Cénstance M. K. Applebee, Director of Physical Education, introduced as “a part of every phase of College life,” gave us a glimpse of how American colleges are regarded in England, as a sort*of heaven on earth. It*is one thing, she said, to be- long to an Association, and: another to be fit to belong -to. eatin Dean, ’25, * ° Vanity Fair shows the work of the younger radicals and enthusiasts,— contrasted with ‘conservatives. Plays, verse, essays, drama, reviews. Illustrations copyrighted by Vanity Fair the only department of sensible, well-. bred correct men’s fashions published anywhere. Vanity Fair prides itself on editing. ° Tennis, polo, racing, winter sports at northern resorts; sportsmen’s kits, . celebrated players; in articles, sketches and photographs. & If you like to be in step with the times, not to say . ahead with the band - - - - VANITY FAIR e - then read ‘“‘THE GREATEST SPORTING. GOODS STORE IN THE WORLD.” dbercrombie & Fitch Co- Ezra H. Fitch, President Madison Avenue and 45th Street, New York Will exhibit sport clothes for women and misses, including, suits. coats, hats, boots, shoes and all oie articles of outdoor wearing apparel at COLLEGE INN BRYN MAWR, hoo “WHERE THE BLAZED TRAIL CROSSES THE BOULEVARD" = he ey ey ‘n aoa a Le Pe 3