2 6 THE COLLEGE NEWS * FIRST SUNDAY EVENING CHAPEL "a LED BY MR. RUFUS JONES Speaker Emphasizes Power * » Students to Rebuild World In his sermon in Taylor Hall last Sunday might Professor Rufus Joneg Chairman of the Board of Directors of the College and Professor of Philosophy at Haverford College, pleaded for the sacrificial spirit. The ‘greatest catastrophe of the’ today, he said in brief, is the collapse of faith and hope. America, its sponsibility, is growing mege and more ma- terially minded, although civilization can- not survive materially finless revived spir- itually. The only men and women: who can assume the spiritual task are those who are now college students. But when there --4g selfishness there can~ be no salvation. What we need is the leadershfp of radiant personality, and that is what we find at the headwaters of our faith. Jesus saw the infinite possibilities in. every character, and the Kingdom of-God on earth. To follow in his footsteps, we must love the highest, must feel the impact of Jesus’ life which all through the ages has been changing men, and we must vote world.” of world with re- for = Cc. A. TO HAVE OPEN’ DISCUSSION _GROUPS AND CABINET MEETINGS Kathleen Gallwey, Christian, Association, spoke at’ the Pirst vesper service of the year ‘concerning the plans of the Association for 1923-24. « This year all students at urged to speak at vespers if they have anything they would like to say. Miss Gall- oy College are a spiritual: ’24, president of the: wey especially urges the incoming Fresh- this opportunity. She’ also said that the meetings of the cabinet; which is composed of.all the members of Christian Association Committees, are to be open to all the Col- lege to come and talk as ‘well as listen. An innovation in the Christian tion activity is the opportunity for discus- sion groups which will be held immediately after Sunday night chapel. apd ‘will be led by the speaker of the evening. It is’ hoped that these will grow up gradually of their own accord, in ofder that those who agree:] or disagree with the minister’s statements Associa- may talk over their ideas. Gallwey said ‘that Christian should. strive to give the College not only clear thinking and facts but the spiritual life which is much more important. Association IN PHILADELPHIA Lyric: “Caroline,” with J. Harold Maur- ray and Myrtle Schary. Shubert: “Dancing Girl.” Adelphi: , Louis Mann and George. Si ney in “Give and Take.” ‘ t Garrick: Ina Claire in Truth.”* Next week, “Loyalties,” the original New York.cast.... Last week of “The, Merchant with David Warfield, “Lightnin.” “The Awful with Forrest: of Venice,” Broad: ‘Walnut: “Whispering Wires.” “The Love Child,’* with Beecher and Lee Baker. * Chestnut Street Opera House: “Hunch- back of Notre Dame,” featuring Lon Chaney. “iy, “The White Rose.” Next week, Janet Stanton: | ests in Quality Street "Guests in “Quality Stréet” greet Whitman’s quality group of distinguished candy packages as welcome friends, In any social gathering they give an added sense of sociability. There’s magic in eating together. There’s conversation stimulated whenever the hostess produces the Sampler, Salmagundi, Pleas- ure Island, or any others of the favorites in “The Quality Group.” as Whitman’s a? STEPHEN F. WHITMAN & SON, Inc., Philadelphia, U. S. A. candies are sold Eby men-and graduates to avail themselves of In closing Miss |. Bryn Mawr Massage Shop SHAMPOOING MARCEL WAVING MANICURING FACIAL MASSAGE NOTICE—Tht above, formerly at the Floyd Build- ing, has moved to larger quarters where we hope to be better able (o serve ourpatrons. Opposite Post Office Telephone, 832 Bryn Mfwr ‘|DRUGS Perfumes and Gifts ‘ POWERS & REYNOLDS, 837 Lancaster Ave., Bryn Mawr * Afternoon Tea and Lancheon COTTAGE TEA ROOM Montgomery Ave., Bryn Mawr Everything dainty and delicious Riding Habits | & Breeches FRANCIS B. HALL TAILOR 840 LANCASTER AVE., BRYN MAWR, PA. 3 stores west of Post Office Phone, Bryn Mawr 834 ONE FLIGHT DOWN TO LOW PRICES « FIRST CLASS © ELECTRIC SHOE REPAIRING WORK NEATLY DONE AND GUARANTEED ORDERS DELIVERED N. WEINTRAUB 525 LANCASTER AVE 812 LANCASTER AVE. Haverford Bryn Mawr WILLIAM L. HAYDEN® HOUSEKEEPING. HARDWARE PAINTS LOCKSMITHING Phone B, M. 916 Moderate Prices Mrs. Hattie Moore Gowns and Blouses Elliott Ave. Bryn Mawr 838 LANCASTER AVE. BRYN MAWR PHILIP HARRISON 826 LANCASTER AVENUE Walk Over Shoe Shop Agent for, Gotham Gold Stripe Silk Stockings Attractive Underwear Corsets - Mrs. E. S. Tomlinson — Lancaster Avenue, Devon, Pa. oe Bouquets a dainty little flavor at 1316 CHESTNUT STREET. x Phone Wayne 862 Orders takenin Alumnz Room | ARMENIAN DRESSMAKERS The Fleur de Lis ‘Dressmaking Parlor Reception and Afternoon Gowns Artistically Designed Hand Made and Embgoidered MRS. DORA YACOUBIAN ' MISS S. ZAKARIAN 9 Haws Terrace Ardmore, Pa. BuTTON COVERING BEADING HEMSTITCHING PLEBATING Geeks: a Gifts for -all occasions THE GIFT SHOP 814 Lancaster ‘Ave., Bryn Mawr, Pa. S.A. WILSON COMPANY Imported and Domestic Stationery Gifts—Seasonable Cards | 10 South 18th Street, Philadelphia YE PEACOCK 110° So. 19th St. LURGNOON ©. coro. oc ewes cokes 11.30 to 3 MONEE bk DENG Cer maehaes VENTS 3 to 5 PUNWAPAON 6 gy Cc k c Ceee ks crac (5.30 to 8 Stop in sometime and trySour sandwiches FLOWERS. SERVICE SATISFACTION BAXTER & GREEN, Inc. FLORISTS — 129 S. Sixteenth St., Phila’, Pa. BELL PHONE, SPRUCE 32-62 GUTEKUNST PoRTRAITS Special prices to Bryn Mawr Students 1722 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia Spruce 5961 . ~«*Make our Store your Store”’ MAIN LINE DRUG STORE ARDMORE, PA. Presexiptiod sereferlly mpoun y Registered Pharmacists : Arden rin CLEANING . . DYEING CBAS- SNYDER 829 Lancaster Ave. Phone B. M. 131. _Bryn. Mawr, Pa... ALTERING - » REPAIRING | | Printers Engravers Stationers Spring & Summer Gowns WRAPS AND: SPORT CLOTHES FOR GIRLS AND WOMEN GRACE STEWART | * 113 South 19th Street : a DAINTY ICED SANDWICHES. _ DRINKS College Tea House Open Daily from_1 to 7 EVENING PARTIES BY SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT Fancy Groceries Fruit and Vegetables Wm. T. Mclintyre’s 821 LANCASTER AVENUE BRYN MAWR Charge Accounts Ice Cream Pastry Free Delivery Confectionery THE BRYN MAWR TRUST co. CAPITAL, $250,000 DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS ALLOWS INTEREST ON DEPOSITS 4 SAFE DEPOSIT DEPARTMENT After June Ist Removed to © 139 SOUTH 13th STREET | 15TH STREET Cecile = Millinery 4 141 SOUTH © J. } ! ail