% THE COLLEGE NEWS Phone, B. ‘M. 1079 . MISS M. SHERIDAN 812 MONTGOMERY AVENUE Exclusive Made-to-Order Gowns AT MODERATE PRICES DRUGS CANDY - Perfumes and Gifts POWERS & REYNOLDS 837 Lancaster Ave., Bryn Mawr WILLIAM L. HAYDEN - HOUSEKEEPING HARDWARE PAINTS LOCKSMITHING 838 LANCASTER AVE. BRYN MAWR PHILIP HARRISON 826 LANCASTER AVENUE Walk.Over Shoe Shop Agent for Gotham Gold Stripe Silk Stockings PF TWO GOOD PLACES TO EAT The Roma Cafe- and Your Home FOR RESERVATIONS PHONE B. M. 125 PARTIES CATERED FOR PANDORA'S BOX Linens, Wools, Hand Crafts JUNIOR NEEDS, SPORT ESSENTIALS Gi IN| Riding Habits _& Breeches FRANCIS B. HALL TAILOR 840 LANCASTER AVE., 3 stores west of Post Office BRYN MAWR, PA. Phone, Bryn Mawr 834 ICED DRINKS . DAINTY SANDWICHES College. Tea House Open Daily from 1 to 7 EVENING PARTIES BY SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT -JEANNETT’S Bryn Mawr s Wayne Flower Shop Cut'Flowers and Plants Fresh Daily Corsage and Floral Baskets Old Fashioned Bouquets a Specialty Potted Plants—Personal supervision on all orders 807 Lancaster Ave. Phone, Bryn Mawr 570 Cards and Gifts for all occasions THE GIFT SHOP 814 Lancaster Ave., Bryn Mawr, Pa. LARRAINE MAKES YOUTHFUL DRESSES OF UNUSUAL CHARM TO SUIT YOUR INDIVIDUAL TASTE 223 SOUTH 5ist STREET 2__WEST PHILADELPHIA J. J. Connelly Estate The Main Line Florists 1226 Lancaster Avenue . Rosemont, Pa. Phone, 252 Bryn Mawr — THE BRYN MAWR TRUST CO CAPITAL, $250,000 DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS ggALLOWS INTEREST ON DEPOSITS SAFE DEPOSIT DEPARTMEN oon s Py Bryn Maur 823 Night: ‘Bryn Mawr 942 ESTIMATES FURNISHED e WILLIAM G. CUFF & CO. Electrical Contractors INSTALLATION, WIRING, REPAIRING 855 Lancaster Ave. Telephone, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Bryn Mawr Massage Shop BAMEOQING Oppo Pst Ofc PATiAk GA DsAGE Telephone, 832 Bryn Mawr | aS a ae above, formerly at the Floyd Build- ing, has moved to larger quarters where we hope to oe better able to serve our patrons. Phone, Ardmore 12 GEORGE F. KEMPEN Caterer - 27 W. LANCASTER AVE. ARDMORE, PA. MOORE’S PHARMACIES BRYN MAWR, PA. Drugs © Chanticals Stationeries, Etc. Bouquets a dainty little flavor at 1316 CHESTNUT STREET. —a AT THE HANDCRAFT SHOP , 30 BRYN MAWR AVENUE a Many New Girts ARE Arrivinc’ DaILy . We are now eerving our famous old fashioned : Strawbetry Shortcake ne a Telephone, Bryn Mawr 867 The Hearthstone ‘LUNCHEON TEA _ DINNER PARTIES ; Open Sundays - 25 No, Mesioa Ave. _ Bryn Mawr, Pa. 5. A. WILSON COMPANY Printers Engravers Stationers Imported and Domestic Stationery Gifts—Seasonable Cards "110 South 18th Street, Piledelpia « th TO@GERY SHOP 831 LANCASTER AVE. opposite Post Office Gowns, Hats, Coats, Sweaters, Blouses, Hosiery Sole Agents for. VANITY FAIR SILK UNDERWEAR .® DRESSMAKING AND ALTERATIONS E. M. B. Wise %- nO Phone, Bryn Mawr, 259. J.E. CALDWELL &. CO. Chestnut and Juniper Streets Philadelphia GOLDSMITHS, SILVERSMITHS of JEWELERS _ College Insignia “ Class Rings Sorority Emblems - STATIONERY WITH SPECIAL MONOGRAMS, CRESTS and SEALS Jewelers Silversmiths Stationers yet ae PHILADELPHIA THE GIFT SUGGESTION BOOK Mailed upon request - illustrates and prices Watches,. Clocks, Silver, China; Glass and Novelties The Distinctive. Productions and Importations of this Establishment ETIQUETTE OF WEDDING STATIONERY A Book mailed upon request which describes in detail the correct use of Wedding Stationery dnd Visiting Cards Jewels, PHONE 758 ‘ HENRY B. WALLACE CATERER AND CONFECTIONER LUNCHEONS AND TEAS BRYN MAWR Phone, Bryn Mawr 166 Phone Orders Promptly Delivered WILLIAM GROFF, P. D. ‘ PRESCRIPTIONIST Whitman Chocolates 803 Lancaster Ave. Bryn Mawr, Pa. Fancy Groceries _ Fruit and Vegetables = 4. MeDEVITT Bill Heads Wm. T. Mclntyre’s PR | N T IN ¢ Letter Heads : 821 LANCASTER AVENUE Announcements Free Delivery ware wr Bini A t ee Confectionery” Ice Cream ~ Pastry | 1145 Lancaster Ave. Bryn Mawr, Pa. = ‘‘ Make our Seaas your Store ’’ MAIN LINE DRUG STORE ARDMORE, PA. Prescriptions carefully Compounded by Ph Registered Pharmacists Avdmere 1112 BRINTON BROS. FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES Orders Called For and Delivered LANCASTER AND MERION AVENUES Telephone 63 BRYN MAWR, PA. FLOWERS SERVICE SATISFACTION BAXTER & GREEN, Inc. FLORISTS 129 S. Sixteenth St., Phila., Pa. BELL PHONE, SPRUCE 32-62 Afternoon Tea and Luncheon COTTAGE TEA ROOM | Montgomery Ave., Bryn Mawr . | Everything dainty and delicious Both Monotype and Linotype Composition WINSTON BUILDING The Home of Fine oO QO . We offer the services of our Skilled Labor, Modern Equip- . ment, Large Facilities, At Reasonable Prices ——aeaeaeaeaea—SswOOoana—'™ and Expert Supervision : Write for Prices on Any Kind of Printing THE JOHN'C. WINSTQNCGO. 1006-1016 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA