e ne Sa = & “ 6 © THE COLLEGE NEWS “Sally,” “Be Yourself.” IN PHILADELPHIA spicy Shubert—“Betty. Lee.” Adelphi—“High Stakes.” Lyric—“The Best People.” Chestnut Street—“‘Dixie to Broadway.” ‘Forrest—“Peter Pan.” : Garrick—“No, No, Nanette.” Broad—-‘New Brooms.” Walnut—“The Sap.” Coming: Balieff’s %, & “Chauve Souris,” Movies. ‘ Fox—Betty Compson in “New Lives for Old.” Earle—Priscilla Cairo.” : Stanley—Alice Terry in “Sackcloth and Scare Aldine—“The: Lost World.” Arcadia—“Fhe -Redeeming-Sin.” Stanton—“The Thief of Bagdad.” Dean ‘in e ELECTED TO LANTERN BOARD Jean Fesler, ’28, and Mary Adams, ’28, are the two latest additions to the board of the Lantern, according to an _ an- nouncement made by the board. European Tours For College Men and Wgipen “SUMMER 1925 64 Days $395 adup College credit up to 8 hours if desired For full particulars address NEW YORK UNIVERSITY Tours Division 110 East 42nd Street New York (BEF a - — Valley Ranch ~ = i % gO J D GRACE DODGE ~ HOTEL “WASHINGTON, D.C. College girls select the Grace Dodge Hotel because of its distinction and charm, its delightful environment. cox: venient location and exée}tional facilities for sight-seeing. Excellent restauran« __ Service. Afternoon tea. - Moderate rates. . No tipping. __ Write for illustrated booklet ““A WEEK IN WASHINCTON”’ we a a9 "Ba EG 88 ga “A... Cafe int: CALENDAR Wednesday, March 25. Spring vacation begins at 12.45 A. M. : Wednesday, April 1. Spring vacation ends at-9 A. M. Sunday, April 5. Harriet Hopkinson, ’26, will lead chapel service at 7.30. SEE INDUSTRIAL CONDITIONS AND WIN PRIZE ON THE SIDE Oswald Villard Offers Money to Students Living as Laborers. At.work in a factory, a mine or a farm, a student may glean experiences aplenty worth writing about'and worth publishing. This-isthe_opinion_of Mr, Oswald Villard, editor of the Nation. He has announced three prizes “totaling $225 for articles by students. who have worked for at least two months in some industrial. or agri- cylfural pursuit as regular laborers. r Vanitie mately v loose powden— but it cannot spill EFILL it yourself - when it’s empty. Use the powder you seciae ths loose, fra. grarit powder instead of the hard and coarse powder cake. ‘The Norida Vanitie is a handsome, ony case, with mirror and small uff. The price is $1.50. mes filled with Fleur Sauvage [wildflower} Pou- dre, a fragrant French |. Powder—in the shade you use, : N favor lene powder” ALFRED DE MUSSET ENLISTED FOR’ THE ENDOWMENT FUND day, April 3d and 4th, at the President's House, which Miss Park has most gen- erously lent for the occasion, the Cercle Francais, under the direction of Miss Eunice Morgan Schenck, will give a per- formance of /antazio by Alfred de Musset for the benefit of the Endowment Fund. Laid in Munich in thé eighteenth cen- tury, this comedy suggests the fantasy of a fairy tale in the setting of a Watteau pigture. In a play that includes a prince in dis- guise, a princess rescued at.the last min- temperamental student masquerading as a court fool, Musset has interpreted with infinite delicacy and grace the inter-reac- whimsical and disillusioned youth. Tickets may be purchased for $1.00 in advance at the Publicity office or at the door. The complete cast is as follows: Roi de Baviere .........+ K. Morse, ’26 Prince. de Mantoue ........... T. Perette Marinoni ..6606K eis on O®Saunders, :’25 ep arene im uate po oF E. Nelson, ’27 PANIAGIO bs fac oe ea H. Grayson, ’25 ee Pa ae B. Ling, ’25 PraPtMen: 654i see ce E. Moore, ’28 et ies a am S. Brewster, ’28 ORE CNOE ie i ee es H. Brown, 726 ieee 666. aus J, Sullivan, ’27 La Gouvernante i:....... E. Nelsoh, ’27 Dn Pace 3. aus ans H. Brown, ’S On the evenings of Friday and Satur-| ute from an unhappy marriage, and a tions of an-unsophisticated-girl and-of-a- .T. FUJITA SPEAKS IN VESPERS 9 & — CONTINUED FROM ' PAGE 5 Club,’ want to ask our American friends bwho visit Japan to come and have a cup of fea with us in a real Japanese home. We want to talk to you‘once more over the tea cup. We would liké to take you ourselves to an old Japanese temple. ¥, : ; Please do not forget my project of ‘Over-. seas Club.’ “To understand is to love, and to love we must come closer and still closer. How happy I ‘shall be when we become the citizens of the world and love one another. Then,.and only then, like. Peter, we can say to Jesus: ‘Thou knowest that I love Thee’.” t ASSOCIATION TO DISCUSS _. LEGISLATURE SYSTEM _A meeting of both the Self-Goverment held on Wednesday, April 1, to discuss ithe Legislature system and the sepa- rate graduate Self-Government system. Amendments to the Constitutions. of both associations must be passed if the sys- tem is to be made permanent. SELF-GOVERNMENT ELECTS MEMBERS M. Leaty, '27, has been elected second Junfor member of the Self-Government M. J. CARDAMONE, Ph. G. Prescription Druggist 1040 Lancaster Ave. Bryn Mawr, Pa. SODAS CANDIES es eae Courtisans beets ygere eM. Smith, ,: | Association for next year; E. Duncan, M. Hess, ’28], : : : - Wises kcare Ky Harris, 274 2” third Junior member; V. Hill, ’27, E. Norton, ’27] Secretary, and E. Stewai%, ’28, second Ui Preise S. Brewster,-’28| Sophomore member. DRUGS Phone, Bryn Mawr 975 GIFTS| FLOWERS SERVICE SATISFACTION BAXTER & GREEN, Inc. FLORISTS — 114 South 17th St., Phila., Pa. BELL PHONE, SPRUCE 83-62 e ($162 Cherbourg) ($175 Hamburg) _ m Europe spend Your Vacation ° $155 Round Trip (Southampton) Take your own crowd with you. Special Tourist Third Class Accommodations on the famous “O” steamers, reserved for students, teachers, artists, tourists. Congenial companions, g food, comfortable (airy staterooms, broad promenade decks. Special conducted University Tours with extensive itin- erary at inclusive rates, sailing on “ ORDUNA”—June 27. % O MAIL The Royal Mail Steam Packet - 26 Broadway, New York or Local Agents = Write for Booklet Sailingsfrom NewYork 1°, ORDUNA—May 30, June 27, July 25 | — ORBITA—June 13, July 11, August 8 : | ORCA—June 20, July 18, August 15 | ee “The Comfort Route” ee % and Undergraduate Associations will be ’ t v ‘ a