wd ae TaNCAnes AVE. —_ : 1145 Lancaster Ave. -p° SODA GIFTS = WILLIAM L. HAYDEN Housekeeping =| Locksmithing —— woe ‘Bryn ‘Mawr|_ PHILIP HARRISON 826 LANCASTF? ‘VENUE Walk Over Shoe Shop Agen ior Gotham Gold Stripe. Silk Stockings Wevum Lasst Du Deine Blicke in der Ferne Streiten, Wenn Das Gesuchte Liegt Sonah! -—Heine. No need to go to Philadelphia for a cozy Ladies’ Dining Room. ROMA CAFE American, Italian, French Dishes Open from 7 A, M. to 12 P. M. Programs Bill Heads Tickets Letter Heads “.AAnonBcements ii ooklets, ete. Bryn Mawr, Pa. John J. McDevitt Printing Carde Gis for all occasions THE GIFT SHOP 814 Lancaster Ave. Bryn Mawr, Pa. _AMY’S SHOP "Candies ; Gifts ~ . "Novelties : Cards . 857 LANCASTER AVENUE Tea House Open. oeny | from 1 to 7 _EVENING- PARTIES BY SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT JEANNETI’S Bryn Mawr Flower Shop Cut Flowers ‘and Plants Fresh Daily. Corsage and Floral Baskets Old-Fashionéd Bouquets @ Specialty Potted Plante—Perddnal supervision on all orders | Phone, Bryn Mawr 570 807 Lapeaster Ave. Telephone, Bryn Mawr 453 THE. CHATTERBOX. | A. DELIGHTFUL TEA ROOM : Regular Dinners or Birthday Parties by appointment OPEN FROM 12 TO 7.30 825 LANCASTER AVENUE Bryn Mawr Massage Shop Aimee E. Kendall Hairdressing in all its branches A complete stock of toilet requisites 839 Lancaster Ave. — ne 61o Since 1895 MICHAEL TALONE Ladies’ Tailor Cleaner and Dyer 1123 Lancaster Ave. Bryn Mawr, Pa. Our French cleaning and dyeing department does most excellent work for many students. Call Bryn Mawr auemeeies | The Handcraft ‘i: Decorations, Linens, Rugs - ‘Phone 1058-J ~ Bryn Mawr “Little Nature Frocks,” Toys, etc. ) : 30 Bryn Mawr Avenue | “THE TOGGERY SHOP 831 LANCASTER AVENUE . BARBARA ’LE evens” Miecia atlecy VANITY bye ‘ok - % =“ ae | LK UND Chas. Snyder ote Deyn Maws 181 Fairfield - Phone, Bryn Mawr 494 Av hk eho sh ch a PHONE 758 Two Popular Lines of Outer Garments for Misses é Sold 1 Here Bctugiely in Philadelphia | ue oe # ‘ Wayne, Pa. /~ fy * THE COLLEGE NEWS oS Taleplions, Bera Mawr Sit BRINTON BROS. MOORE’S PHARMACIES The Hearthstone FANCY and STAPLE GROCERIES BRYN MAWR, PA. Haverfor dP harmacy LUNCHEON ” Orders Called for and Delivered P D s + ae ~ _ Laneaster and Merion Aves. Drugs Chemicals rescription Drug Store pen Sun ° North Merion Ave.” . Bryn Mawr, Pa.| Telephone 63 we dal ta Stationeries, etc. | ° Haverford, Pa. . * 4 g ~ = os a 8 " : Afternoon T Saturday Lunch : POWERS & REYNOLDS! panty ICED J. TRONCELLITI ae MODERN DRUG STORE ’ 837 Lancaster Ave. Bryn Mawr SANDWICHES DRINKS Practical Cleaner & Dyer Chatter-On Tea House * ea Goods called for and Delivered 4 835 Morton Road CA o_o emus College 939 Lancaster Ave. : Bryn Mawr | Dinner by. Appointment Bryn Mawr 1185 . SARAH L. THORNBURY “HARPER METHOD” »__ 130 EAST LANCASTER AVENUE | ____—Shampoving-and-Scalp Treatments Cleaners and Dyers De Luxe THE MAIN LINE VALET SHOP Bernard McRory, Proprietot~ 2nd Floor, opposite Post Office, Bryn Mawr : vas Pog By, RK yy Tailers Jer Gent Discount on All School and College Work 1226 Lancaster Avenue Rosemont, Pa, Phone, 252 Bryn Mawr LOWTHORPE SCHOOL A School of Landscape Architecture for Women TWENTY-FOURTH YEAR ; Courses in Landscape Design, ageing Hp ign, Construc- tion, Horticulture and kindred subjects Estate of seventeen acres, gardens, greenhouses 36 Miles from Boston GROTON, MASSACHUSETTS Phone, Bryn Mawr 166 , Phone Orders Promptly Delivered WILLIAM GROFF, P. D. PRESCRIPTIONIST ~- Whitman Chocolates 803 Lancaster Ave. Bryn Mawr. Pa. Table Delicacies ~ Frozen Dainties GEORGE F. KEMPEN CATERER and CONFECTIONER 27 W. Lancaster Ave, Ardmore e— Ardmore 12 f Bryn Mawr 1221 859 Lancaster Ave. Bryn Mawr E. S. McCawley & Co. Books Do you want the latest book? Are you interested in books worth while? We have it or can get it. HAVERFORD AVE. Haverford, Pa. Jewelers se a distinguished pioBes e for any years! Coll ag ‘Station- ery, atches; se for eer Nebaane. Visitors are cordially weloomed. J E.CALDWELL & Co. CHESTNUT AND JUNIPER STREETS c “Manicuring” “Water Waving” Pleating and Hemstitching Telephone: Wayne 827-J Ladies’ Riding Suits to Measure, $40.00 and Up oe Breakfast J. J. CONNELLY ESTATE Luncheons THE MAIN LINE FLORISTS Dinners TELEPHONB, ARDMORE 1946 Haverford Ave. & Station Rd. Drive HAVERFORD STATION, P. R. R. ey BANKSsBiDp) p pil i} Jewelers < Silversmths Sationere PHILADELPHIA THE OFFICIAL pit al COFFE SPOON th th COLLEGE SEAL sagsabtige — COLLEGE. SEAL RING THE GIFT SUGGESTION BOOK Mailed upon request, pret ates many distinctive a 8. Our Newest fest For Misses With its fur bordered front, flared and tied in front, trim, .f tight sleeves \ and the simple, A untrimmed BS, — neckline, it is dashingly youthful.