Promoting the inebri- ation of the great minds of the American Universities (name of victims suppressed at the request of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children). Jones, Frances. Desecration of sacred remains. Kalbach, Dorothy. Handling porno- graphic advertising for a nudist magazine. Knapp, Anne. Jarrett, Olivia. Watering stocks. Landreth, Louise. Blowing up build- ings in order to escape boredom, and mutilation of manuscripts. Laudenberger, Mary. Impersonation of the Virgin. Lee, Marjorie. Driving the populace to excesses by wholesale reform of popular abuses. Levin, Eva Leah. Boring the public with libelous imitations. Little, Myra. Violating the patents of Paris modistes, and using the mails for the transportation of injurious correspondence. Mackenzie, Elizabeth. Monopolization of learning. Marsh, Margaret. Forcing philan- thropy on a jaded world. McCormick, Louise. Earning money in any way, shape or form, without due respect for shape. McIver, Cora. Refusal to fill out any blanks, questionnaires or estimates submitted for the good of the realm. Meehan, Grace. Overconsumption of champagne for the barbaric purpose of saving the bottles. 46 Meneely, Louise. Peddling without a license. Miles, Sarah. Perpetual possession and avid perusal of pornographic literature. Mitchell, Harriet. Revolutionary at- tempts to establish a dictatorship. Mitchell, Marion. Usurping the throne of England and then outrag- ing the sensibilities of the people by making Mickey Mouse Prince Con- sort. Nelson, Haviland. Obtaining under false pretenses floral tributes from the heads of intellectual institutions. Nichols, Mary. Monopolization of public idols.