59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. If you cut back more than twice the fools think you have fallen for them. He’s not very good-looking, but he’s a swell dancer. So that’s the mystery man! Well, after all, Haverford is pretty impossible. Are you hanging around for Garden Party? My Senior would have to ask all of Philadelphia. What were you in May Day? JUNIOR YEAR Oh, why did he shave his beard off, not once but twice? Have you heard about Miss Rob- bins and Dr. Herben? This infantile business is getting to be a racket. I refuse to give up Thanksgiving vacation—I’ve got a date for the Harvard game and I’m going— that’s all there is to it. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. U7 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 25. 26. 27. 28. Who cares when we get out in the summer—Princeton doesn’t graduate ’til the middle of June. He’s Theodore’s greatnephew, I think. I’m not twenty-one until Decem- ber, wouldn’t that burn you up? Well, what makes you so sure he isn’t a Tammany man? That Socialist rally in front of the Lib ought to be worth taking in—remember “Hell in Harlan”? I don’t care who gets elected as long as we get Repeal. Have you seen Gilbertson yet? Fenny says inflation is the only solution. Well, look what it did for the German mark—and they couldn't stop it during the French Revo- lution. If I don’t want to read the News I don’t see why I should have to pay for it. How about the rights of man? It’s the organ of the college and as such should have the support of every undergraduate. If you want a News you have to sup- port it. What’s all this stuff about having to dress for dinner? Never heard of such nonsense— the next thing you know they’ll want us to turn out in evening clothes. “Night and day, why is it so?” Did Kate Hepburn ever gradu- ate? She’s pretty stupid to deny she ever went here—just a publicity stunt. So you Bryn Mawr girls never wash your faces or clean your finger nails? All you have to do is say some- thing nasty about Bryn Mawr and the Philly papers jump on it! You can’t get a cent out of the banks—they’ve shut them up. How am I going to get to Prince- ton? See if Sandy will cash a check for you. This is the end—half the people I know are going to Majorca to live—it’s plenty cheap they say. I think Sackville-West is incon- sequential—imagine combining Virginia Woolf and D. H. Law- rence.