Church, Gabriel. Inciting riot and civil commotion by unaesthetic color combinations. Coleman, Constance. ternity privilege. Abuse of fra- Cooke, Mary. Nocturnal social inter- course through a window. Corliss, Helen. Overpopulating the country with malice aforethought. Cornish, Mimi. Disorderly conduct in Carnegie Hall—Cab Calloway conducting. Coughlin, Lenchen. Habitual vagran- cy in foreign ports. Coxe, Maria. Blasphemy from front row balcony during the production of her first play. Culbertson, Junia. Deliberate over- crowding of embassies during social events—causing extensive loss of life and limbs in the higher circles of society. Daniels, Susan. Encouraging moral laxity, extensive families, and advo- cating communal education for the children thus produced. Dannenbaum, Margaret. Complicity in the demise of Sergei Rachmani- noff (the said demise being brought about by forcing the victim to play piano duets with the defendant). Davis, Emily. Attempting to make Democrats of the Republicans, and encouraging street fighting to make the world safe for democracy. Detwiler, Alva. Grand larceny in re- spect to Ph.D. degree from Bryn Mawr. Duany, Carmen. Brushing teeth in public places, driving nails in park benches, taking illegal pictures, and failure to provide for children. Fain, Elizabeth. Endangering infant and senile mentalities by masque- rading as a sprite. Fouilhoux, Anita. Instigation of po- litical brawling. 45 Fox, Katherine. nomic hoax. Fraser, Sarah. Defacing public mon- uments, illegal removal of public property, and abuse of wool-bearing animals. Gardner, Julia. ment of identity. Gateson, Marianne. Vagrancy on the Haverford College premises. Gill, Helen. Calling up images of the dead. Goldwasser, Betti. Plagiarism of the works of Paul Weiss. Grant, Clara Frances. Betrayal of military secrets unfairly unearthed. Gribbel, Katherine. Monopolizing the lakes of Central Park for the pur- pose of sailing boats after the al- lowed age limit has been passed. Halstead, Susan. Refusal to abide by the issuance of a writ of “quare clausum fregit.” Perpetrating an eco- Deliberate conceal- unloved , er $3 S KER SS ~ -, Hannan, Elizabeth. Promiscuous re- lations with the guards of historical documents in the British museum. Hart, Nancy. Refusal to admit the existence of a power greater than personal opinion. Haskell, Margaret. Use of unethical methods to attain fulfillment of am- bition (hunting the male of the species with firearms). Hirons, Cornelia. Intellectual ob- struction of traffic in scientific cir- cles. Hope, Marian. Assault and battery, and imposing upon those not her physical equals. Hurd, Laura. Encouraging the down- fall of the institution of the home by forming a Home and Happiness Club.