Tuppy’s troubles reached their climax in her senior year, when her joie de vivre threatened to be seri- ously affected, if she could not find a sport which her interest would induce her to pursue with the minimum of inattention. She was still “required”, when she signed up on the dotted line for Sunbaths and Fencing. ‘The for- mer Tuppy passed triumphantly, and took heart of grace. In the latter, she began well by purchasing the full equipment, which she paraded in the Library on lesson-evenings, vindicat- ing to her friends the fashionable Mae West bust. From her introductory les- son, the romance of fencing captivated Tuppy. “It is not a sport,’ said she, “it is am art: life is short and art is long, but if I can become good enough to beat Herolzheimer in the Junior Meet, that is all that matters. Tuppy fortunately lost to Herolzheimer, and continued to attend her lessons until the last week of the year, when she broke off an assaut with Monsieur Fiems precipitantly, on discovering her French unequal to the simple Eng- lish sentiment: The tape of my tights has burst. On Garden Party afternoon, Miss Petts remarked to Tuppy that her rec- ords did not show that she had passed the Freshman Swimming Test. Tuppy promised faithfully to take it next day at nine. On Commencement morning, she remembered she had not gone down to take her test, and a frantic Tuppy fled to Yarrow to rout out Miss Petts and drag her to the Gym. At 10.45, Ttuppy was endeavoring to stop floating and sink for the second time. At 10.55, Tuppy was being dressed by the united efforts of Petts, Brady and the woman in the basement. At eleven, she slipped into the academic procession as it entered Goodhart, with a black cap crowning her lank, streaming hair and the white dress under her gown clinging damply to her body. At precisely twelve o’clock, Tuppy was being called to the plat- form to receive the European Fellow- ship. Her steps made a_ strange squelching sound in the hushed audi- torium. A gasping class observed her pink legs rising out of rubber shoes, as the black, decorous upper part of Tuppy shook hands gravely with Miss Park. 33