THE BOOK OF THE CLASS OF NINETEEN-ELEVEN 149 Example 3. (From the Major Critics notes of a fair writer who shall be nameless.) “Dec. 9.—Burke, by Jove. We are to read the vindication. Dec. 12.— Dec. 14.—This is all very funny indeed. . Jan. 13.—We are discussing a speech which I know nothing about. I am so upset about Jerusalem being in Arabia. Jan. 17.—I inadvertently cut everything on Wednesday. Speak up, Prussie!” These, too, could be protracted ad infinitum. But they are,very good. They have a style of their own, and have the great merit of interesting the reader, and of never holding his attention too long on one point. Like the bee, they flit from flower to flower. Did you ever, round midyears, visit a lot of classes with an eye to finding a cinch course? Here are some fragments from one who did. Example 4. ‘Major French Literature. Roz: ‘Are we expected to know that development of languages?’ Dr. Shinz: ‘I deedn’t thought of that, eet’s a good idea! Marot—his father was a poet and the sec. of Anne de Bretagne, who was wife of somebody —oh yes—Charles VIII and Louis XII—pretty good. Saw his poetical tendency and, oh well.—Francis I’s sisters protegent all the esprits of the siecle—no I can’t take this, it would be wicked to give up Mr. King who is a gift right from Providence and you have to write your exam. in French. Fut imprudent dans les fagons with wh. he expressed his ideas. Fait prisonier and got out again but was imprudent again and was thrown in again. Couldn’t get any appui (prop, stay, support) from the rot. (That is the first word off my list which has been used—funny, they wouldn’t mention a black garden poppy, or to pug or roughwall.) His poems are very difficult to lire. Well I have lost track of his career about here.” The person in question did not take the course. Does anyone still insist that I am wrong in distinguishing between note-taking and note- taking? Because if they do I may have to clinch matters by quoting from my Ethics notes in verse. Be warned in time! Marion StTuRGES ScoTtT.