ll a Nivetrated and Priced mailed upon request BAILEY, BANKS & BIDDLE Co. Rea GOWNS, SUITS, WALNUT 170 C0 ATS, WAISTS, | L. Stone Co. | MODES—INEXPENSIVELY STYLISH and MILLINERY ! THIRTEEN Six WALNUT PHILADELPHIA . Booxs or aut pusuiseens ||5th AVENUE at 46th STREET DAYLIGHT BOOKSHOP NEW YORK 1701 CHESTNUT STREET Philadelphia Ladies’ and Misses’ ~ Hyland Shirts Plain-tailored Shirts, made just like a man’s shirt. Collars attached or detached. Made-to-order. Ready-to-wear. Also Ladies’ Gloves & Silk Hosiery MANN & DILKS 1102 CHESTNUT STREET ESTABLISHED 1840 Trunks, Bags, Suit Cases, Small Leather Goods Hand Bags, Gloves Repairing Geo. B. Bains & Son, Inc. 1028 Chestnut Street Philadelphia Pumps Spring 19] 5 Smarter Than Ever Distinctive creations in both medium and high Louis heels in white, black. and. patente, 6.22 » 8.00 eae | She Harper Shoe Go. TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES Through - THE COLLEGE NEWS FURS ESTABLISHED 1839 MILLINERY 131 So. 13th Street ] Mawson’s Furs mu RICH FURS AND STUNNING MILLINERY Values of furs cannot be conveyed through advertising. Reputation is the first requisite. Mr. Mawson is nol connected directly or indirectly with any other firm using his name. UNUSUAL GIFTS GREETING CARDS DECORATIVE TREATMENTS Phone: Walnut 1329 Footer’s Dye Works 1118 Chestnut Street Philadelphia, Pa. Offer their patrons Superior Service in CLEANING AND DYEING Will Always Be Found at THE GIFT SHOP 814 W. Lancaster Ave., Bryn Mawr, Pa. | Smart New Models in Georgette Crepe S T RA WBRIDGE = CLOTHIER Specialists in FASHIONABLE APPAREL FOR YOUNG WOMEN 1120 CHESTNUT STREET Next Door to Keith’s | MARKET, EIGHTH and FILBERT STS. Seoond Floor | PHILADELPHIA SS Silks de ) Pain ‘TO be well dressed is a pivotal factor in many successful women’s career. You are assured of distinction in weave, unusual designs, distinctive color harmonies and incomparable quality in MALLINSON' Silks de Luxe Pussy Willow Kumsi-Kumsa Dew-Kist Khaki-Kool Roshanara (All Trade Mark Names) = Indestructible Crepe Al all the better stores Voile H. R. MALLINSON & COMPANY, Inc. J “ The Leading Silt House of America “ ‘ Madison Avenue..-31st St. New York ii es PLEASE MENTION “THE COLLEGE =twe"